Chapter 2

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It was almost noon when Lily woke up, the small window covered with curtains, it's dark. Julius and Mrs. Price are most likely busying themselves with their own work. Lily learned that aside from helping around at the inn, Julius also works at a blacksmith place helping around there and earned a couple coins. When she got to the dining area, she saw the three women discussing among themselves. "I don't know for how long we can keep that girl here." Is what Mrs. Price said. "Should we hand the girl to the authority? They knew what to do with her better." Replied Mrs. Gilbert. "That makes sense, but I don't trust the authority after what happened to that poor girl Deliah." Mrs. Price sound a little concerned. "We can keep the girl, if what you are concerned about is your husband, you can send Lily to me when he came back." After Mrs. Hudson finished her sentence, relief can be seen in both of the women face. By now, Lily had already joined their table. They exchange good mornings and Alana served Lily with Carrot juice and eggs sandwich.

The day flew by quickly, Lily would rather help run errands than sit while doing nothing for another 24 hours. The two women went back to their houses and Julius came home in the afternoon. Julius dash through the door and the bell on the door rings, Alana was sweeping the floor, so she makes fuss about how Julius boots are dirty. Lily was with Mrs. Price washing some vegetable, when Julius came in. Julius seemed so happy that day, he picks up Lily and spun her around on the air. Lily smiles, and she laughs, it felt strange. "Julius, stop being mischievous. Lily would be dizzy if you spun her around like that." Julius listened and put Lily on the floor, he reaches his pocket to pick out a paper wrapper and give it to Lily. Lily's face is still red from being spun around and she's still laughing. She took the wrapper and opened it, it's a hard candy. Julius tells her to put it in her mouth, for some reason Lily didn't seem to mind being treated as a child by Julius. In her head, she hates candy, it's too sweet for her taste. But when Julius asked, she lied and say it was delicious. But Julius caught her lie, and he just laugh, while Mrs. Price shakes her head and continue to wash the vegetables. "Lily, did you know that your face says it all?" Lily's face is often stoic Then not long after, they had dinner and Alana also joined them on their warm dinner. Alana talks about a rude customer, Julius talks about the rare things he saw at the market, Mrs. Price talks about how Lily accidentally bought a coriander instead of lettuce, they laughed, and Lily listened. Now it's night again and everything is quiet again, Mrs. Price entered Lily temporary bedroom and give Lily a stack of Reia's and Allie's old clothes. "Thank you, Mrs. Price." Mrs. Price just smiled and left the room. Lily is tired, so it didn't take long until she falls asleep.

7 days passed, and it's still their new routine. Julius buying her some various snacks from the market and he would guess if Lily like it or not. It was a beef jerky two days ago, a pudding yesterday (which Mrs. Price lectured Julius about because she can make it if Julius had asked and not spend the money on it.), then it was caramel apple yesterday, it got Lily curious what Julius would bring today. The bell rings, an old woman came in which Alana welcomed warmly. "Mrs. Cooper, welcome! What brings you here? It's been such a long time since you visited!" The old woman had a basket on her right arms, covered with a cloth. "I made the pie for Deliah, but she said she would like to share it with the Price and Alana." The old women hand the basket to Alana, she took it and put it on the kitchen table. Mrs. Price also joins them and lead Mrs. Cooper to the private living room downstairs. Just walk straight from the stairs and you will find the living room. Julius room is on the left, of the stairs, Reia and Allie room is a bit further but also to the left of the stairs, next to Julius room. And Mrs. Price room is to the right of the stairs. They talk about their daily life, about how they found Lily and a girl named Deliah. Lily feels like an outsider, so she offers to make tea. She goes up to the kitchen and makes three cups of tea and head back down. She placed the tea cup one by one and left the room. She goes back upstairs again, helping the other waitress if needed and wait for Julius to comes home.

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