Sick Kid(Liam)

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Sophie's POV:

"Soph, are you ready?" I heard my dad ask, standing in my doorway.

"Yep. Just a minute" I said, grabbing my bag and taking one quick look in the mirror. I sighed, realizing how tired and sick I looked. I woke up feeling really sick, my ears are
plugged, my ears are stuffed, my entire face hurts, my throat is burning and my legs ache. I really don't feel like going to school. 

I ran outside to join everyone else in the car, and I arrived at school just on time.
By lunch I felt terrible. My head felt heavy and I was tired. I coughed into my arm, alarmed at how raspy it sounded. I just wanted to go home.

"Sophie? Are you okay?" Darcy, Harry's daughter and my best friend, asked.

"Yeah, just a headache" I lied.

"Really? Because in case you didn't notice, you just coughed into your arm" Madison, my other friend, pointed out.

"Okay. I'm feeling a little sick" I admitted.

"I knew it. Come on, we're going to the nurse" Madison said, and they both lead me into the nurses office.
"102.4, your sick honey" the nurse said, taking the thermometer out of my ear.

"Are either of your parents home?" The nurse asked, grabbing her phone and looking up my records on the computer.

"Yeah, my dad is. It's his day off" I said, coughing to clear my throat in the middle of the sentence. All I remember was her calling my dad, then I fell into a much needed sleep.
"Sophie. Wake up" I heard a soft voice saying, trying to drag me out of this peaceful word of sleep. I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw my dads smiling face.

"Daddy? I don't feel good.." I moaned, feeling even worse now that I had been woken up.

"I know you don't Sophie, that's why your going home" he said, and I nodded, trying to get up but the minute my feet hit the ground my legs felt like spaghetti, and I knew they couldn't hold me up for much longer.

"Daddy? Can you hold me?" I asked, and he frowned.

"You really don't feel well, do you Sophie?" He asked and I shook my head miserably. He gently scooped me up and laid me down in the backseat, where I immediately fell back asleep. It didn't last long, because I was home ten minutes later. I was awake but didn't open my eyes, and I felt my dad carry me into the house, laying me on the couch. I felt him put a blanket over me. I immediately sat up and coughed hard into my  arm, making my chest hurt.

"You okay?" My dad asked, sitting down next to me.

"No. It hurts" I moaned, laying back down. My dad gave me some cough medicine and a kiss on my forehead, and I fell back asleep.
I was woken up when I smelled something in the kitchen. It smelled like soup, and my dad brought me a bowl of it in the living room.

"I get to eat in here?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Of course you do sweetie, your sick remember?" He said.

"Oh yeah" I said, taking a small sip of my soup, loving the way it felt on my throat. I couldn't eat much, because I wasn't very hungry.

"Do you know what's wrong with me?" I asked as my dad tucked me back in and handed me the remote.

"Well, I called your mom and doctor, and they both said it sounds like the flu sweetie" he said sympathetically. "You'll probably feel better in a few days" he said, ruffling my hair and going back into the kitchen. I turned on some Disney show and yawned, wishing I wasn't so tired.

"Here sweetie. You need to stay hydrated" my dad said, giving me a glass of water. I grabbed it and chugged it, realizing how thirsty I was. I took too big of a sip and had to cough at the same time, and I ended up spitting water everywhere while my dad was patting my back. I finally stopped and laid down, and my dad stuck the thermometer back in my mouth.

"102.6. I hope you feel better soon sweetie" he said, putting a cool cloth on my head.
I felt better two days later, thanks to my dads amazing care :)

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