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Izumi wasn't sure what he felt. Anger wasn't quite right, and neither was regret, though both came close. It was that type of hot, burning feeling that you felt when someone you cared for was being hurt and you couldn't do anything about it. With that feeling came exhaustion at Leo's predicament and his erratic attitude. Seriously, what was wrong with him? Even with his arm broken, Leo had tried to go back to school and started composing with one hand. Despite all his frustration, Izumi couldn't just leave Leo like that, so he'd dragged him to the hospital and dropped him off and gone back to school. Still, it weighed on him.

Leo took up a lot of time and energy. It seemed like all Izumi ever did nowadays was look out for him and make sure he didn't do anything too stupid.

Agh, I even booked the practice room today. Wasn't cheap either. Not that our unit's fees are huge, but we don't make a lot of money either.

The sound of a gentle sigh caught Izumi's ears, turning his head. He caught sight of a young girl with short hair dyed a light shade of brown. She had expressive violet eyes encircled by black glasses. Her right ear had a silver stud, while her left ear had an additional silver ring. Izumi thought asymmetrical earrings looked a little silly.

"Hey, Four-Eyes! What're you up to over there?" He asked sharply, recognizing the only female idol at Yumenosaki. Arashi Narukami, a member of his own unit: Formerly called Chess, then Othello, and now Backgammon.

"Eh?" Arashi said, looking up in a startled manner, "Don't just sneak up on me like that, Izumi! You're not a cat, okay?"

"You're blocking the gate, you know." Izumi sighed, giving her a critical look. Arashi was capable, he knew that much, but she also had a unique way of ticking you off such that you couldn't stay mad at her for very long. Izumi hated it. But he did like Arashi, even if he'd never admit that. He liked her for her resilience and determination, and for the fact that when it came down to it, she was incredibly dependable.

"Aw, Izumi-chan, I'm not really blocking it. There's all this space to go around me, see?" Izumi crossed his arms, glaring at Arashi.

"It's not so much your position as your general existance, Narukami." He said, "So why don't you stop waiting around here for Akiomi and come do something useful with your unit?" Arashi laughed, adjusting her glasses. The glasses that she didn't really need. The glasses that she'd bought to look more like Akiomi, and which looked terrible on her.

"Eh? I'm hurt, you know! And, why bother? I can barely even remember what unit I'm in anymore...Backgammon, is it?" She tapped her head in that confused way that some people had. "Yep, I remember now. Such a waste though, that rotting unit..."

That hit Izumi hard. His unit, whether it was Chess, Othello, or Backgammon, was not rotting. Okay, maybe it was, but he was going to save it. He couldn't call it Leo's fault, even if it sort of was. Leo kept letting in anyone who wanted to join the unit.

Leo, you don't realize how they use you. Izumi thought, and there was that feeling again. The one for which he didn't have a name. You just see it as giving them a chance to follow their dreams, even when they stomp all over yours. And you take it all with a smile on your face. 

Suddenly, he felt like he might cry. But not in front of Arashi, that wasn't allowed. 

Come on, Izumi. Pick yourself up. Those regretful thoughts full of unfairness still flooded his mind. The injustice of it all. He's just a kid. He has no idea. I have no idea. Why can't I just abandon him to his stupid fantasy if it all annoys me that much?

"Izumi-chan? Are you all right? You kind of spaced out there for a second."
"I've told you not to add a -chan to my name, you four-eyes. And I'm perfectly fine, maybe you should go to an eye clinic if you think you saw something wrong." He huffed, "I'm going to practice now that I've got Leo dropped off. You might as well come contribute to your unit."

Arashi followed him with a combination of interest and a look that said she still didn't see the point.

"You try so hard, Izumi-chan. Working and practicing like this will only cause you problems, you know?"

Oh yes, he knew. It would be so easy for him to drop Backgammon and Leo. So what was keeping him?

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