Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Silver how did you catch two fish at the same time? No minecraftian can do that. Well other than other baccas." I bite my lip wondering how I did it as well. "I don't know Jerome, all I did was follow your instructions to catch a fish and I ended up catching two." I say looking at him while holding two wriggling fish. He looked as if he was going to say more but closed his mouth and took the fish off me, quickly throwing them into a bucket we had brought down. "Okay then, Silver if you keep catching two fish we will have enough in no time," he said catching two more fish and chucking them into the bucket. I shake my head. "I'll leave you to it, I'm going to go see Seto about it, okay?" Jerome nods and I step out of the slow running river and slip on my thongs, enjoying the way the mud squeched against my toes as I wlk to the kitchen, where I saw Seto last.

I reach the kitchen, and see no one. I take a quick guess at where he could be and his so called secret room comes to mind. I quickly run out and down the corridor to the library and walk down the ailes to the main area in the middle, I press a knob on the table and walk through a hidden stairwell up to the room spotting Seto as soon as I came in. "You didn't knock." Is all he says while I sit down on a stool next to him, forgetting to hide the scratches, even though he knew he hadn't seen how large they were. "Yeah I know, why must I always knock?" I ask. "Incase I'm doing a spell that could kill you if it went wrong," he said while turning a page in his book then looking at me. His eyes were quickly drawn to the cuts on my arms and his eyes widened. "Those were not earned through training Silver, where did you get them? Have you been in the forest again?" I nod eyes downcast, Seto was the only one I had told about my dreams of being chased through a forest, he said that I should be carefull about what I dream. "Silver, why didn't you tell me right away?" He asks looking at me. "I thought I could handle it on my own," I say staring at my feet.

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