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1st period came by quite quickly to the three of them so now it was Time for maths "should we just skip again?" Oliver asked like an absolute idiot
" are you dumb or smt, no ofc we don't skip we have maths with miss circle" zip replied calmly. Oliver, zip and Edward headed off to class where they were greeted by miss circle eating an entire family pack of oreos " hello you three, your here early I can still hear people in the hallway and the bell hasn't ru-" DING DING DING miss circle got interrupted by the bell (seriously I am that unoriginal I keep on making every one get interrupted by a bell)
"Oh what were you saying miss?" Edward asked sarcastically as they took their seats children came rushing in as today they got their test results back

Test results
A's- Oliver, lana, skell
B's- Edward and zip
C's- no one
D's- no one
F's- Ruby

AN F! NO RUBY! HOW ON EARTH DID YOU GET AN F!? you're screwed I ain't gonna use my creators magic to save you.
"Ruby I'm feeling nice and also you were a good student so you have 5 seconds to run" Miss circle told Ruby. Zip threw her two packs of oreos and said to Ruby " give her the oreos and that should calm her down, k?" Ruby had 2 seconds left and darted towards miss circle and gave her the oreos to calm her down and it........ worked! Hooray! Ruby your safe for now

oliver zip and Edward mess about causing chaos Where stories live. Discover now