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Priest: Kim NamJoon, do you agree to accept park Minji as your wife?

Kim Namjoon: yes, I agree.

Priest: Park Minji, do you agree to accept Kim NamJoon as your husband?

Park Minji: yes, I agree.

Priest: all those who participated in this marriage are happily informed that, they will be husband and wife from today.

Everyone who was there: amen...

Priest: the groom can kiss the bride. Minji lowered her head in shyly. So NamJoon slowly raised her head and kissed on her forehead.

Namjoon: I love you ji...

Seeing all this one person could not control his emotions. He was crying happily. That's when his friend came to calm him down.

Min Yunki: Jimin, don't cry.

Jimin: Hyeong, look my little ji has grown.

Jimin slowly slipped into memories of his past.

Park Jimin: Hyeong. where is appa?

A 5 years old Jimin asked his Hyeong. Jihyun hugged Jimin so tightly.

Jihyun: baby appa now sleeping, so dont disturb him.

Jimin: ok.

That poor kid doesn't know that his father is no more. Jimin's mother died giving birth to him. But Jimin's appa, Jihyun Hyeong and Jihyun's girlfriend Lisa raised him without letting him know about his mother lessness.

Lisa and Jihyun got married when Jimin was 10 years old. It was a very happy day for Jimin. He also invited his 3 best friends to join in his happiness.

Jimin's senior Min Yunki, his dance school senior Jung Hoseok and his classmate Kim Yuna.

Jimin was very fond ok children's, thats why Jimin always kept asking his Hyeong and Noona when the baby is coming in this house?

Jihyun and Lisa insisted the arrival of a new member is only after their life is financially stable. Because Jimin was not a brother, a son to them.

After 4 years they come to know that Lisa is pregnant. But Lisa and Jihyun kept the good news from Jimin. They decided to surprise him on his 14 th birthday and but break the good news.

everyone gave gifts for Jimin's birthday. Yunki, Hoseok and Yuna. Jihyun and Lisa gave Jimin a gift at the end.

An ultrasound scan picture inside a small box. Jimin didn't understand what was at first. When he realized what it was, he kept the picture close to his chest and started crying.

Jimin: than.... k.... you..... thank..... much......

Lisa: baby.

She hugged Jimin so tightly.


He pushed her lightly.

Jimin: the baby will suffocate.

Lisa shakes her head and smiled to him.

Lisa: it's not a complete baby yet. It's only the size of a bean so don't worry dear.

Jimin: we have to careful.

Lisa: mmm...ok.

She nodded to him.

Since then Jimin has been very caring and protective over Lisa. Because he is very happy, now on one treat him like a baby. He is going to be an uncle soon.

One while they having dinner

Jimin: Hyeong, I was thinking of doing part time jobs.

Lisa: jobs?

Jimin: yes jobs, Hoseok Hyeong's assistant and a waiter at Yunki Hyeong's father's restaurant.

Jihyun: Jimin why you need jobs. Do you want money more? The money we give you is not enough for your needs?

Jimin: thats not what I mean. The baby is about to come. I also want to buy stuffs for baby, with self- earned money. So please dont say no.

Unknowingly to Jihyun, his eye filled with tears.

Jihyun: when did you grown so mature?

Jimin: because I am no baby anymore. I am going to be an uncle.

Lisa hugged Jimin without pressing her stomach.

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