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Lisa liked to consider herself open minded but this whole move was far too much for her.

Obviously, she wanted her father to be happy so she kept her feelings about her new family to herself.

Although, it was definitely difficult from the fact that she told her father everything.

Lisa sighed, her head rested against the car window. She watched as all of the huge skyscrapers disappear and been replaced by more fields than she could count.

Lydia on the other hand was thrilled of moving. Like it even infected her; she was going to move out for college in a few months anyways.

Lydia noticed Lisa a lot more quieter than usual and all depressed, like she lost her cat or something.

Lydia gave Lisa's knee a little squeeze.

"You know, Lis. The move isn't gonna be tha-" Lydia was going to finish her sentence but of course Lisa cut her off.

Lisa scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Like you would understand." She muttered.

Lydia rolled her eyes, not bothering to argue back with Lisa. Because everyone knew Lisa ALWAYS wins arguments.

Before the girls knew it, Martin (their dad) pulled into the driveway of their new house.

Lisa was first to get out the car, slamming that door with all her might. She scoffed, looking around at her new neighborhood.

Lydia came out the car by the time Kenny came out the house.

Lisa had already met Kenny at their parent's wedding, she thought of him as alright, didn't have much to say about him.

"Hey Lisa." Kenny greeted her, with a baseball glove in his hand. "How was the drive?" He asked.

Lisa got her bag, putting it over her shoulder. "Hi." Lisa muttered, still in a sour mood from the move. "It was alright." She told him, walking past him.

Lydia got her bag from the truck. "Don't worry about her." Lydia told Kenny, snickering a bit. "She's just mad the humidity ruined her hair." Lydia joked, it partially being true.

Lisa heard her, rolling her eyes. "Shut up!" She whined before storming into the house.

Both Kenny and Lydia cracked up from her reply. "I bet she is." He said, "Is she always this cranky?" Kenny asked, helping Lydia carry her bags.

Lydia nodded, "Yeah, but you'll get used to it over time." She told him as they walked up the driveway.

Kenny chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "Hey, you play baseball?" He asked Lydia.

"No." Lydia giggled. "But Lisa used to, you should ask her. You know, when she's isn't being a pain." Lydia told him, it kind of shocked Kenny that Lisa actually had played baseball.

"Really? I would've guessed she hated sports, no offence but she doesn't look athletic." Kenny told Lydia, as they walked inside the house.

"She does look like she could snap in two." Lydia joked. "But yeah. She does-did play baseball." She told him as she placed her bag on the floor.

"Maybe I'll ask her if she still can." Kenny thought. Although it might not be the best idea due to Lisa's cranky attitude at the moment.

(Sorry this chapter is rushed😭 Lisa is going to meet Benny in the next chapter😝😝)

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