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Panting hard, with his cock out and panties covered with his thick white load in his hands, Tristan sat their in the car, staring blankly at the top.

"What was that?"

He takes out his phone and opens up Sam's contact that he had saved.

He clicks on his profile pic to expand  it.

It was a picture taken at a beach, during a sunset.

Sam was smiling brightly in the picture.

Tristan brushed his fingers over the pic...

"Why am I seeing you again and again?"

There was an unexplainable softness to his eyes as he stared at the picture...

Then without even realising...

Tristan brings his phone closer...

And kisses the picture of Sam.

When he realises what he was doing, he just shuts his phone off.

He starts his car to distract himself.

But deep down he knew...

The boy had lifted his curse...

He could no longer see her...

He could eat, sleep and have sex like a normal person again.

He was cured.

Tristan just lets out a short chuckle.

It was almost as if those hellish days never happened.

He felt at ease.

And it was all because of him.

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