Chapter 2

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Lara starts to walk down the streets of Manchester. It is 9:30 pm, and she takes a sip of her orange juice that she didn't finish. She then takes out her phone and texts her mum, which reads,'Just left work, be home in 10.' She puts the phone in her pocket and continues to walk

At 10:00pm, she walks past a dark tunnel that is never light. She takes a quick glimpse and sees a figure. She thinks about approaching but doesn't wanna be home late. She then goes with the option of going into the tunnel. Once she is inside, she kneels by the figures. She takes off the hood of it and is horrified by what she sees. It is Chloe, and sees dead. Lara gets out her phone and takes a photo of the body. Then, she puts it away and runs all the way home.


Lara frantically knocks on the door. Finally, her mother opens it. Lara pushes past her, takes off her shoes, and runs up to her room. She locks the door and sits on her bed and cries, cries, cries. After about 5 minutes, her sister, Mia (who's 12), knocks on her door. Lara gets up and unlocks it, letting Mia sit on her bedside. "What's up, Sis?" Mia asks. Lara doesn't reply. "Come on, you can tell me anything," Lara then decides to tell her.

"My... best friend... Chloe. She.. she..." Lara takes a pause. "She's dead," Lara lets out another cry, and Mia consolidates her. "Do you wanna tell the Police?"

"That might be an idea," Lara stands up and leaves the room, heading downstairs to tell her parents. Her mum is cooking dinner while her dad is watching a football match on television. Her mum sees Lara and enters the living room. Her dad stands up as well. "What's up, honey?" Her mum asks. Lara lets a little sigh before saying, "My best friend is dead," Lara's mum hugs her and consolidates her.

"Which friend was it?" Lara's mum, Sally asked

"Chloe," Lara replies

"She was a nice friend," Lara's mum grabs her a water, and Lara downs it. "I need to tell the police about this," Lara's dad comes up to her

"Come on, I'll drive," Lara follows her dad out of the house, and they get in the car and drive to the station.


Lara's dad pulls up to the Police station. He gets out of the car and holds the door open so Lara can enter. Lara's sister Pearl tagged along, eating a packet of sweets. Lara approaches the front desk. There is a Male Police Officer at the desk. "How can I help?" he asks. Lara takes out her phone and shows the officer the picture she took of Chloe's dead body.

"My friend, she was murdered," Lara replied. "I'm hoping you can help find the killer," The officer takes a good look at the body. "Where did you find the body,"

"Well, I was walking home from work one day, and I passed a tunnel. I saw a figure and approached it. I talked off the bag off it's head and then when i saw it was my friend." The officer was shocked by this discovery. "We will help. Do you work?"

Lara replied with "Yes. I work at Animal Allies."

"Ok. Go there tomorrow at 10 am. There will be officers waiting." Lara nods. "Nice meeting you..."

"Lara," she replies. "Nice to meet you, Lara. I'm Chase,"

Chase and Lara shake hands. Lara, her dad, and Pearl walk out the Police Station to head home when Chase stops them. "Lara..."

"Yes, Chase,"

"How old was Chloe?"

"She was 20,"

"Thank you," Chase heads back inside, and the three family members head back home.

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