chapter uno

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It was just a normal day for the ✨️I conic trio of zip( she has 2+2=8 on her hair and some tail that looked like she ripped it off of a fucking dinosaur) oliver ( he has an A+on his hair and some horns) aswell as Edward (he to has horns and a tail he also has glasses )

First up was miss bloomies sience class "surely I'm not the only one that wants to skip science right" zip was the first one that spoke that day "I mean like miss bloomie fuckin' sucks ,don't she eddie"

"Hm, oh yeah right with ya there ,he he" it was obvious Edward hadn't been listening and just as he was about to speak oliver pulled out some soap and started munching on it,"bro stop munching on soap,you look like you have rabies mate" Edward said to oliver, violently. It was true tho the soap was foaming up and causing olive oil to look like he had rabies.

"Oh I know! Why don't we just skip?" Oliver asked like an idiot,
"Thats literally what I've been getting at,jackass" zip replied cooly,"also-"she got cut off by a bell ringing to tell everyone to get to class. She didn't care as she continued on" why don't we go see my little brother and miss shasha?"

Miss shasha was the kindergarten and art teacher, she was commonly a favourite teacher among her students as she was extremely good with kids,"what the hell d'you mean by you don't know where my brother is?!" Zip's shouts echoed through entire classroom, she was pissed and she stormed out of that classroom faster than god can god.

Just a quick note I just learned that miss shasha is not the art teacher sooo yeah also this is where I'm gonna end it now. Sorry if it was short btw. Also don't get mad at me but there might be some olice and zipward in later chapters

oliver zip and Edward mess about causing chaos Where stories live. Discover now