Chilli Challenge

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Chapter 4

Natsu and I walked to the back of the restaurant and sat down in a red colored booth with chili pepper lights hung around it. The restaurant smelled of chili and cigarette smoke but it smelled good together. I looked around and noticed there were peppers everywhere. Peppers hanging from the wall, pepper lights, and even a mini pepper shaped fountain. I think I've said pepper enough. "What's with all the peppers?" I asked Natsu as he scanned the menu. He looked up at me and laughed.
"They're kind of sacred in this place. The people here are kind of crazy but hey watch this. WAITOR!! CHILI CHALLENGE PLEASE!!" He yelled across the room. At that moment 12 men came to our table and lined up plates of peppers beginning with bell peppers and ending with the hottest pepper in existence, a ghost pepper!
"Natsu, you be carefull, de pepper is very hot you know. It can burn your tongue right off." Said a plump dark haired man with a think accent.
"Don't worry Rafael, I've done this a million times before. Easy as one, two, three." Nastu said before he stuck the peppers one by one in his mouth. When he was about six peppers in he glanced up at me and handed me a jalapeño. I took it from his hand and carefully broke it in half, placing the end in my mouth. Ten seconds later I was gulping ice water and rubbing my mouth.
"Ugh, why did I do that. I hate hot food!" I said gulping more water.
"Gihehe, you're pretty cute when you're dying from a tiny jalapeño," he said shoving more peppers in his mouth. "I love peppers. They're the closest thing to fire that you can eat. And if I can get that sensation it's great." He said moving up to the third most spicy pepper, the rocoto pepper.
"Do you do this every time you come here? How are you not dead!?" I questioned from across the table.
"Yeah, I come here almost every week atleast twice. If you can do the chilli challenge and not get sent to the E.R. you get your meal for free. And I've never failed the challenge so I eat free a lot." Natsu said laughing. I don't understand how his mouth isn't on fire right now but the hotness didn't seem to bother him.

Finally after two more glasses of water for me and two more kinds of peppers for him he was onto the hottest pepper of all, the ghost pepper. Known for literally burning people's skin, sending people to emergency rooms and its high demand, this was crazy bonkers hot and Natsu was going to eat it.

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