Chapter 3

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The sun directly shines at her eyes, Lily is forced to wake up. It was comfortable and warm; she even has blanket to cover her. As long as Lily remembers, she falls asleep on the floor. She actually wonders who moved her onto the bed, are the two sisters okay with her sleeping on their bed? Allie and Reia must have already woken up, because the room is empty. Lily went out and noticed all of them are already seated on the dining table. She walks up there and sit next to Allie and across from Julius. They exchanged good mornings and eats breakfast as usual. "Do you have a good sleep, Lily?" Ask Julius. "Yeah...I was wondering where should I sleep from now on since Allie and Reia is back." Reia and Allie shoot each other a glance. "Didn't you sleep there yesterday, Lily?" Replied Julius rising his eyebrows wondering. "Well..." Lily doesn't know how to say it, she feels like an outsider, sleeping on their beds, eating their meals, so she always tries her best not to trouble them. Lily understands that Reia and Allie are most probably disturbed by her presence, but at this state Lily can't even help herself. She doesn't even know who she is, until she finds just a little of her memories or strength, she will make sure to repay her debt and be more dependent. "We don't mind Lily! can sleep on my bed as of now. Reia is sharing her bed with me." Allie shoots another glance at Reia, but Reia shook her head. Lily continues eating her breakfast, and then Julius gives Lily his extra bacon. Lily smiles and thank him, it's had become Julius habit to spoil Lily. Back then Julius had always hoped for a younger sibling so he could be an older brother. But since Mrs. Price hasn't had any children since Julius, the dream of being an older brother fades over time. But now since Lily is here, he spoiled her and treat her like how Reia treats him. Even though sometimes their opinions don't align, they are always close. Reia might look tough, but she has a loving heart, even just a few people know of that. The history of The Price is a story for another day. After Julius give his extra bacon to Lily, Allie also saw that, she stabs her sausage with a fork and put it on Lily's plate. To be honest, Lily doesn't know what to think of Allie. Even though the words Allie and Reia said yesterday is very logical, but it still hurts Lily's feeling. So, she just nodded and thank Allie, while Allie brush it off and said it's nothing. Julius think that Allie is mocking him, so they quarrel again. In Lily's head, she doesn't know what to think of Allie, just yesterday Allie asked her mother to send Lily away. Mrs. Price that's watching them seemed happy, despite their dispute yesterday. She feels like her family is finally together again after separating for 2 months and she is happy, even if they had a little addition.

For the afternoon, they had planned to go to Mrs. Cooper and bring her cake, since she had shared a pie with them yesterday. It's also because Allie and Reia wanted to visit Deliah after a long time not visiting her. Mrs. Price told Lily to tag along, to get to know Deliah and also for Lily to spend more time with Allie and Reia. Mrs. Price was hoping that they would get close and Reia would like her. Maybe Reia could also understand her feelings more then. For Lily, she felt nervous for being alone with the two sisters she had just met, that clearly isn't comfortable with her around too. Much to her concern, Julius also can't tag along because he can't leave work. And also, because Julius think she should be fine with his two sisters, he also still has a feeling that Reia will grow to like Lily, he isn't worried about Allie. Allie is always easy going, but she always listens to Reia, there's not much to do about that.

Lily follows Allie, and Reia from behind them. Allie is holding onto Reia's arm, while the other of her arm is carrying a basket covered with cloth, as to not let the dust get to the cake Mrs. Price had just bake. It's the first time Lily had gotten out after staying with the Price family. The air is of course different from the always warm inn, it's also refreshing for her. It's just that she noticed her limbs isn't doing well, just a couple of steps and she's exhausted. She never really walked a far mile while in the inn, it's just always around the inn, which is quite big but not as far and wide as the road outside of it. Mrs. Cooper house is quite far away from the hustle and bustle from the city, they have to cross to a forest to get to it. Which makes Lily wonder just how Mrs. Cooper can visit them and went home alone in such old age. The weather today is quite windy too, Mrs. Price had already prepared all of their outerwear too. Reia and Allie wore the outerwear they got from the capital, because Lily doesn't have her own, she got Allie old outerwear. It's still pretty, just a little outdated and just a little big for Lily. It's colored marron, somehow compliments Lily better than Allie who had long brunette hair. They passed by Alana's house, and her mother greeted both Allie and Reia while showing a confused look on Lily. They also passed by many stores and stalls, which Lily had glanced curiously. Some looked like it might have been the stall Julius stop at to buy Lily's afternoon snacks. Lily wonders too, maybe if she had the chance, she would ask Julius to join her to take a walk to the market together, maybe shop for some snacks and other interesting objects. Once Lily realized she had been looking at the stall too long, she started looking for Allie and Reia. Lily did a little run towards the direction they have been going, and thankfully she saw the familiar outerwear. It doesn't seem like Allie and Reia even noticed, since they just walk together normally without stopping or looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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