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No one's Pov.
It had been days since Beomgyu was sent out to find food, risking everything in the hostile world beyond their shelter. After what felt like an eternity, he returned safely, his arms weighed down with supplies, but the joy of his return was overshadowed by the grim reality of their dwindling resources. The remaining food barely filled a bag-just enough for five people, if they rationed carefully. Everyone knew the food had to be shared, but the tension in the air was palpable, like a wire stretched too thin, ready to snap.

Sunghoon, however, had other ideas. Selfishness gnawed at him like a parasite, twisting his thoughts, making him see his friends not as companions, but as rivals, competitors for the last scraps of survival. He watched the others carefully, waiting for the right moment to take what he wanted-without consequence, without guilt. He was good at pretending, masking the hunger that drove him to darker places in his mind. All he needed was an opportunity, the perfect chance to make his move.

Late that night, when the others had settled into their uneasy sleep, Sunghoon's moment came. The faint moonlight crept through the cracks in the boarded-up windows as he slipped out of his room, silent as a shadow. His pulse quickened, but his movements were precise. He made his way to the abandoned lobby, a desolate place that once bustled with life but now echoed with the emptiness of forgotten memories. This was where they had hidden the remaining food, hoping it would go unnoticed by any unwelcome visitors.

Sunghoon's heart raced as he crouched beside the stash. His hands shook slightly as he began stuffing his backpack with the cans and packages of noodles. A twisted smile tugged at the corners of his mouth-this was survival. This was how he would outlast the others. But just as he was about to leave, he heard footsteps.

Panic surged through him. Someone was coming.

Without hesitation, Sunghoon ducked behind a crumbling pillar, his breath shallow as he watched. It was Heeseung. His tall figure moved quietly through the dim light, his face expressionless, almost ghostly. Sunghoon's heart pounded in his chest, but a sly grin spread across his lips as he pulled out his phone. This was perfect-he could frame Heeseung for stealing the food, paint him as the villain. Slowly, deliberately, he began recording, catching Heeseung as he approached the food stash.

Heeseung paused near the hidden supplies, but instead of touching anything, he turned toward the small kitchen nearby. Sunghoon cursed under his breath. Heeseung was just going to get some water. His plan was crumbling, but not entirely. With a calculated flick, Sunghoon stopped the recording just before Heeseung walked out of sight. He had enough footage to twist the truth.

Satisfied with his work, Sunghoon crept back upstairs, careful not to make a sound. As he neared the hallway, he saw Beomgyu coming out of the bathroom, his face weary, unaware of the treachery brewing nearby. Sunghoon's eyes gleamed with malice. Beomgyu's exhaustion made him an easy target-a scapegoat.

Once Beomgyu was out of sight, Sunghoon entered the room he shared with the others. The air was thick with the smell of damp wood and mold. Quietly, methodically, he hid the stolen food beneath the old cabinet in the corner of the room. Eight packages of noodles, a few cans-it was enough to keep him fed for days, maybe weeks. He smiled in the dark, imagining the others' confusion, their arguments, their growing suspicion of each other. Sunghoon would sit back, innocent on the surface, watching the cracks in their fragile group widen into chasms.

As he lay in his bed, the sound of Beomgyu returning echoed faintly down the hallway. Sunghoon closed his eyes, but sleep didn't come. Instead, he listened to the sounds of the night-the creaking walls, the distant wind howling through broken windows, and the soft, steady breathing of his roommates.

A strange, creeping dread settled over him, but he pushed it away. There was no room for fear, no room for doubt. He had done what needed to be done. Soon, they would turn on each other. And when they did, Sunghoon would be the one left standing, with a full belly and a cunning grin.

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