Chapter 2

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(Author's Note: Hello again! It's been a minute since I worked on this story! I had writer's block something severe. Hence why I created a new story! If you wanna check it out, it already contains a chapter on MHA! It's basically going to be a bunch of oneshots that my brain won't let go of until I have it typed out. this will hopefully help with my writer's block and keeping me motivated on my random stories! 

I have a lot of writing motivation today, so I may end up posting more, but I am not sure.  I am basically winging it and I have no knowledge of where this is going or when I can post more. But hey! This is fun! Might as well make the most of it! 

Anyway, I hope you readers enjoy this chapter! I will hopefully be posting something again soon, but I can never predict when. Check out my other new story! I was actually quite proud of the newest Deku story I posted on there! 

Before I ramble more, Enjoy!) 

My luck seemed to have run out a long time ago. Not only was my father home where he could deny me any semblance of sleep, but I also happened to get stabbed here on my patrol for the tonight. My left hip was throbbing as I finally reached a secluded rooftop. Looking around, I deemed this as a perfect place to tend to my wound that was currently gushing blood. Reaching the edge where it was lined with a ledge tall enough to lean against, I throw myself against it, wincing in pain. I take a second to breathe for a moment before I reach around my waist to unhook my medical bag. I huff in frustration as I finally free the bag and pull it in front of me. With shaky hands, I search through my bag for some gauze and a needle for my stitches. I pause suddenly, taking notice that I am not alone, that I may not have been alone from the beginning. I glance up to see a figure on the other side of the roof behind some of the exhaust pipes. I narrow my eyes at the figure while setting my bag aside. Reaching underneath my hoodie, making my injury hit the cold air, I hold back a wince as I grasp onto my knife and go to get into a standing position.

"Wait!" The figure jumps out into the open, with their hands in front of them, halting my movements. "I am not here to harm you or take you in...Please, I just want to help."

The figure comes into the lights of the city where I can finally make out some who this person is. Before I stand fully up, I realize who this figure is but I do not loosen my stance or my grip on my knife. Eraserhead finally comes fully into view after crossing half the rooftop still with his hands in front of him to show surrender.

"I just want to make sure you are okay...I see that you are injured...I want to help." Eraser takes a few more steps forward, which I do not take lightly. I go to get more into a standing position to be able to run if need be, causing Eraser to panic.

"Stop moving so much! If it is me that is throwing you off, I will back off so you can tend to your injuries. I will stay away and watch to make sure you are fine afterward, then I will let you go. I swear it...I just want to make sure you are safe." Eraser takes a few steps backward then sits crossing his legs, keeping his hands visible to me at all times.

I was extremely confused as to what was happening. Normally this man is hunting me down without remorse, what is different now? I groan as a particularly harsh wave of pain washes across my injury. Without any choice, my back hits the ledge and I slide back to the ground. I watch as Eraser winces in pity for my state. I am normally tolerant of my injuries, but stab and gunshot wounds seem to never get any easier. After a second of ensuring that Eraserhead was not going anywhere, I lifted my medical pouch again and gathered the supplies to get to work on my injury. I did not want to tend to my wound in front of him, but I had no choice, I would bleed out if I tried to run.

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