Chapter 1

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She was falling, the wind caresses her. It's cold, but there is warmth in them. She felt calm even though her body is about to crash on the ground. The moon too pitied her, for her story to end on such tragic finish. But isn't it only natural for our body to go back to the soil? Whether or not she is ready, the gravity can't be turned back. And her body hits the ground, and that's the last thing she remembers.

Red. The sun streaming, burning even through her eyelids. She slowly opens her eyes, then lift her fingers, surprised she can still use them. Slowly she moves her hand, her slim fingers blocking the sun to her eyes. Her whole-body hurts, she lay on the soil for a while before moving her arms and legs. It's exactly the feeling like her whole bones are shattered, but the weird thing is; right now, it's still intact. She has to get moving, even though she doesn't know where to. She slowly sits up, slowly observing her surroundings. The tall building beside her, it's big and grand. It should be a church, the opened window on the highest floor must be where she falls from. It hurts, but she fights the feeling and got on to her feet. Slowly she walks on the lane, hoping to find just a single person. 20 minutes passed and not a single creature can be seen. She sat down, feeling tired and in need of rest when she heard footsteps and chatter. She doesn't have the energy to yell, so she waited until the women passed by her. One of the women noticed her and audibly gasped at the sights of her, making the two other women to turned around and follows the first women eyes.

"What is a young child like you doing alone and sick? Where are your parents?" one of the women ask, genuinely concerned. She doesn't understand, she opens her mouth and let out a very feint voice. "I don't have parents." She had just realized, she knows nothing of herself, nothing of the place she is in, her memory only started when she was falling. It felt like she lost a very big part of herself, her identity, her body, her feelings and her memories, just like a puzzle scattered around everywhere. And now she only had two puzzle pieces holding together. "Oh lord! Let's get her something to drink first."

Two of the women were holding her up, assisting her walking, while one of the women franticly running on the front leading the way. They walk for another 20 minutes until they got to an inn, It's not big nor small. Even though it looked a little shabby, surprisingly the inn is packed with people. Once they got in, they sat her down while the first women ran in what might be a kitchen. After a couple of minutes, the women came in running whilst holding a tray, the tray shakes violently, almost spilling the content. Then she puts down a cold water and a bowl of warm soup. The first woman is the wife of this inn's owner, Mrs. Amy Price. She works there too, assisting her husband. While the two others are her friend, one is a widower, and one husband runaway with a whore he met on a brothel. Mrs. Daisy Gilbert and Mrs. Abigail Hudson. All of them are seated on a table, watching the strange girl they just met, slowly lifting up her spoon and slurping the soup.

"Tell us girl, what is your name? Don't tell me, you also didn't remember it." The girl thinks for a while, and the three women held their breath. They released a sigh when the girl shook her head. Mrs. Gilbert lean forward then with great frustration and curiosity asked. "Then please do tell us anything you know. Anything at all." The girl brings the glass to her lips and drink it all in one go, after she finished, only she answered. "I only remember falling, and it hurts. I walk for a while and then the three of you passed by me and bring me here." The three women were listening in close, but is disappointed for lack the of information. "Girl, don't tell me you have a memory loss because of a fall!" Mrs. Price open her eyes widely. But the girl once again shook her head. The three women find it unbelievable at first, for the girl didn't have any injuries nor a single scratch. If she did fall from somewhere, she at least would have a small cut. But for the lack of anything, they decided to believe her story. "Amy, shouldn't you offer the young girl a shower first?" Mrs. Hudson, who haven't spoken anything at all asked. In response "Right, right. Abi always know what we need to do first." Said Mrs. Price, she then turns to the girl "Girl, you are covered in dirt. It would be better for you to take a shower and not dirty my inn." The gentle Mrs. Hudson once again spoke "Hush Amy, she is just a girl." Again, she turns to the girl. "What Mrs. Price meant is to take care of yourself better, us women have to take care of ourselves." Mrs. Hudson gently smile, while holding the girl's shoulder. While the other women are making jokes and remarks of Mrs. Hudson runaway husband. The girl isn't fond of how they talk to her, or how they talked to each other as if she didn't understand their meaning and how they treated her as a clueless child. After the little quarrel they have for themselves, Mrs. Price turns to the girl again. "Girl, go to the shower-" after a little thinking she then continues. "I can't keep calling you girl." The three women discuss it for themselves again, as if it's not her name. Why can't she choose it for herself? (Even if she didn't remember her real name, but what difference would it make.) "Lily." "We will call you Lily. Your name is Lily" The girl nodded, it's simple but it's not a bad name. But once she entered the shower, did she think Lily as a bad name for her. On the mirror, she can see her reflection. A thin, pale, 12-year-old girl with clothes that didn't fit her figure. Strange, even if she had lost all her memories, she didn't remember herself to be so young. She had long straight jet-black hair, and a light brown eye almost to an orange. She looked gloomy, not at all a pure white Lily.

Even though a bit stern, Lily knows that the three women are kind enough to be concerned for her and take her to their inn, to be fed and bathed. But right now, she has nothing she can use to pay her debt and kept getting indebted to them. Once she finished her shower, she slides on her dirt-covered clothes and walk out. The three women is nowhere in her sights, there's just guests, two servants running around the inn and the cashier standing alone on the counter. One of the waitresses noticed Lily standing still in the corner and offer her a seat in one of the tables. "Hello Lily. Mrs. Price just told me about you. They just went out to shop for things" The girl is silent, so the waitress continues. "don't worry, they will be back in a minute. My name is Alana by the way!" Alana smiles while giving out her hand, expecting a handshake. Lily slowly lifts her hand and hold Alana's hand. Alana has this very bright smiles, and a beautiful light brown hair, how Lily wished herself to glow like Alana. Lily sat there observing the inn for more than two hours, when the women finally get back. Mrs. Hudson had already gone home, so only Mrs. Price and Mrs. Gilbert returned, instead a boy about Alana age came inside with them. It was Julius Price, Mrs. Price youngest son. Julius show curiosity in the girl he just saw for the first time. Like any other person Lily had already met, he sat down in front of Lily and started talking to her. Julius has an almond-colored hair, and green eyes, his skin tanned, probably from working outside.

"I heard your story from mom, if you need anything just come to me, okay?" Julius did something Lily didn't expect for him to do. Julius smiles while pinching Lily's cheek, she didn't expect him to do so and her face is now flushed rosy pink. Alana saw this and slapped away his hand. "that's not very polite of you! How can you treat a young lady like that?" Julius just laughs at Alana's remark. "It's not like you to start talking about lady-like etiquettes." Replied Julius, still cackling. They continue to quarrel whilst Mrs. Gilbert too went to her own place, while Mrs. Price being busy with her work. Lily didn't know what to do, she feel so empty just sitting around doing nothing. But slowly the chattering, and clattering fades, as she got deep into her sleep.

It's already night when she wakes up from her nap. It's quieter now and less busy. Julius noticed her waking up. "My mom has decided that you can stay with us for the time being. Come on, let me take you to your room." Lily just nodded and got to her feet. She feels a little drowsy, so she rests her hand on the table corner for a while. Julius noticed this and he offered his hand, Lily takes his hand. Julius started to lead the way and go downstairs towards the basement. Lily assumed the guests to live upstairs while Mrs. Price own family live downstairs. The stairs are a little narrow, and the stairs are creaking. Lily hesitates a little, but Julius reassures her with pressing Lily's hand gently. They got to the door, and when Julius opened the door, Lily can see two single sizes bed on each wall. A messy desks and closet "you are to share the bedroom with my sisters. But don't worry, the two of them are out of town, so you will have the room for yourself!" Lily nodded and sat down on the bed, while Julius sat down on the floor near the stacks of clothes looking for something. He is frustrated while digging the wardrobe, but when he found what he was looking for, his face turned bright again. He then turned to Lily and hands her a clean night gown that suited her. "Here change to this, at least Reia won't be mad if she knows someone borrowed this one." Looks like it's his sister old clothes that is hardly ever worn again, she probably has grown out of that gown. Lily took it from Julius hands, so Julius was about to leave. "Wait!" Julius turned back. But Lily hardly knows what to say, she wanted to show her gratitude. "Where are you going?" once again Julius smiles and replied "To my room, just next to this one. I have my own room." "Thank you." Was what Lily said, Julius nodded telling her that it wasn't a big deal. They said good night and both trying to rest. But really, Lily can't seem to fall asleep for she just took a nap. So instead, she went to the small window and watched the moon as it shines brightly. And when the sun came up, she finally was able to rest. 

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