Louis is sick and alone with kids

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(Logan and Luke have gone off to college in this story)

I was laying in bed waiting for Lillie and Lindsay to come home. You were gone visiting your sister.
Thankfully, Lillie didn't have dance tonight and Lindsay didn't have soccer or diving and I could stay in bed all day.
"Daddy! We're home!" I heard Lindsay say, and I moaned and covered my head with my pillow.
"Daddy? Daddy?" I heard Lindsay downstairs and I sighed. Any moment, they would be coming upstairs. And as I predicted, I saw Lillie's long blonde hair swing in as she quietly opened the door.
"Daddy?" She whispered, looking around until her eyes landed on the bed, and they widened.
"Daddy! Are you okay?" She asked, running over to me.
"Not really. I don't feel very good Lil" I moaned, and Lillie frowned, concerned. She went and grabbed the thermometer from the closet and stood above me.
"Open up" she said, raising her eyebrows with an amused look on her face. I chuckled a little and did as she said, waiting for the beep. She took it out when it beeped.
"101.6. Now, what seems to be the problem?" She asked, pretending to take out a clipboard and pen.
"Well, Doctor Lillie, I have a headache, I feel nauseous and my throat is killing me, and my muscles ache everywhere" I reported.
"Mhmm, mhmm" she said, pretending to right something down on her invisible clipboard. I had to laugh at my silly daughter's behavior.
"Alright then! You can just lay here, all day long" she said. "I can watch Lindsay.. Well, she doesn't really need to be watched, but, you know what I mean" she said, and I smiled.
"Thanks Lil" I said, glad that you and I had raised such wonderful daughters.
"Daddy, wake up" I heard Lillie saying about two hours later, shaking me softly.
"Y-yeah Lillie? Is everything okay?" I asked, eyes still closed.
"Look dad, I'm really sorry, but remember how Lindsay's game got rained out last week?" She asked.
"Yeah?" I answered, wondering why this was a bad thing.
"Well, they rescheduled it for today. We have to be there in half an hour. I'm super sorry, I wish I could drive her but-" Lillie seemed so upset and I cut her off.
"Lillie, your fine. You didn't know, and neither did Lindsay, let's just go. It'll be fine" I assured her and she nodded uncertainly, but left to get ready.
We were in the car, and since Lillie still wasn't done with Driver's Ed I was forced to drive, and I could tell Lillie felt terrible about it. We drove and she kept peeking over at me. Lindsay was clearly oblivious to the fact that I was sick, as she was blabbering a mile a minute, making my head hurt worse.
"Linds, stop" Lillie said, not even turning around to face her. Lindsay stopped talking and we pulled up to the field. I was about to walk over to the bleachers when Lillie stopped me.
"Don't. I grabbed some blankets so we can lay on the ground if you want" she said, going to the trunk and grabbing three blankets. They looked like heaven, and we decided to lie down close to the field, where they were warming up. Lillie spread out the blankets and laid one on top of me, folding the other one like a pillow.
"Lillie, you can have one if you want" I said, noticing that she was sitting without one. She shook her head no and continued to look at her phone, and I closed my eyes, grateful that I wasn't sitting on the cold bleachers.
20 minutes later the game was starting, and Lindsay was playing well, like she always did, but I wasn't feeling any better since my brief twenty minute nap. In fact, I felt worse, and Lillie noticed.
"Dad? Are you okay?" Lillie whispered and I shook my head, moaning and laying back down on the makeshift bed Lillie had made me and moaned, trying to get comfortable and ignore how nauseous I suddenly was, but nothing was working. Suddenly I got up and ran, and Lillie followed me, and I fell into the grass and gagged, and Lillie got down and rubbed my shoulders as I finally got sick on the ground, after feeling like I would all day. Ten minutes later I was done, and I flopped into the grass, wishing I hasn't forgotten the blanket back at the field, because it was freezing out. Lillie noticed how cold I was and pulled off her dance team sweatshirt and put it around me, leaving her in just her t-shirt and leggings, and she grabbed her phone and started dialing numbers.
"Hey, Logan?" She said, and I realized she was calling her brother, who was 19 and in college.
"Okay, no, Logan, if you can't get here, you can't. It's okay" she said, assuring him. "Okay, I will. Bye, Logan" she said, hanging up frustratedly.
"Logan says feel better, daddy" she said, dialing another number.
"Hey, Luke! There's kind of a situation.... Yeah. Uh huh. Really? Yeah, the Doncaster Middle School field. Thanks so much, see you in ten!" She said, hanging up.
"Luke's coming to get us. I don't think you can drive home" Lillie said, and I nodded, thankful for everything Lillie had done. She ran back to grab our blankets and a water bottle for me, and also to ask her coach if he could bring her home afterwards. While I was waiting, I saw Luke's car pull up and he climbed out, running a hand through his brown quiff, running over to me.
"Dad? You look awful!" He said, running over to me.
"Yeah, I feel pretty awful" I replied, sitting up slowly.
"Where's Lillie?" He asked. "She called me so I know she's here, and you have her sweatshirt" he said, chuckling.
"She's grabbing a few things" I replied, and right as I said it, Lillie came running over with our blankets and a water bottle, giving it to me, and helping me into Luke's car.
"Thanks for driving us Luke" I said, grateful to be home.
"Of course dad, I had nothing going on, and besides, I couldn't risk Lillie killing you both by trying to bring you home, which she would've done" Luke said, and Lillie smirked and helped me into the house, where I ran straight into my bed, Lillie following me.
"I feel so sick Lil" I moaned, and she sighed.
"I know daddy. Want me to call mom? Will that make you feel better?" She asked, grabbing her phone.
"No don't Lillie, I don't want her to worry. She's five hours away anyways. Ill be fine" I said, falling asleep. The last thing I heard was Lillie slowly creeping out.
I woke up and ran to the toilet again, gagging and getting sick into the once clean water, and I saw Lillie run in, and I could tell it was late because I obviously woke her up. She immediately dropped down and comforted me for the 5th time that day. When I finished, she checked my temperature again and sucked in a breath.
"Lillie, go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you up" I said, laying back in my bed.
"Are you sure you don't need me?" She asked, and I could tell she was battling staying and leaving in her head.
"It's okay Lil, it's 2:00 am, you need to sleep. And I don't want you to get sick" I said, and she reluctantly agreed, said goodnight and started walking out.
"Goodnight Lil..." I said before I fell asleep.
Lillie took care of me all day for two more days, and she was good at it. I vaguely remember Lillie telling you and I about a time when she was babysitting and one of the kids got sick and she had to take care of them for hours until their parents came back. I never imagined Lillie would have to take care of me, but everything went just fine. To thank Lillie, I left the house before she woke up and bought her some sour gummy bears, because they were her favorite. When I got home, it was 9:30 and Lillie wasn't awake. Normally she was up by now. I crept into her room and saw her still asleep, covered in an extra blanket and her face looked pale and pained, and I realized that she probably caught what I had.
*4 hours later*
We were all watching a film on the couch, Lindsay and I on one couch and Lillie on the other. Lillie turned around and moaned, shoving her pillow over her face. She'd had a hard morning, she threw up for twenty minutes straight until she had nothing left and fell back into my arms.
"Sorry I gave that to you Lillie, I know it sucks" I said, ruffling her hair a little.
"It's not you fault....." She said, before drifting off to sleep. I took care of Lillie for three days, and when you came home everyone was happy and healthy again :)

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