Chapter 11: Walking With the Dead

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In the dimly lit alley, shadows danced along the walls as the night enveloped everything in its cold embrace. Each step echoed softly, the sound muffled by the darkness that surrounded them. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves in the distant wind.

Above, the moon peeked through wispy clouds, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the narrow path ahead. It was a hauntingly beautiful sight, yet it carried an undertone of foreboding, as if the night itself held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

The alleyway seemed to stretch endlessly, its walls lined with graffiti and forgotten remnants of urban life. Trash bins sat in the shadows, their contents unseen but hinting at the daily hustle and bustle that once filled these streets.

Occasionally, distant footsteps could be heard, a reminder that they were not alone in this nocturnal journey. Each sound sent a shiver down their spines, a reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness.

Despite the chill in the air, there was a sense of urgency in their steps. The clinic awaited them at the end of this labyrinthine path, a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty. And so they pressed on, navigating the maze of alleyways with determination in their hearts.

“So how long do you plan on hiding?“ Alicia's father remarked, noticing my presence despite my attempts to remain unseen.

“So are you in military or something in the past? Because I know for sure that I hid myself well” I joked to him as I show myself

“You're just not good in hiding yourself, I can hear your footsteps.“ He joked back

“Is that so?“ I know that I was quiet earlier, there's no way he heard my footsteps that easily. This guy might be something I should be cautious with.

“So can you tell me young man, why and what are you doing here in the middle of the night?“ he inquired as we continued walking.

“Would you believe me if I said I'm here for to take a stroll?” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“A mile away from the house? I don't think so” he replied, his tone serious.

I sighed, realizing I couldn't easily deflect his questions. “You already know why I'm here,” I admitted.

“Yes, but what does a young man like you want in a clinic filled with undead?” he pressed, his skepticism evident

“You said it yourself, that this place is empty because the police draw their attention away. Now isn't it weird that the clinic is filled with zombies? That's only because the police go there, for medicines maybe?“ I answered

“And what are you getting at?“ He asked skeptical

“That place might be filled with zombies, but that place is still filled with important things for Healthcare. But that's not the only treasure, it also has tons of guns laying around don't you think?“

“Are you sure you're a young man?“ He joked

“I just adapt fast” I died for a hundred of times, who wouldn't adapt in that situation.

Alicia's father nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging my reasoning. “Adaptability is a valuable trait in these times,” he commented, his gaze scanning the dimly lit alley as we walked. “But be cautious, young man. The undead aren't the only threats out here.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” I replied, grateful for his warning. Despite his initial skepticism, there was a sense of understanding between us now, a mutual recognition of the dangers lurking in the night.

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