Chapter 1

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Aurora struggled to take in a breath. Every movement hurt. Every rise and fall of her chest felt like agony ripping through her.

She couldn't handle it anymore. In the end, she decided to give in. The pain would stop if she gave her freedom up. Living under the Izinac ruling wasn't the best, but it was better than the inevitable death that was waiting for her.

Aurora wrote her message on the small white board and mentally prepared herself. She pushed the button for the nurse to come in.

"How can I help you sweetie?" She asked the patient on the bed while checking the fluids.

Aurora held up board with a grave expression.

The nurse blinked and reread the message three times, ensuring she read it correctly.

"Are you sure this is what you want? There's no going back after agreeing to live under the izinacs." She spoke cautiously.

Aurora nodded. She had made up her mind. She knew she didn't have much time left, so she added to the note on the bottom.



Aurora nervously fidgeted her fingers as the man stepped into her room in the hospital.

He had on a three piece suit, holding a few tablets under his arm. His dark hair was cropped short and his eyes were sharp as they examined Aurora. He looked very human-esque. However, she knew he was far from it. He was an izinac; an alien from a different planet.

The izinac's technological advancements were far superior to that of humans. The proof was when roughly two hundred years ago, their ships entered the Earth's atmosphere, and they made contact with humans.

"Hello, my name is Ewix. I am a representative for the izinacs." He bowed his head in greeting.

"I was told that you have an interest in changing your citizenship to the Izinac Galactic Union with the intent of receiving our advanced medical care. Is this correct?"

Aurora nodded her head.

"Good. Now, we have many things to go over before we can make the proper arrangements, but it can be completed in one day if you are willing."

She nodded again.

"Now, before we begin, is it true that you are unable to speak?" His grey eyes inspected her.

She hesitated but nodded again.

"Right, then I will begin explaining everything. If you have a question, simply raise your hand and I will stop to answer." Ewix pressed a few buttons on the first tablet then passed it over to her.

"Here are the laws and regulations for the Izinac Galactic Union, or IGU. I will go over each of them and explain differences in the human life here and life as our citizen."

He cleared his throat and began going over every law for the general public.

The one that stands out the most for Aurora was the one for all women.

The izinac species, as well as the species under their ruling, all have a female population that was much lower than the males. It was reported to be approximately one to fifteen females to males.

Because of that, the izinacs had to intact a law. Every female must accept a minimum of five bonded males. The term bonded was their way of saying 'married'. The number was low compared to the ratio of males to females, but they haven't changed it.

The culture for a female would be to accept as many males as possible. The more bonded one had, the higher their social standing. On average, a female would take six to eight males. However, some women have had upwards of thirty males.

Aurora was nervous, but she knew that the izinac men virtually worshiped their women. The men were of lower status than a woman, and women had more freedoms than men, simply because of their scarcity.

Normally, a woman would need at least one bonded at the age of eighteen, and their minimum of five males by the age of twenty-five. If they didn't meet those standards, they would be assigned males by the government.

Ewix assured her that as a transferee, she would have an extended time to get a bonded. As she was already twenty, within one year she would need her first bond, and the deadline for five bonded males would be at age twenty-seven instead.

Aurora learned all about the bonding process. Izinac's were different in the fact that they made a mental connection with their bonded females. Their minds blended when a bond was accepted.

When a male found a female they desired, they offered their minds in a bond. A female only needs to accept them into their minds for the bond to settle. A male can offer and retract bonds, but once it was accepted, they are stuck with that one person for the rest of their lives, even if their bonded female died. A female had no limits to how many bonds they could accept.

There were two other races under the IGU, uguar and ner'an. The ner'an had their own version of bonding, and the uguar developed it later on due to hundreds of years of breeding with the Izinacs.

An uguar only had one person they could bond with, their soul mates. Their bonds happened immediately once they consummated their bonds through sex. An uguar finds their soul mates by their scent.

Uguar is also special as it has a unique ability to transform. They can change into an animal form and each animal is unique to the person.

Ner'an are a warrior type. They have very strong and powerful bodies and often have unique abilities. For bonding, they have a slower bond time. The males choose a female and 'press' their bond onto the chosen. The female can choose to reject the slowly forming bond, but if left alone, the bond will eventually solidify and can not be removed.

All three species form a mental connection with their bonded. They share a mind, and the connection is said to be extremely powerful.

Aurora was apprehensive, yet hopeful. After the hardships she faced in previous relationships, she liked the idea of a permanent bond. She was also interested in the highly devoted males.

"Now, would you be willing to relocate, or do you insist on living on Earth?" Ewix asked after his long-winded explanations.

Aurora wrote on her board.


"Perfect. In that case, we would have you relocate to the planet Niea. It is the second izinac planet and is considered the joining planet for all izinac, ner'an and uguar. It is a sort of 'melting pot', as you humans might say. It is where we transfer all of the humans to."

He explained the living arrangements that would be provided, as well as a few other details, such as a guide and a counselor for her to use to help settle in. He gave her resource after resource, before handing her a different tablet.

She would sign several documents on the device, signing over her life and rights as a citizen of Earth.

After several long hours of discussions and signing, she was officially an IGU citizen.

Ewix clapped his hands. "This is a wonderous day. Congratulations, Miss Vifort, on accepting the IGU. Please, come with us and we shall cure your illness. After that, we can assign you to a room on the Migith. It is our next ship that will be leaving Earth in approximately one week. You're lucky, as that ship has been highly coveted amongst our citizens and is considered our best."

Aurora managed a weak smile, unable to match his enthusiasm.

The nurses unhooked Aurora from the machines and was discharged from the hospital. Ewix, along with an assistant, wheeled her out on a wheelchair.

They boarded a flying ship and flew directly to the izinac land. If she drove by car, it would have taken over twenty hours. With the Izinac ship, it took a mere three hours to get there.

Aurora was struggling to breathe the whole way, even with the help of an oxygen mask. Her consciousness wavered.

When they arrived at the facility, she was taken by the izinac medical personnel. She was placed in some kind of machine as her vision began to get blurry. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and she blacked out.

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