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- Jennie's Pov -

People have always told me that the worst part of love isn't the heartbreak or even the sadness that follows, but rather watching them walk away. Because by that point, you know it's too late. You know there's no saving what you once had...

Well, I'm here to tell those people they're wrong, very wrong.

The worst part of love or even just liking someone isn't the fallout. No, it's something much more infuriating. The worst part of liking someone is watching them be stolen from you.

Granted, Jisoo isn't mine to steal, but in my head she is. In my mind no one else should even be allowed to look at her that way, much less dance with her like she's your life support and you need her to fuck you so you don't die.

Because that's exactly what fucking happened last night at that club. Black Label. I know I can't be talking, I mean I basically made out with Chahee right in front of her.

But it was so hard not to when she looked at me that way, like she could kill Chahee right there.

It was impossible not to imagine Chahee's lips were Jisoo's. Every glance, every time she clenched her jaw, it triggered something in me that I've never felt before. And fuck, I want to feel it again.

But that bitch, Irene, had to go ruin it. I mean, come on, she basically threw herself at Jisoo.

Why am I shit talking this woman? If anything, I should be shit talking myself. I sit there and whine about how badly I want Jisoo and yet I do nothing about it, not to mention everything I've been doing with Chahee...

I'm terrible. Absolutely. Terrible.

And to top that all off, she went home with Irene. I don't even want to know what happened between them, because something tells me I'm not going to like the answer.

So now I'm at home, alone, spending my Saturday bored out of my mind. Jisoo has to work on the weekends which is kind of crazy to me, only one off day?

Fuck. That.

The front door opens unexpectedly causing me to sit up startled. When Lisa walks through the door I roll my eyes with disappointment. I don't know why I thought it would be Jisoo walking through the door...

"Wow, nice seeing you too." She says in a playfully offended tone.

"Sorry, I just thought you were someone else." I lay back down on the couch staring up at the ceiling. Lisa makes her way into the living room with me and sits right above my head.

"Aww, is someone a little love sick?" She brushes my messy hair out of my eyes as she says that.

"No, I'm just bored, okay?"

She stops messing with my hair and just stares at me with all knowing eyes.

"Mhmm." She says.

I look up at her and sigh. I seriously can't lie to this woman.
"It's just... I can't stop thinking about her... but, I don't know..."

"You don't know?" She ask.

"I don't think she would feel the same way about me, you know? I mean, I'm sick, and she's my doctor." I explain realizing she probably doesn't feel the same way about me.

"Wait, who are we talking about? I thought you said Chahee was a personal trainer?" She sounds very confused when she says that, causing me to sit up and face her.

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