Fourth Of July sickfic :)

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Harry's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night.. Again. I groaned and pressed my pillow into my face. 3:00 am and the neighbors were still going strong with the fireworks. My head was pounding and I wasn't sure if it was from the loud booms of the fireworks, or me getting sick. Really, either was possible.
But really I couldn't hate. Because tomorrow night, Liam, Louis, Niall and I, along with our families, would be having the best Fourth of July ever. Well, I can't say that either. We had lots of fun on the Fourth every year. We brought hundreds of sparklers for the kids, lots of fireworks and food as well. It was always a lot of fun, but if I'm sick, I'll have to miss it. To make it worse, the party was supposed to be at our house this year.
"Ughhh" I moaned, and at that exact time, another firework went off. I heard someone outside of my door, and I opened it to reveal Darcy, my 11 year old.
"Daddy? I can't sleep" she moaned. "It's too loud."
"Oh come here baby girl" I said, letting her snuggle next to me. I remembers that the neighbors who were lighting the fireworks were practically right outside Darcy's window. As well as Aly's, but I guess she's a heavy sleeper. Darcy cuddled next to me, getting comfy. Soon, she fell asleep, but I was still awake, my head pounding. To make it worse, I felt really nauseous, too.
"Y/N? Please wake up" I whispered, shaking you. I knew I couldn't deal with this alone anymore.
"Harry? What's up sweetie?" You said, not angry at all that I woke you up, and I was thankful for that.
"I don't feel good. My head hurts and I think I'm going to be sick" I moaned.
"Oh Harry. Do you think your sick, or that it's from the noise?" You asked gently.
"I'm not sure. It could be a mix of both?" I suggested, and you put your hand on my head.
"Well, you don't feel warm. It might just be the noise the neighbors are making. It sucks, I know" you said, rubbing my shoulders, trying to relax my muscles, which were becoming tensed up.
"Harry. You need to relax" you said. "Your going to make yourself sick." And you were right. A few minutes later I had to run to the toilet, and you followed me. I threw up violently for a few minutes, and you were rubbing my back.
"Do you feel any better?" You asked.
"A little bit. I think that if I can sleep, I'll feel a little better" I said, and you smiled.
"That's great Haz, because it's the Fourth and I know how upset you'd be if you had to miss it" you said, grinning.
"Your right. Here, let's get to sleep" I said, wanting to feel better for tomorrow.

*5:40 am*

I woke up once again to the headache still there, and the nauseous feeling was back. I moaned and ran to the bathroom, releasing everything I had eaten again. After that, I felt better, but I was exhausted from being sick. I was so tired I was shaking, and my throat felt raw from all of the vomiting. I checked my temperature and it was a perfect 98.6. I was so glad I felt better, but I had to get back to bed, I was so tired, and by this point the fireworks were gone. I laid my tired, drained body down and fell into a deep sleep.
*11:30 am*
"Hey dad. Finally up" Aly, my 15 year old daughter said.

"Yeah.. I had a rough night. Did you hear those fireworks?" I asked.

"Of course I heard them. Everyone in the neighborhood did... Africa did" she said and I chuckled.

"I'm sure. Well, I ended up getting a little bit sick from the noise" I said, and Aly looked concerned.

"Are you okay daddy? Should we cancel the party?" She asked.

"No need, I feel so much better now, and I'm really excited!" I said, and Aly laughed.

"That's the dad I know and love" she said, hugging me.
"Let's light this baby!" Louis yelled, acting like a hyper toddler, like every year.
"Daddy, is that even legal?" His daughter Lillie asked, smirking.
"Um, yeah, sure it is Lillian" he said, and Lillie laughed as Louis lit it, and the beautiful(but illegal) firework lit up the night sky.
"Are you having a good Fourth?" You asked me as Louis ran around, whooping and shouting.
"Yes, a perfect one" I said, giving you a kiss before we continued to light up the sky, not stopping until about two am (no hate remember? ;))

Happy Fourth to all of my readers! Even if you don't celebrate, I hope you had a great day no matter what!

1D sickficsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora