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Yes, fine looks like "Fine", as in "I'm fine". It is pronounced "Fee-nei", don't ask me why. I have no idea and I pronounced it wrong for literal months

But I also mispronounced "Hiyori" for two weeks straight, so what do I know lol

(Sorry, another long one coming your way. Stay tuned.)

Back in the hospital again. Right after he'd been allowed to leave. Eichi felt a burning, bitter resentment. How had he managed to wind up back here again? It didn't matter. Hopefully, this stay would be shorter than the last. 

He was thankful though, for Tsumugi. His classmate with whom he'd slowly begun to build a gentle friendship, through unspoken words, sometimes conversation, planning, and chess. Most days, Eichi would play against himself, taking turns being the white and black pieces. But with Tsumugi around, he had an opponent- Not a difficult one, but was that the point?

Eichi had no idea, but Tsumugi had dropped by with the original intent of helping Eichi study for an upcoming test, but his notes and books lay discarded on the floor. They'd looked over the notes for a while, until Tsumugi had declared it boring and Eichi had agreed. Now they sat on Eichi's bed on opposite ends of a chessboard, where they often found themselves. They were also discussing a plan of Eichi's.

"Right then, it's decided." Eichi declared as Tsumugi took his pawn with a bishop, "I have a few reservations about it, but let's consider this the conclusion." A small, sly smile played across his face, his ever-gentle eyes narrowing just slightly. "If we don't start moving soon, we'll only invite obstacles to the development of our story...The hand of the clock continues to move. If we don't let go of something when it's in a good position, the train of reality will take off without us."

He shook his head, picturing another boy with glasses in his head. A serious, no-nonsense type of person who seemed prickly, but was actually quite kind on the inside. His partner in the elaborate tale he wove, yet a partner who remained blind to the end goal. "I'll no longer simply gaze from afar at the story unfolding outside the hospital room window. Let us begin, Keito: this tale to be woven by you and I."

As always, the window was open. There was a cool breeze that ruffled his and Tsumugi's hair and swept through the chess pieces. Tsumugi frowned slightly, not quite understanding, but by now used to Eichi going off on a tangent.

"Did you call for me, Eichi?" He inquired, tipping his head.

"No, not exactly. You sure come to visit me a lot. In fact, you might be my most frequent visitor." Eichi realized. He had few visitors- Tsumugi, Leo sometimes, Keito once or twice, but that was about it. He didn't blame them- He hated it here too. "I think you live pretty far away though. Transportation isn't cheap, you know?"

Tsumugi shrugged, as though it couldn't possibly matter. And to him, it didn't. He saw Eichi as a friend, someone worth being with. An interesting person with so many layers of complexity that most wouldn't bother trying to figure him out, but Tsumugi wanted to know him.  

"Ah, but I'm your friend, Eichi! We'll be working in the same unit together from now on, so I just thought maybe I'd visit you as much as I can and get to know you." He was referring to fine, the unit he and Eichi had formed for purposes beyond his knowledge. Maybe Eichi just needed a unit to work with for the upcoming event that he still hadn't revealed to Tsumugi.

Eichi raised an eyebrow, as though contemplating this take. The word 'friend' was still a little new to him. He'd only ever had acquaintances. But he was starting to learn who was a friend and who was not. 

"We're not really some happy friendship club or anything, though... But I'm glad you feel that way, Tsumugi. If possible, let's stay friends for many years." He said, moving his white knight out of reach of Tsumugi's queen. 

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