chapter too

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As zip ran through the hallways her foot steps got gradually quieter and quieter until the boys couldn't hear her shouts for her younger brother,"Let's go see Alice ❤️❤️❤️" Oliver suggested
"Nah, let's go help my girlfrie- I mean zip find her brother"
"Hah! I knew you two were dating!" Oliver exclaimed. Suddenly zip appeared with her little brother behind her, "Hey you two!"
"Oh hi babe,I was just wondering where you were" Edward said.
"Your only proving my point here,Edward" Oliver said.

As they walked to the kindergarten to return chip to miss shasha. Chip,zip, Edward and Oliver finally got back to miss shasha's classroom "Hey shasha we're done doing your job for you." Zip told miss shasha, spitefully, "That is no way to talk to a teacher young lady!" Miss shasha yelled at zip,"well you got my brother lost!" Zip snaped
The air was filled with children going,"ooooooooooo" and "she gonna be in trouble"
Suddenly miss shasha shouted "get out of my face you three!"
"Gladly" Edward replied "Let's get going before I accidentally kill someone" the three idiots decided to go to Alice's room,"guys I don't think that this is a good idea 😅 "zip spoke "I think I'll just wait out side for you to finish Inside Alice's room,k?"
"I'll wait outside with you then, darling "
"Can you two please not?"
"Oh stfu Oliver nobody cares about you" zip replied cooly. They got to Alice's room finally and Oliver stepped in,"Hey baby "Olivers voice came softly followed by some clapping,"who's gonna open the door?" Zip asked Edward cautiously,"I will"
"They've been clapping for like 5 minutes" they both opened the door to see that Alice was doing a handstand and Oliver was cheering her on for the past 5 minutes. They swiftly closed the door so that Oliver and Alice didn't notice that they were watching, "do have any plans for the weekend, zip?" Edward asked
"No, don't think so, why?what's up?"Zip replied
"Well I was wondering if you'd want to hang out at the park with me. If not that's totally fine." Edward admitted .
"Obvcourse, Edward I'd love to " zip told him.

oliver zip and Edward mess about causing chaos Where stories live. Discover now