Chapter 16

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How many times, must I rage at myself for these stupid mistakes?

Of course those Brine hunters were fast, I should've sneakily escaped when I had the chance. Running away laughing like a maniac was a good way to alert them to you being there, as well as allowing them to hear you as you sprinted off.

Yeah, very bad idea.

The two females had immediately spun 'round and shot at me with their arrows, I spotted Fierce arrows in one's collection. I managed to dodge all the freezing ones that both sent at me, but a few flaming ones hit me.

I immediately shut the hell up and teleported, and landed in a warehouse of some sort; which is where you join me now. After the fire stopped burning, I started raging at myself.

"Dammit Silver, you need learn to keep your big mouth shut." I muttered, pacing for a plan on how to get the Nether out of Golden Glacier without the misfits finding me.

I pulled out my spellbook; the one with the dimension hopping spell, and flicked through it. Suddenly glad it had more than just one spell.

"Oh thank-" I started, before I stopped. According to Herobrine, Notch was the bad guy; according to history, Herobrine was the bad guy. I shrugged.

"Let's say Maker, seeing as it let's me be neutral."

I stared at the page I was exclaiming about, it was about wards; it had several ward spells.

"Let's see if I can pull this off." I muttered, most of the spells I had been doing were fairly amateur ; such as teleporting, which Herobrine personally instructed me on. I still suck as it, but I can at least get to my destination without breaking anything.

I read the spell and grinned. "This doesn't seem too hard." I said, staring down at the symbols for wards and alarms.

~ * ~

About ten minutes later, I had set up the wards to keep non-sorcerer folk out, alarms to know if anyone did come in and some more wards to hide the building.

Hopefully they all worked.

I had been planning on bolting, but then I heard the town-wide manhunt. This was going to bring Herobrine to their door 'cause who else could it be other than me?

There was no way I could leave now, unless the anti-teleportation wards going up were a figment of my imagination.

~ * ~  

I shifted my butt, it was going numb on the crate I was sitting on; quite uncomfortable, I can assure you. I glanced around, it was around midnight; and the alarms around the city were still blaring.

Good thing too, they kept me awake; I needed to be ready to move immediately if someone found me.
My head throbbed slightly, as I sat there; ranting at myself for being so stupid, when I heard my wards go off and quiet voices reach me.

They had come around the back, where I had been hiding.

"-haven't seen hide or hair of her, you sure this'll turn up something Torik?" Came a female voice, one of the brine hunters; seeing as Torik was their leader.

"I am Kissana... Yessica! For the love of Notch, stop using your arrows like that."

"Like what?" Came the innocent reply.

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