Ch 6 - Lunch

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*Sorry I haven't updated in a while.. been really busy; working on starting a new story:) well enjoy!**


This whole lunch has been awkward, we've been sitting here silently eating our food, having small talk once in a while.

"So what's the real reason you wanted to have this lunch date with me?" I finally asked.

"I - uh. I just realized how rude I was being to you and I wanted to show you that I was sorry by buying you lunch," she replied.

"That's it?" I pressed. "There's no other reason?" There was a long pause as she debated telling me something or not.

"Well, there is something that's been on my mind," she finally blurted.

I raised my eyebrows looking up from my plate.

"I have this idea. Jake really needs some money to go back to college and pay his parents back."

"And..?" I asked sharply. "You're not asking Dad for the money are you?"

"No of course not," she said defensively. "I just.."

"Spill it," I said sharply as I set down my chicken sandwhich.

"Okay here it goes. Kyle's party is coming up and before that is my birthday," she blurted. "Our big meeting with Usher is the day after my birthday and at the meeting I was hoping to get Usher alone. I want to ask him if Justin is free for Kyle's party. I want them to come."

"Justin who?" I asked. "Bieber?" Krista nodded her head in response. "What the hell does he have to do with you getting money." I paused, " and you hate him, why on Earth would you invite him to Kyle's party?"

"Kayt shut up. You're being loud," she said as she looked around the restaraunt. "I don't hate him, I just don't love him like you. Anyway, that's not the point; the point is, he is an attractive, and wealthy man. And I want him to fall in love with me, so I can get his money for Jake. I know this sounds bad, but trust me I wont hurt him."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. He will never fall for you, plus what does Jake have to say about this? He's just gonna let you date someone else?"

"Kayt, it's not like I actually like him, it will be pretend, and we won't do anything.. sexual."

"Trust me, you'll fall for him, and when you do, it will be hard," I said rudely as I got up and put a tip on the table. I couldn't sit there any longer listening to her desgusting idea. What a slut. I walked to the car and waited for Krista to come out and unlock it. I watched as she walked down the sidewalk, hand's swinging her keys. She unlocked her green Saturn for me without saying a word. The rest of the car ride was complete silence, she looked over every once in a while, but I didn't show any attention to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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