Chapter 5

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"Ms. Castro, what is this mess!"

Inside a famous cafe by the school, a waitress is currently being scolded. Everybody looked on, trying to peek inside the kitchen, but could unfortunately only make out a man and a girl bowing in front of him.

Outside, a few unsatisfied customers are trying to get in and talk to the manager, and it's all because of this girl.

That girl, is Jean.

She replied sheepishly, hands clamped together, "I'm really sorry, chef. I'll take responsibility – "

The chef cuts her off shouting, "How can you take responsibility! At this point the cafe will suffer bad rating because of you! Hmph!"

Jean Castro got demoted to a dishwasher.

Reaching the back of the kitchen, Jean let out a relieved sigh. Phew. She really thought she was gonna get fired there and then. This is the only job that accepted her, and she really didn't want to lose it. It would mean no more schooling.

"Chef is overreacting. It's just a few cockroaches, why is he being extreme?" Her female colleague tried to soothe her, but it ended up disgusting Jean.

She didn't even try to hide her face twisting, "You think cockroaches on food are okay?" Jean wanted to run.

"No, but it doesn't mean he could just off and slap you in front of the whole school. Like, who even raised him?"

"I deserved it." Jean started her work. "They could've been poisoned, you know."

Her colleague scoffed, slapping the tabletop, "That's bull! I saw you triple-check the food yourself and even cleaned around like some kind of janitress. Then, suddenly, cockroaches come out on the table? Sounds like a frame-up, if you ask me. Also, those three students looked familiar. They look like the staff for the cafe next door."

Jean knew this herself. She had also already explained this to the chef, and he didn't believe her. What else could she have done? She shook her head. "Just let them be. Anyway, are you going to help me or what?"

"Ugh, no. I'm in charge of the cooking. By the way, the name's Samantha De Leon. Prefer it you call me Sam." Sam took out her hand, her identical brown eyes and the brown extensions in her hair shining under the light.

Jean smiled, "I'm Jean. Jean Castro. 11th grade."

Sam perked up, "Oh, same! Which class? I'm in 4-A."

Upon closer look, this Samantha actually resembles someone in Jean's class. The one who always slept 'til dismissal. She didn't know she'd actually get to see her face.

Jean made a new friend that day. She returned home with a smile, greeting her parents and going straight to her room to rest.

At least, that's what she told her parents.

"Goodnight, honey." Jean's mom kissed her forehead goodnight, and closed the door. Jean waited a few minutes to see if she really went away. And, the instant she heard footsteps down the stairs, she got up and opened her computer.

In her already-opened browser, there were dozens of articles lined up.

"Stace, what did you find?" She called Stacy.

Jean skimmed through the articles, and, throughout the thousands of words written on the screen, two words keep on repeating.

Grim Reaper.

["No one turned off the city's lights that day. And that first nightmare – the city was completely fine. One girl even told me they were setting firecrackers that night. Like ew."]

In simpler words? Only she saw those huge crowds of silhouettes on both nights.

These past few days, Jean and Stacy have been researching on the subject of ghosts. Especially, Grim Reapers. Jean thought she was going crazy ever since that night outside the hospital happened, which was already a week ago.

When that Grim Reaper said it was nice to meet her, Jean fainted. She woke up. And, like a month ago, she was back into bed in her house – wearing the hospital's gown. I mean, they really suck at hiding their secrets. Jean doubted them at first meet.

["So.. what's next?"] Jean refocused once she heard Stacy's voice again, ["And when is my blind date with your cousin happening?"]

"Never, actually."

There was the sound of someone falling from a chair, and Stacy's whimpers, ["What! You promised – "]

Jean smirked, "I never promised anything. I never agreed to make your blind date, you simply presumed it was what I meant when it wasn't." Before her friend feels any worse, though, Jean giggled and added a cheerful "But, I added your contacts into his phone and I introduced you to him.. without you being there."

Stacy squealed with delight ["Thank you so so so so much, oh em gee. You're the best!"]

The two friends talked a few more, reminded each other of their tasks, and went off to sleep.

Jean was looking forward to tomorrow.

That's because she didn't know she was gonna wake up with missed calls from Sam, who had nervously told her to go to the cafe in the early morning and that their boss was not in a good mood.

When Jean had arrived, the cafe's small number of staffs are outside. It scared Jean into running. Sam was anxiously gesturing at her to come, and the chef was in the front –


"What took you so long?" Sam asked through gritted teeth and forced smile, all the while tugging at her harshly. Jean lined up beside her, still in the middle of fixing her uniform.

Jean replied with a sheepish smile, "My alarm didn't work." Shen then looked around the lined up staff, "Anyway, what's going on? Why are we outside? It's so hot here."

"Ugh. I know, right? Boss suddenly asked to meet up this early, said he had to introduce someone."

"New staff?"


"Ehem!" The chef fake-coughed, and smiled widely, showing his pearly-white teeth.

"This is creeping me out. When did chef learn to smile like that?" Jean intended for it to be a whisper, but didn't realize Sam heard it. Sam chuckled.

"Anyways, I am here early to introduce a new part of the crew." Blah blah blah... "His name is Gam Jae, and he will be the new sous-chef. Welcome!" The chef motioned for someone to take his spot, and somebody went to the front. Jean almost cursed.

Sam turned curiously, "What, you know him?"

"I.. think." Jean tried to console herself. It might not be him. He might just look the same and have the same emotionless face. His aura is very intimidating but it probably has more connections with his looks than being him.

That person – the new sous-chef – had a tall appearance. He's also.. very pale. And he looks very much like –

The Grim Reaper.

He spoke with the same voice, "Hello, my name is Gam Jae. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Jean was just gonna ignore him. However, she couldn't. Because Gam Jae's emotionless eyes had fixed on her, and Jean saw the same abyss inside.

It is him.

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