Chapter 3;

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"So this is my room," Matt opens the door. I slowly walk in, and rest my book bag on the floor. Maid walls are painted a blue-ish
grey-ish color. Very plain.

His queen sized bed is in the corner of his room and his sheets are white. He has a desk with books and papers scattered everywhere.

"Sorry, it's a mess," he rushes over to his desk and piles everything on top of each other.

"No, it's fine. Where are your parents?" I slowly take off my jacket. It's hot in this damned room.

"At work. They're both doctors, so they work late."

I nod and take a seat on the corner of his bed.

"You have a really, really nice house."

He laughs, "thanks."

He takes a seat next to me.

"Do you want to film a video with me?" He suddenly asks.

"For YouTube?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah! I have to film one, and we could film a Q&A?"

I nod, "Sure. How many subscribers do you have?"

"A couple million."

"Seriously?! I thought you'd only have like 50."

He laughs, "nope. Still up for the video?"

"I'll help film it, but I don't really want to be in it. I'll read off the questions, and you answer them. I'll be behind the camera."

"Okay, sounds good," he says and stands up.

He sets up the camera on a tripod in the middle of the room, and these massive lights that look like umbrellas are set behind it.

He starts off the video, "hey guys! So I tweeted you guys asking for some questions using some random hashtag I forget, so here we go with another Q&A. And also I have my lovely friend, Mackenzie, here joining me today," he says and moves his hand in a waving motion signaling me to come over.

I walk in front of the camera, next to him, and smile and say hi.

I walk off and read the first question, "Will you see this question?" I laugh at this stupid tweet.

"No," he responds.

"Are you taken?" I read the tweet. I suddenly look up at him, interested in this tweet.

"Nope, but I do have my eye on someone," he says and winks at me. He's kidding. He has to be kidding. But I will admit; I freaked out inside when he winked at me.

We soon finish the questions, and I ended up answering a few. But I wonder who he's looking at.

He puts away his camera and the lights, while I'm sat on his bed, scrolling through Instagram on my phone.

"Are you taken?" Matt asks me and breaks the silence.

"Nope, but I do have my eye on someone," I say and wink at him, mocking him.

He smiles and laughs at the ground, blushing.

"Who are you looking at?" Matt suddenly asks.

I hesitate for a second, "a person," I simple reply. I was not in the mood to admit my small, but still existent, feelings for Matt.

"Specifically, who?" He asks again.

"You'll find out soon enough. I noticed other girls staring at him, too, so it shouldn't be that difficult," I shrug, "who are you looking at?" I ask.

He smiles, looks down at the ground, shakes his head slightly while laughing, and then look up at me.

"Nobody," he smiles. His cheeks are slightly red.

I nod, not convinced.

I look at the time, "shit! It's 6:12, I have to get home," I shoot up and grab my book bag and run to the front door.

"I'll text you!" Matt shouts from his bedroom door.

I look back and smile. I wave goodbye and start running home. Oh dear Jesus, what is this boy doing to me. It's been two days. Two damn days.

I can't like a boy in just two days. It's just his facial features. They're gorgeous. He's gorgeous. His personality is great, too, but I can't say much about his behavior or personality, since I've only known him for two days.

I run home and make it to my house by 6:23.

"Where were you?" Is the first question I hear when I walk through the door.

"Oh, mom, I'm so sorry. I made a new friend. His name is Matt and I was hanging out with him. My apologies," I say and shrug my book bag off.

My brother comes stomping down the stairs. A look of disappointment spread across his face.

"Nathan!" I say and hug him. I haven't seen him all day. He's 14, and my best friend. I love him to death. And it's not that sort of forced love like "oh I have to love him because he's my brother" it's not like that. We're just really close. He tells me all of his girl problems, which I feel very worthy when he does.

"Hey," he says blankly.

"What's wrong?" I pull away.

"Jessica basically turned me down today," he groans, "four years. Four damn years I've loved this girl and she turns me down? I don't get it."

I nod, "I'm sorry, bud. But hey look! I bet you she likes some douche who wears his hats backwards and his pants low."

He laughs, "yeah."

"Let's go eat some dinner," I say and drag him to the dinning table.

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