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Previously: The Great Opening sweeps the world.


○ Months after the Great Opening, the Internet

Mapmakers Discord:

MoYeetO: OK boys, you know what time it is

MoYeetO: *and girls

EmptyGlass: Is it time to "monitor the situation?"


EmptyGlass: looks like it's just us in here tonight

MoYeetO: just two chads, burning the midnight oil

MoYeetO: so wdyt?

Mapmaker: It fits the pattern

MoYeetO: MAPS!

MoYeetO: welcome

MoYeetO: was worried that Emp and I were gonna have to analyze this one on our own

EmptyGlass: What are you seeing, Mapmaker?

Mapmaker: So most large-scale psi contagions are of one of three types:

Mapmaker: Type A, Synchronous Arisings: these can happen when a lot of similar types of people are in one place. Whatever they have in common is ridiculously boosted by feedback between nervous systems.

MoYeetO: like that "Dharmawave" or w/e that Pina documented last month?

Mapmaker: Yes it was kicked off by the Dalai Lama's visit to NYC. It started spontaneously inside the Hunter College auditorium but without any leader. According to PinaCollider's report in , the Dalai Lama himself seemed confused about why everyone had started meditating before he could finish his talk.

EmptyGlass: I was there actually. It was beautiful.

MoYeetO: is that u speaking, Emp, or the spirituality brainworms?

EmptyGlass: ʕ•̀_•́ʔ

EmptyGlass: Mapmaker, what is the the next type of psi contagion?

Mapmaker: Type B, Collisional Arisings: these happen when two big memeplexes crash into one another. This can be positive, like when the giant Improv Everywhere flash mob accidentally knocked into the West Indian Carnival. But more often they're negative like that night MAGA people and leftists tore up Times Sq.

MoYeetO: my friend got caught up in that one 🤦🏽‍♂️

Mapmaker: Finally there's Type C, Directed Arisings: these happen when some person or group of people deliberately set off a contagion. This what probably what PinaCollider witnessed at Caffe Reggio, when that blue-haired woman did some kind of shaktipat to that guy.

EmptyGlass: That was Jonah Levin.

Mapmaker: I don't know who that is. Anyway, I think the latest cases we're monitoring are Type C. But unlike most directed arisings, whoever is setting them off is staying hidden. Which makes me think it might be the Instigator.

MoYeetO: oooooooo the instigatorrrrrrr

EmptyGlass: The Instigator is purely hypothetical at this point. You guys are stringing together a few disparate cases without hard evidence.

MoYeetO: ur no fun

MoYeetO: b more schizo with us


MoYeetO: can't u see these cases all have something in common?

MoYeetO: or a "family resemblance" as the great philosopher Ludwig Yeetgenstein might say?

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