Recon Team

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"We've arrived! Welcome to Refugee Camp 041," the pilot announced as the helicopter touched down, revealing a sprawling refugee camp that resembled a small town.

A soldier beside the pilot added, "There are people waiting to assist you and answer any questions you may have."

As we disembarked, a group of individuals in biohazard suits approached us. "Has anyone been bitten?" one of them asked immediately.

"No one's been bitten, but one of us sustained an eye injury," Lana reported promptly.

"Alright, please follow us," one of the personnel instructed, leading us towards a tent. Inside, we were separated by gender and subjected to thorough examinations. Everything, from our weapons to our clothes, was carefully scrutinized and removed for inspection.

Upon entering the tent, we were greeted by medical personnel who conducted an initial assessment. They checked for any visible injuries, signs of infection, or bites.

Before proceeding further, we were directed to a decontamination area. Here, we underwent a decontamination process to ensure that we were free from any external contaminants or pathogens. This involved washing and disinfecting exposed skin and clothing.

After decontamination, we were taken to separate areas based on gender for a detailed medical examination. This involved checking vital signs, conducting physical exams, and evaluating any injuries or health concerns.

While undergoing medical checks, military personnel asked us questions about our recent experiences, possible exposure to zombies or infected individuals, and any symptoms we might be experiencing. This information was documented for record-keeping and future reference.

Our personal belongings, including weapons, equipment, and clothing, underwent thorough disinfection procedures to prevent the spread of contamination.

Once cleared medically and deemed safe to enter the refugee camp, we were issued camp identification badges. These badges were essential for accessing facilities, receiving aid, and maintaining security within the camp.

After completing the medical and documentation process, we received an orientation about camp rules, facilities, and available services. This orientation helped us integrate smoothly into the camp community and understand the protocols for safety and well-being.

Lastly, after all of that we were put in a Quarantine for Observation Individuals who exhibited any signs of infection or injuries that required immediate attention were placed in a separate quarantine area for further observation and treatment that's what they explained

Inside a small classroom on the first floor of the school, tension filled the air as the military personnel insisted on following procedure.

“What? But none of us are infected,” Lana protested adamantly.

“We still need to observe you. Please cooperate; this is for your own good,” the military personnel reiterated.

“I talked to Colonel Ana about this! Let her know that we're here!” Lana insisted, frustration evident in her voice.

“Ma'am, please follow the procedure,” the military personnel insisted once more.

Just then, a commanding male voice cut through the tension, “Let her go.”

“Lieutenant Major, sir!” the soldier exclaimed, quickly saluting.

“Sir,” Lana saluted respectfully, recognizing the authority of the newcomer.

“You're Lieutenant Lana Clark, a police Lieutenant, I've heard about you from Colonel Ana. I heard that you escaped from the city,” the general stated, his name tag identifying him as Anderson, a man in his 40s.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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