Natsu Dragneel

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Chapter 3

My next class is com- arts and lit. When I get there it's pretty much the same thing as before, loud annoying people, quiet people, and a careless teacher that probably had a hangover from the other night.

Levy invited me to sit by her again and I made my way to a table on the other side of the room. As I was crossing a the room a pink haired boy ran into me from the side knocking me to the ground. When I looked up I saw the guy up close and he was so attractive. He was leaning over me inches from my face.

"Sorry babe, I must've not been looking." He said to me grinning. Oh great so he was a fuckboy. I pushed him off of me and sat up.

"Yeah, you should really watch where you're going creep." I said to him brushing my hair while walking away.
Levy starred at me wide eyed as I sat down. "What's wrong? Who was that guy? What a jerk." I questioned.

"That? That was Natsu Dragneel. The schools quarterback and number one popular boy" she said looking worried. Oh shit. I just called the most popular guy in school a creep. GOODBYE SOCIAL LIFE, GOODBYE BEING POPULAR, GOODBYE ALL MY CHANCES OF EVER BEING COOL. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Wait... I HAVE LEVY YAY!!!

"Wait so what does this mean for me? Am I going to be like bullied forever or get eggs thrown at me or something horrible like that?" I said to Levy leaning my head on the table, quietly sobbing to myself.

"Don't worry if they try to do anything I'll have someone make them pay." She said fist pumping.

"Wait, someone else? Thanks for sticking up for me." I said to her sarcastically, sobbing even harder.

"Well I'm not getting involved in their thing, I'll just send Jet and Droy to make their lives a living hell. They've done it before and it's pretty fun to mess with them." She said giggling.

"Who's Jet and Droy? Are they your personal puppets or something?"

"Well pretty much. They're two of my closest friends that basically do what ever I tell them too but I don't boss them around they just do a lot for me. They're pretty cute when their competing for my liking." She said swiveling back and forth in her chair blushing a little. Awe Levy is so cute. I'm so glad I met her and not some weirdo like Natsu to be friends with.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Levy telling me what to do, where to go, and who was who.
After school I was walking home and I head foot steps behind me. I turn around and see that Natsu guy again. Man, what a creep, following me around.
"Why are you following me?" I turn to confront him. He looks at me confused and grins.
"What a guy can't walk home? This is the way to my house so I'm technically not following you. You just happen to be going the same way. Haha what a stroke of luck." He chuckled. Jeez, could this guy get any creepier?
"Okay whatever perv." I rolled my eyes.
"Ow, that hurts. *sniff* I was only trying to make conversation," He said fake crying. "Hahah I'm totally just messing with you. Why don't we ditch heading home and go get something to eat. I'm starving!!!"
I turned back around and started walking down the busy street again. I could still tell he was behind me but I kept walking. I mean yeah, he was cute and all but his fuckboi rates were off the charts and I didn't want to get involved with any of that.
"Hey don't ignore me! Come on, I know a great place we can go!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me down the street.
"Waaaaaah!! Where are we going!? LET ME GO!! YOURE PROBABLY GOING TO RAPE ME!!" I screamed at him as he dragged me down the street. Damn he was strong, I was doing nothing and he was dragging me like I was on wheelsi. He finally let go of me and I dropped my face into the ground. Great, now I was dirty and my face was messed up.
"Hey, what gives?" I look up and see we're in front of some Mexican restaurant. I stand up and look over the Natsu and he has the biggest smile on his face. I guess he likes Mexican food. "Okay, you're like a complete stranger. Why are we going to a restaurant together? It's kinda creepy." I say to him brushing dirt off my skirt.
"Jeez you make it sound like I'm some pervert who's going to rape you. Calm down I'm not like that I just want to get to know you and I want food so I came here. Don't worry I'll pay for everything, so what do you say? You in?" He extends his hand towards me and I stare at it for a minute. Finally I make up my mind, grab his hand, and walk into the dim restaurant.

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