day 7

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i wake up and i look at the time "Shit it's 12:30pm" i say as i run to the living room where Yeonjun was sleeping soundly, i grab a pillow near me and throw it at him "Yah wake up do you even have an outfit Yeonjun?" i yell "Yeah yeah i have a suit" Yeonjun says in a sleepy tone "Then get up and get ready" i say, then i go and change in my room and Yeonjun changes in my dad's office

"You done Crystal" Yeonjun whines and then i make my grand entry with a beautiful red dress with black tights, red heels and a beautiful mask also one of my favorite masks "You...You look" Yeonjun stutters "Bad? ugly? good?" i say "As beautiful as the first time i saw you" Yeonjun says, i start blushing "But i feel a little cold because of the arms" i say holding my arms together "Then wear a jacket, you'll still look pretty" he says so i get a jacket then we leave "Wait wait let me take a picture for memory and take off the jacket for the picture" my mom says "Okay Eomma" i say then my mom tells Yeonjun to get closer to me, honestly i felt a little happy on the inside "Let's go now" i say

we get into my dad's old car which he gave to me, well because i was really attached to the car as it was my family's car since i was a baby also my dad's first car so he told me that i can have it when i'm older so that's what happened. "My belt isn't working is yours working?" i ask Yeonjun who was in the passenger seat "Mines is working, wait let me help you" he says as he leans onto me and our faces just inches away "There... you...go" he says then an awkward silence happens in the car "You don't have to call me Crystal only fans call me that" i say "What?" he says "You can call me Aria or Ari" i say

"We're here" i say excitingly because one of my old friends who i lost contact with would be there "Wait" Yeonjun says as he takes of my mask "You aren't going to this party as Crystal, you're going to this party as Aria and you look better without it" he says then i take off my jacket "Why'd you take off your jacket" Yeonjun asks "I'm not a kid anymore i should be strong the cold is nothing and if i'm gonna be a K-pop idol then this is gonna be an everyday thing so i should get used to it" i say then Yeonjun nods but with a worried face

"What's your names and do you have a reservation" the receptionist asks "Aria Aslam and he's my guest Choi Yeonjun and we're here for the reunion party" i say "Ok right this way" the receptionist says 

"Aria no way that's you, you look gorgeous" my friend says "You look as innocent as the first time i saw you" i say "I'm a teacher now, by the way can i add you on whatsapp i've been wanting to chat with you for a long time" she says "Sure" i reply "Can you go get a drink for me and you" i tell Yeonjun so that he doesn't third wheel "Okay" he replies "Looks like you still like K-pop" someone says from the back "Looks like someone still shops at shein because she's broke" i reply "Dang not only are you an idol but you're also a roaster" my friend says "Nice meeting you too" i say she was my ex best friend who accused me of calling her sister bad things which i didn't and she stole almost all my friends in my class and turned them against me to torture me thankfully my dad got a promotion and we moved to Abu Dhabi "I didn't want to say much sorry if i did" i say in my cold tone, then someone comes and covers my shoulders with his blazer and when i look up i see Yeonjun "Yeonjun-ssi what are you doing here?" i say, i thought i asked him to get us drinks "Jagiya i was worried about you so i hurried with the drinks" he says "Call me yeonjun -hyung or just hyung thats what the members call me" he whispers into my ear "Cute boyfriend you got" my ex bestfriend says "As hyunjin's shirt said hotter than your ex better than your next" i speak up as i drink the drink Yeonjun got me, and then she spills her wine on me "oops" she then says "You really need lasic surgery and-" Yeonjun's sentence gets cutted off by me "Stop cameras will be out if we make a scene" i say "He's here fighting for you and all you care is what people will think" she says "I don't deserve her but she chooses me over any man who would've treated her right" Yeonjun says the grasps my hand harder than i've ever grabbed his and takes me to towards the exit "Wait, wait hurts" i say in a drunk voice and pointing at my ankle i'm guessing yeonjun unknowingly brought me wine thinking it was grape juice and i don't blame him i would've done the same, he looks at me as if he's mad at me for something "What should i do, carry you?" he shouts in a angry tone.

 "Andwae i didn't mean it" he says as i leave him alone as i'm running 

"Wae, waeshima, why did i come to this reunion" i say to myself "Are you okay" i hear a voice say "mianhae i was just mad at myself because i wasn't able to protect you" Yeonjun says as he aids my twisted ankle "It hurts" i say still sniffling after crying "Not as much as it hurts me to see you like this" he say then he carries me to the car and we leave 

We come back home and yeonjun tells me to change and so i do, then he helps me into my bed but as he's leaving my side i stop him "Stop i don't to be alone" i say still drunk "Ok, don't worry i won't leave your side" he says and softly smiles 

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