chapter 2- february 12, 2013

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**Notice the date change.. its going back a few months. Enjoy!:)**

***P.s. sorry this chapter is boring:o but what are you gonna do?:)**

Ch. 2- February 12, 2013

My alarm clock violently rang bolting me out of bed. I was dreading for this day to come, it couldn't have come any sooner. It seems like its been forever, but not a year. Wow, a year. A year since my mother died. I quickly tried to forget about it as I went downstairs, I didn't want my dad to see me like this.

Heading down the stairs I could smell bacon and eggs. I turned the corner to our very large kitchen and to my surprise my dad was making it. Usually it was our maid, Claire, who did all of the cooking in our house.

"Good morning Kayt," my dad said with a large smile on his face. He seemed way to happy knowing what today was; maybe he was trying to keep himself together that way my sister and I didnt fall apart. We had a big business meeting coming up and I'm sure he wants us all focussed on that. My father owned multiple large businesses and co-owned a wide variety of companies, which is why we live in practically a mansion.

"Good morning dad," I replied back taking a seat at our granite island. Our kitchen was probably the size of a "normal" sized home's main floor. It was way more than we needed, considering it was down to the 4 of us. My bratty sister, Krista, who is turning 19 in a few days, myself, my brother Kyle, who just recently turned 23, and my father Henry. I still don't understand why our parents named us all with names starting with a "K" but I guess it's supposed to be a tradition now.. not that it will ever happen.

My dad quickly called down for Krista and Kyle, as our eggs were almost done. They were scrambled.. Krista's favorite along with extra crispy bacon.. also Krista's favorite. She always got what she wanted. I heard footsteps coming down the long hallway, knowing it was Krista as it was followed with an attempt to sing, "Good Morning Baltimore." She honestly cannot sing to save her life, but of course in high school she got all of the leads... only because our father payed the school for it. If only she knew...

"Hiya daddy!" My thoughts were interrupted as Krista sucked up to our father.

"Hi sweaty," he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Oooh my favorite!" She practically sang. She sat down two chairs away from me as she poured herself some orange juice.

"Can you pour me some too?" I asked, my voice still a little quite as I wasn't fully awake yet.

"Suuuure," she said rolling her eyes.

"Where is your brother? His food is getting cold." My father asked about to go look for him.

"I'll go get him!" I quickly said, knowing Kyle was probably taking his time trying to hide something. I quickly go  up and turned the hall way to go up the stairs. I heard the front door open... Probably Kyle trying to sneak in from a party last night. Not on my watch. I stealthily poked my head around the corner to see the front door. To my surprise it wasn't my brother coming in, it was some trashy girl doing the walk of shame out of our house as my brother said, "Yeah, I'll totally call you, don't worry." He closed the door and locked it. As he turned around he seemed very surprised to see me smirking back at him.

"And what's this ones name?" I questioned him.

"Uhh-hh, Rachel.. I think.. or was it Chloe?" His face turning red as I caught him in the act.

"Come on," I said laughing, "your breakfast is getting cold." I quickly turned around heading back to the kitchen. I felt a strong had grab my wrist, I slapped at Kyle's hand as I knew he was joking around. I looked up and his dark brown eyes were staring straight into mine. I gulped knowing we've had some rough fights in the past.

"Don't tell dad, and I'll let you stay here for my party next month," he whispered through his teeth. I gulped nodding my head in agreement. "Now act happy," he finally said as he started walking towards the kitchen.

"Found him!" I yelled into the kitchen not wanting to return.

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