fucked up

377 19 43

( ok kindly read it! So in the last chapter talk about how jimin is feed up because of his religious parents so ok guys first of all I have no problem with any religion or with Christians God is one and he is great I was telling Jimin's perspective as you might have guests Jimin's parents are controlling him in the name of religion and we are humans and humans don't like to be controlled so his behaviour was natural and God never asked anyone to worship him more over I don't think he will hate LGBTQ people after he made them a mother never hate her childrens no matter how they are, it's us humans who made rules so get one thing I respect God but not the stupid rules made by human in his name if you still want hate me, hate me I don't give a shit)


Yoongi can't help but to shout jimin is unable to say anything he feels his eyelids geting heavier.

Yoongi : hey don't close your eyes keep our eyes open!

Jimin is feeling low because of the heavy blood loose.

Driver : we should take him to the hospital.

The driver said from the driving seat with worry.

Yoongi : no it can be dangerous I know a place where we can take him.

Driver : okay


Nick walk out of the building and went to the car again his therapy session is done so now he is free yeah technically he is supposed to back to the Penthouse but seems like his plans a little different.

Nick : I want to go to ××××× office.

Nick says to the driver as he sits on the back seat.

Driver: you are not allowed to go anywhere without master's permission.

Nick : I will give you extra money.

Nick knows very well how the things works here the driver seems to hastate but still agree nobody hates extra money.

Driver : ok but don't tell him.

Nick : why would I?

Soon the car stoped infront of a huge building but yet a little small to be called as skyscraper.

Nick step out of the car and went inside to the receptionist.

Nick : excuse me.

The girl who was touching up her make up look at Nick.

Girl : yes sir?

Nick : I want to meet Mr.Taemin.

Nick asked by the name since he doesn't seem to know the surname the girl looks at him from head to toe probably wondering if he should be allowed to meet the CEO.

Girl : do you have a appointment sir?

Nick looked at her dumbfounded no he doesn't have an appointment more over he doesn't seem to know that he requires an appointment to meet him.

Nick : he knows me

The girl gives him a forced smile probably feeds up by her job by now.

Girl : sir you need an appointment if you want to meet him.

Nick : he comes for dinner at our house once he knows me very well I live with yoongi.

He explained a little more than he should.

Nick : you can call him and ask if you don't believe me.

He says innocently the girl sigh.

Girl : sir this is not how the things work.

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