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(Author's Note: Hello! I was able to write the first chapter! Yay! Once again I will say that any and all feedback is welcome as well as requests! I still am not quite sure how this story will end, but I have the beginning plot in my head planned out. Hopefully, I can work on this more and be able to post another chapter soon! I predict one for maybe this week, but again, I am very unsure and I start another semester of school this week! The trimesters are very different for this college. For now, I wish you all the best! I hope you guys like my first chapter on my first fanfiction!) 

The night was dark and the air crisp with subtle wind. The streets were mainly empty in this part of town, only with the occasional pedestrian willing to risk being out so late. The stars were barely able to be seen with the waning moon shining bright onto the rooftops throughout the city. A flash of clothes blinked into view on the roof of a small shop. The mysterious person launched themselves from each building, running at full speed. Their footsteps were barely audible despite wearing hefty black combat boots. Their semi-loose sweatpants and dark green hoodie whipped in the wind as they launched across a gap. Grabbing onto the ledge, they lifted themselves onto the roof and wasted no time, taking off at top speed once again. It was almost pure magic that their hoodie was able to stay on their head with all the movement. Their face was half-hidden by a metal mask clamped to their jaw. The only part of their face that is visible is their eyes, vibrant purple eyes that could be seen darting around searching for the best handholds and ways to get to their destination. Slowing down after reaching a specific rooftop, they started to crouch down to make themselves smaller while approaching the far edge. Fingerless gloved hands reached around their body grasping onto a Bo staff firmly, bringing it to their side with confidence. With immense caution, the mysterious person looks far into the next building's windows. An abandoned warehouse with windows along the top could be housing just about anything. But what this person got a glimpse of, was something no one should witness.

!!! Disturbing imagery, implied topics of human trafficking

Just barely in sight were cages of women and children. They were in varying levels of dirt and fear. Some clutching another who happened to be in the same cage as them while others were curled in on themselves. The person could not see if they had any injuries, but the frustration was clear in their eyes but lacked shock. This person had witnessed at least something similar to this before, which only increased the mystery. Just who was this person?

Their eyes dart to an open window close to where they are sitting on the neighboring roof. Passing by their field of vision was a tall male with no obvious features that stood out, just a normal man walking. But this man was far from normal. Reaching the cages, he slams his fist against one of them with his mouth moving. Muffled yelling could be heard by the person on the roof, but no words could be deciphered. Their gaze turned almost malicious looking at this man as the man pulled a phone out of his back pocket and had a conversation even more out of earshot than the yelling. Gripping their Bo staff harder, they straightened just enough to shuffle towards the doorway of the building they stood on. Rather than opening the door, they propped themselves against the wall, facing parallel to the warehouse, the windows still in sight. Getting semi-comfortable, this person ensures the women and children are always in their sightline as well as the door to the warehouse. Sitting, just watching the happenings through the windows, with their eyes darting quickly from one thing to another.

Time seemed to pass by slowly with the person's eyes or ears always on what was occurring within the abandoned building. The man had gone from talking on the phone to disappearing into an office at the far end of the building, away from the entrance. He had not come back out, leaving the prisoners to their crying and our mystery person with nothing to watch. While seemingly waiting for something to happen, this person props their Bo staff against the wall and reaches underneath their hoodie to pull out a knife from a strap on their chest. The other hand dives into their pants pocket to pull out some type of square rock. After gathering these objects, they proceed to sharpen their dull blade on the rock. Using this to occupy their time due to the minimal noise it makes, they only stop periodically to observe the sharpness of the knife and glance back through the windows. Seemingly doing this for half an hour, their movements stop abruptly to whip their head in the direction of the door to the warehouse. The person quickly puts away their entertainment and flings themselves into a crouched position once again. The door had been pulled open to welcome another male as they waved a large white van into the building. Backing only a couple of yards from the entrance and parking, a couple more males exit the front of the vehicle while the one in the office finally makes an appearance. Welcoming them almost warmly, the men break out into conversation as one opens the back of the van to let out 3 more. These three were different, being that they were heavily armed and not hiding that fact. On the roof, the unknown person narrows their eyes as if assessing the situation and calculating the odds. As the men produce a suitcase, showing off the money inside, they straighten out and grab onto the Bo staff propped on the wall. Taking a deep breath while approaching the open window, their fingers grip onto the staff and tap on their pants in anticipation. They proceed to jump on their toes, breathing deep through their nose and out their mouth. Suddenly going still, they back up a few steps and then break into a sprint. Jumping straight through the open window head first and rolling perfectly into a fighting position between the men and the cages. Only due to the flash of movement do the men realize that their cover has been blown. Their eyes go wide as the ones with obvious guns, raise their weapons, and the others reach into their pants to produce their hidden ones.

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