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It'd all happened so fast. Eichi didn't even have to force anything, but simply created the mechanism for things to fall correctly. In their utmost belief that they'd found the best strategy, the students moved just how he'd predicted they would.

A stupid move. If they'd stayed within the protection of the colossal, mysterious Chess, nobody would have been able to lay a hand on them. They went through the trouble of making themselves easier to deal with.

From such a small impact, the old, worn, enormous circuit of Chess broke into pieces. All that was left was to crush each one of them.

Eichi narrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the stage with contempt in his face. It was all there, painfully etched into his features- his burning belief that he was the only one who could fix Yumenosaki.

"I'll remove every little bit of filth, and wash Yumenosaki Academy clean." He declared, "Of course, this is but a simple skirmish, nothing more than an appetizer."

It was not yet time for fine to make its appearance. That was all right- Eichi could wait a bit longer for his reward. He just had to let Leo and his grandiose dreams clean up the shattered Chess for him, then the real work could begin. Starting with the Five Eccentrics.

"With permission from the teachers, we as the student council are free to make DreamFes plans as we like." Tsumugi added, glancing to Eichi for affirmation. He nodded his assent.

"We can decide which initiatives to take, which strategic cards to play—all based on our own feelings. I ran into Tsukinaga-kun at a convenient time. If he loses and gets crushed halfway in, then that would be that, but..." Eichi trailed off, lost in his own thoughts again. Where was Leo anyway? He was supposed to be here, for Checkmate. It was essential that he show up.

"It seems he really is a genius. Though he's been fighting battle after battle, he wins every one." That was what had been going on behind the steady growth of their unit- of Leo's unit.

Geniuses shouldn't be hidden, Eichi thought, I want his brilliance to be justly recognized. Stepping stones are better tall and enemies strong.

Tsumugi had grown distracted, disconnected from the conversation. He seemed to tire of such things rather quickly, and now he was finally looking towards the stage. The stage where he was about to perform.

Eichi decided to get to his point then, so as not to bore Tsumugi. "And if that isn't the case, my victory won't have as much value when I eventually slay them."

Tsumugi looked appalled, the blue velvet curtain casting his face in shadow. "That's a dirty move." He said harshly, as though Eichi didn't already know, "Just like those of an evil wizard from a fairy tale. You're going to be the protagonist, right? What you're doing is what a villain would do, you know?" He sounded quite annoyed.

Eichi however, had more to say on the topic. If you looked at it differently, even the protagonist could be the dirtiest villain. The ones who write the stories are the victors, and the survivors.

History is written by the winners.

Perhaps he and Tsumugi should continue being the winners.

But was it okay to make Leo do the work of purifying Yumenosaki, his conscience argued? As a result of his continuous Dreamfes victories, his grades and reputation had been rising without limit.

Truly though, Leo had surpassed all expectations Eichi had for him, striving for more every day. When faced with Eichi's great plan though..?

Eventually, he would fall.

Everyone has a breaking point. Eichi just needed to find Leo's.

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