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I run into school, five minutes late. One shoe is untied, and one of my jacket sleeves fell down.

I quickly open my locker and grab the needed books, and rush through the door of my class. I can't be late on my first day. But, this is the first day of the last year at this school. Then off to college.

"Mrs. Rent, your late. Care to explain?" Mr. Trotter, my history teacher, stands up. His rolling chair moves back a bit when he stands up. All eyes are on me.

"W-Well, uh, you see I slept in. As simple as that. And my dearest apologies for being late, it won't happen again," I say. He nods, and directs me to the only open seat in the room.

I quietly sit down and place my books on my desk. I scan the room, looking for any familiar faces.

Of course all of them look familiar; but I wouldn't call any of them my friends. My friend, Grace, had to move from Minnesota to Nevada due to her dad's job. I miss her a whole bunch, but I shouldn't. We talk everyday.

I have to admit I am somewhat popular. Everyone knows me, but I don't have that sassy squad like popular people usually have. My closest friend now, is probably Shawn. But we're not even close.

Mr. Trotter does his usual run through of his class, like every teacher does on the first day of school. But we're all seniors, so we already know what's happening.

There's one face that I don't know. He has blonde hair, and a very attractive and toned face. God, he's gorgeous. I must know his name. He's probably new! That's probably why Mr. Trotter is explaining this!

He doesn't seem nervous. In fact, he seems happy. I mean, I'm happy, actually I'm tired right now since I stayed up until 2:00 a.m. this morning, but aside from that I'm happy.

Dear God, I hope he's as nice as he seems. I hope his personality is as gorgeous as his face.

In no time, all of my classes are finished except for lunch.

I grab my tray full of disgusting food, and search for the boy. I hope we have the same lunch, otherwise I have no idea what I'll do.

My lucky day! We have the same lunch. I see him sitting alone at a table, so I go up and sit across from him.

"Hello," I smile, "I'm Mackenzie. I saw you in history, but I've never seen you here. Are you new?"

He nods, "Yeah, I'm Matt. I moved here from Virginia."

God, his voice is deep. I bounce my knee up and down with anticipation.

"So tell me about yourself," I take a bite of my salad.

"Okay, well, I'm Matt. I'm 17, and my favorite color is blue. I love to read, and my favorite book is the Harry Potter series. I make YouTube videos, and I'm quite popular if I do say so myself."

"Is that why almost every girl is drooling over you?" I furrow my eyebrows. He laughs a bit, "Sure, I guess," he says.

After lunch are some more boring classes. To my surprise, Matt and I have quite a lot of classes together. I hope Matt and I become friends, and I hope we get close.

I brush shoulders with someone. I curse under my breathe and bite my lip, trying not to cry. Every time someone touches my shoulders, memories start rolling in. Him. His face. Everything about him is terrifying. He hit me and cut me only on my shoulders. If you look at them, you can perfectly see a whole bunch of scars. Some of them still sting when you touch them. He also raped me. You're probably wondering who it was that did this. It was Carter Reynolds. He used to go to our school, and we dated. I loved him, but he used me. He was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and he was just insane. He had no self control, and did whatever he wanted to. Oh Carter, how I'm happy you're gone. Wherever you are; I'm glad you're gone. But to my disappointment, you left your mark and you'll always be sitting on my shoulders. Just like how there are supposed to be a devil and an angel, there are two Devils with your face plastered on both of them.

After school, I walk to the park that's about five minutes away from my house. So many memories are held here. With Shawn and Grace. Shawn and I didn't talk today, I didn't even see him at school. But I know if something goes wrong he'll text me.

I sit down on the swings, just starring at my feet.

But I look up and I see Matt, sitting at a picnic table, alone, with a book in his hand. I get up from my swing and walk over to him.

"Hey," I sit across from him.

"Hi," he puts his book down.

"What're you reading?" I furrow my eyebrows and lift up the cover.

"I'm reading the Harry Potter series over again. Just starting now."

I nod, "you seem cool," I blurt out.

I look up with wide eyes, he looks up at me at the same time and giggles.

"Thanks. You do, too," he smiles.

We talk for a bit about random stuff. We exchange numbers, and I look calm, but inside I'm screaming. I look at the time and notice it's 6:03 p.m.

"I'm sorry! I was supposed to be home three minutes ago. I'll text you later, bye Matt," I say and stand up. I put my phone in my pocket and start running to my house.

As I'm running, I can't get a smile off of my face. Matt seems so sweet, and he's so hot, how could I not have a smile plastered on my face?

Oh Matt, please don't write on my shoulders. And oh me, please don't let some silly boy write on your shoulders again.

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