Chapter 10- Jealousy

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The tea party Bakugo planned for the wives was set for the second Saturday of next month. It was an afternoon event due to Hanta Sero's wife working exclusively at night and sleeping during the day, and thanks to Mina's desire to have Girls Only time, everyone was going over to Shoto's lake house early to get prettied up, drink champagne, gossip, and after their respective partners would show up later for a BBQ. 

But that was still a while away. 

In the meantime, she wasn't the soon to be Mrs. Shoto Todoroki. 

No no, at this very moment, Sora was just another sleep-deprived college student dying during finals. 

With her head plastered on the desktop, she complained, "Is it over yet?"

"Nope, you have one more to go."

Sora whimpered adorably before rubbing the dark circles under her eyes and getting up to flounce to her next class. "But Lui~, look at these. Look at these bags!"

"Why would I want to do that?"

Lui Chang had once loved Sora more than anything. 

It was a first love that was filled with sweet puppy-dog moments and rose-tinted glasses, but that was a long time ago. As the years had passed, he had grown up to desire well endowed slightly loose assed women who had no problem being nothing more than an arm jewel he could stick his cock in any time he pleased and use for publicity. 

His current girlfriend of 2 years was quite happy with this arrangement, especially after he paid for her latest breast augmentation as an early Christmas gift. 

Lui pushed his glasses up his flat nose and glanced at the thin innocent girl bouncing beside him while complaining about her three-inch long hair being too long and tickling her adorably big ears...yeah no. Not his cup of tea. The memories of the two virgins awkwardly fumbling through their first sexual experiences together made Lui shiver. No no, never again. 

Now they were just friends thus he huffed with a smirk, "Yeah you look like crap. Congrats."

"Rude! Accurate," Sora pulled out a small compact mirror and poked at her eye bags, "but rude nonetheless."

"It's not rude if it's true." When she gave him an adorable pouty cheeked frown, Lui chuckled, "I mean your sunken eyes are hardly the only problem. Jeeze, your parents cut off your allowance? Why do you look so unkempt? Look at these nails too." He picked up her left hand and ran his thumb across her bare nails. "What are these nubs? My girlfriend and I go to the nail salon every two weeks. When was the last time you went? Last decade?"

Sora ripped her hand away and clutched it to her chest. "Don't compare my frugal lifestyle to her fancy shmancy one!"

"Frugal? Is that poor people speak for cheap?"

They had been friends ever since they were kids, so Sora knew Lui's snarky teasing was made entirely in jest. Therefore she shot back huffily, "Well your girlfriend is a gold digger!"

"Yeah," Lui sighed contently. "It's great~."

"Your happy face, it bothers me."

"Not my problem." They were walking toward their friend group waiting for them at the end of the hall, so he put his arm around the shoulder and pointed forward, "Oh speaking of problems, I heard Yuki and Lee are fighting again."

"For someone who spends more time hunched over his gaming computer than out in society, you're such a gossip!" 

"I'm not a gossip, I'm just well-informed." His phone dinged, so he held it in front of Sora's face to see if he had gotten a text from his girlfriend.

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