Sai's Evening with the Namikaze-Uzumaki

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Sai laid on the floor of a nearly pitch black room that was faintly illuminated by the shining lights that beamed from the other side of the cell.
"It doesn't appear that this child has any signs of any latent ability, I think he may have just gotten lucky."
Said a woman in a dog mask.
"There is no luck involved in Lord Danzo's procedure, something happened during that battle. How did Shin, one of our top candidates, die to a toddler, it boggles the mind."
Said a man with a bird mask.
Sai continued to lay on the ground silent, he felt numb even after what just happened the blood that gushed from the wound which burst onto the toddler's face was still staining his face, the kunai that did the deed still feels like it's in his hands.
"Is he in here?"
Another voice said, except Sai recognized this one.
"Yes lord Danzo he's right here."
All the people that were wearing the various animal masks bowed in the presence of Danzo.
At the mere sight of the man Sai started hyperventilating.
"He's the one that killed Shin, this child killed one of our top candidates?"
Danzo asked.
"Yes sir we don't know how he survived Shin's procedure, maybe he's more powerful than we anticipated?"
Said the man with the bird mask.
Danzo turned to face Sai and he roughly poked the toddler with cane.
Sai didn't bother moving in hopes that maybe if he just doesn't do anything they'll leave him alone and maybe he'll fall asleep for a long time, just like Shin did.
"And why does he smell like that? Is he dead?"
Danzo asked.
"No sir he soiled himself several times over the past few days since the procedure, he's traumatized by the events."
The bird masked man explained.
"How pathetic."
Danzo opened the cell and wacked Sai with his cane.
Sai cried out
"Get up boy."
Danzo demanded the toddler.
Sai was struggling to stand on his own two feet, he felt sick and weak.
"Even though my plans for Shin have been ruined, I can still use you."
Danzo roughly dragged Sai out of the room.
"Weakness is not something we tolerate here boy, you'll be sure to soon learn this lesson, be like Shin he was talented, efficient and ruthless...but no matter, we'll make something out of you yet."
Danzo said as he threw Sai into a dark room and closed the door.
"Since you still hold some emotional attachment I figured you'd like something to watch."
Danzo's voice boomed from some kind of speaker.
A person with a turtle mask entered the room and turned on a projector which started playing security footage from a few days ago on a field.
"N no!"
Sai covered his eyes he couldn't see this, he recognized this field, he couldn't see this again.
Danzo saw this and he nodded to the turtle masked man.
The turtle masked man grabbed Sai and strapped him to a chair and he pried his eyes open.
As the clip continued to play, it kept showing how Sai had killed Shin over and over again, his mind becoming more deteriorated and his heartbeat started getting faster, eventually Sai's eyes started rolling as was fidgeting wildly.
After sometime the world went dark again and the only thing Sai saw was a familiar child that had his back turned.
"S shin?"
Sai said curiously.
"Sai? you're not supposed to be here, you need to leave."
Said the boy.
"Shin I I sorry don wan you gone again!"
Sai cried out.
Shin sighed as he turned around to reveal his bloody chest which still had a kunai stuck in it.
Sai froze at the horrific display.
Sai started hyperventilating as Shin started getting closer to him.
Shin said as he pushed Sai.
The toddler felt like he was falling from a great height. Eventually Sai saw what looked like the ground, and right before Sai made impact with the ground, he woke up on the floor of Minato's room wrapped in blankets.
Sai let out an ear piercing scream which caused Minato to instantly flash to the room kunai in hand.
"What's wrong!"
Minato turned and faced the crying toddler and noticed he was on the floor.
Naruto then woke up crying, except he was crying from crankiness due to his interrupted nap.
"Damn now he's crying."
Minato mentally cursed as he grabbed Naruto's pacifier and he placed it in the blond baby's mouth which instantly calmed him down.
"Alright now for Sai."
Minato picked up the bawling toddler and he sat on the bed where he slowly rocked Sai back and forth.
"It's okay, you're okay, shh no more crying.
Minato said in a soothing tone.
Sai had soon calmed down, his crying turned to sniffling.
"There, all better?"
Minato asked, earning a nod from Sai.
"Alright that's can you tell me what happened...did you have a bad dream?"
Minato questioned the boy earning a nod from Sai
B bad man h h huwt me an Shin pose kill me bud I kill him an I fall an an."
"Dada Ai Ai!"
Naruto called out to his father as he pointed to the Sai.
Minato looked down at Sai and he noticed the boy was hyperventilating and he could feel his heart beat rapidly.
"Sai it's okay, you don't have to talk about it anymore just breathe!"
Minato frantically rubbed the boy's back but it didn't work.
At this point Sai was starting to fidget uncontrollably as his eyes were starting to roll.
"Fuck! he's having a seizure."
Minato cursed as he was panicking, but he then remembered one of the items that Kakashi put in Sai's bag.
"The sedative."
Minato grabbed Sai's backpack and in a concealed pocket he found two syringes with a clear liquid in them and a couple of alcohol pads. Minato grabbed the syringe and the alcohol pad package which he immediately ripped open and started rubbing on it on Sai's thigh, after Minato had done that Minato uncapped the syringe.
"I'm sorry Sai this will only sting for a second."
Minato inserted the syringe needle into Sai's thigh and he pressed down on the plunger, injecting the sedative into Sai's bloodstream. Soon Sai's heart rate was starting to lower as his breathing became more regulated.
"Alright you're gonna be just fine okay."
Minato said to the boy as Sai's eyes were starting to close.
"Bad man wif one eyes huwt me, Shin pose...."
Before Sai could finish his sentence Minato shushed the boy.
"Shhh shh, it's okay don't talk about it, just breathe okay."
Minato said as he laid against the headboard of his bed.
"Ai ai."
Naruto started whimpering.
"I know you're worried about him too Naruto."
Minato said as he got up and he picked up Naruto and he placed him on the bed with him and Sai.
"Let's just chill with him here while he rests okay."
Minato laid Sai next to him.
[Sometime later]
Sai was in a dark place but not the same one that scares him, this dark place is different it doesn't scare him, it's just empty except for one small distinct light.
"Ai ai!"
Sai heard a voice coming from the spark and went over to inspect it but he was hesitant to actually interact with it.
"Go to it Sai."
Said a familiar voice.
Sai looked around him.
"Go to it Sai."
Said the voice.
Sai turned to look to the spark again and he picked it up.
"Ai ai ai!"
Said the spark as it got brighter and brighter.
Sai opened his eyes as he saw Naruto staring down at him patting his face.
"Ai up!!"
Naruto said excitedly.
"Wait, give him some space, Naruto."
Minato grabbed Naruto and placed the boy on his lap.
Sai sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.
"Hey Sai how do you feel?"
Minato asked the boy.
"I okay Mr.Mito."
Sai said as he stretched.
"Dang you said mister, now I feel old."
Minato said lamenting the fact he'll get old one day.
"Mr.Mito I fall an now I here, what happen?".
Sai asked.
" fell off the bed because you said you had a bad dream, but then you decided to take a second nap to feel better."
Minato said, hoping Sai would believe his lie.
"Oh, okay."
Sai said, buying into Minato's lie.
"Good and now...wait.
Minato sniffed the air and something smelled a little foul.
"Oh boy, Naruto what did you eat."
Minato said as he grabbed one of Naruto's diapers so he can deal with Naruto's dirty diaper.
"Alright let's see how bad it is."
Minato said as he held his breath and he undid Naruto's pajamas and opened Naruto's diaper to only discover that Naruto was only wet.
After Minato changed Naruto's diaper he noticed the stench was still in the air so he then turned to Sai since the boy had been a bit too quiet.
"Sai did you...go poopy in your diaper?"
Sai started whimpering.
"N n no."
Hey hey it's okay, there's no reason to cry I just want to get you out of your dirty diaper."
Minato said as he patted the boy's head.
"O otay."
Sai muttered.
"Good, we'll need to go to Naruto's room since he has a changing table in there.
Minato picked up Naruto and after grabbing Sai's bag he held out his hand to the boy.
"Come on I'll get you cleaned up okay."
Minato said to the boy.
Sai grabbed two of Minato's fingers and he allowed the man to lead him to Naruto's nursery.
Once the group was in the nursery Minato placed Naruto in his crib.
"Alright Naru-sun you wait here while Daddy changes Sai."
Minato said to the boy.
"Ai tinky!"
Naruto said.
Minato gasped, Naruto said a new word.
"That's right he is stinky! Good job."
Minato said as he rubbed Naruto's head while Sai blushed a little bit.
"Alright let's get you cleaned up."
Minato laid Sai on the changing table and he untaped Sai's diaper, when Minato opened the diaper he gagged a little.
"Heh heh wow I guess that dream really scared the.. crap outta you huh?"
Minato snorted at his joke.
Sai blushed as he pulled up his shirt to cover his face revealing his pale belly
"Sorry didn't mean to embarrass you, my dad puns tend to slip out sometimes."
Minato said as he removed Sai's dirty diaper and after taping the diaper into a ball he started wiping Sai down and making sure he does it a bit more gently around Sai's rear due to his intense diaper rash.
After Minato changed Sai's diaper the toddler was still hiding his face in his sweater, his pale stomach exposed, so Minato took the opportunity to start tickling the boy.
Sai's eyes went wide as he started laughing, this was a sensation he hasn't felt in a long time.
"Heh he ha ha ha ha ha dob no no ha ha i id tickles!"
Sai yelled as he tried to push Minato's hand away.
Instead of relenting Minato then started blowing raspberries on Sai's stomach.
"Ha ha ha ha dob ha ha ha!"
Minato stopped tickling Sai as the toddler started to breath heavily
"There you feel better now?"
Minato asked the boy
Sai replied.
Naruto whined as he reached out to Minato.
"Aww does Naru-sun want to go against the tickle monster too!"
Minato picked up Naruto and started tickling the boy, earning a joyful shriek from Naruto.
Sai then stared at the father and son things are never this lively at either of his guardians houses.
"Alright you two, that's enough play time, who's hungry?"
Minato asked the two boys.
"Nom nom."
Naruto said as he stuck his hand in his mouth.
"Of course you're hungry Naruto, how about you Sai?".
"Nod hungry."
Sai replied.
"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure everything you ate today went directly to your diaper."
Sai blushed as he lifted his sweater to cover his face as he groaned.
Said the boy.
"Heh heh okay I'll stop."
Minato said.
Sai lowered his shirt.
"Wittle hungry."
"Alright let's get some food."
Minato picked up Naruto and he motioned for Sai to follow him.
The group ended up in the kitchen Minato looked into his fridge and he was gonna cook something but after all he went through today he felt a little too worn out to cook.
"You know what, who wants a pizza?"
Minato asked the two boys.
Naruto shouted it was one of his favorite foods next to ramen
Sai said curiously.
"Yeah they're really good have you ever had one?"
Sai shook his head.
"Well get ready to be amazed."
Minato grabbed his phone and called a local pizza restaurant and he gave them the details of his desired order.
"Alright that's going to be a thirty minute wait so until then how about we all sit down and watch some cartoons."
Sai said curiously.
"Yeah Naruto loves them, don't tell me you don't watch cartoons at Anko or Kakashi's place do you?"
Minato asked but much to his dismay Sai shook his head.
"Well check these out."
Minato powered on the tv and he flipped through the channels until he found a cartoon channel.
Naruto instantly turned his attention to the TV as he was mesmerized by the cartoon but for Sai this was a new experience it was almost too much to take in.
Sai muttered.
Sai's eyes were glued on the tv.
"Well they're quiet now."
Minato said as he was more entertained by the boys reactions to the cartoons more than the actual show itself especially in Sai it's like he can see a spark of creativity starting to flicker to life right in front of him.
{Knock Knock}
"That must be the food."
Minato said as he got up from his chair to answer the door he then came back with a box of pizza.
"Alright you two food is here."
Minato said to the two boys as he set the pizza box on the kitchen table.
Sai climbed onto his impromptu booster seat while Minato was strapping Naruto into his high chair.
"Alright let's dig in."
Minato as he placed a plate with one slice of pizza in front of Sai and Naruto.
Naruto was quick to start eating despite looking like he was getting most of his pizza on him rather than in him.
"You're quite the messy eater Naruto, oh well you were due for a bath anyways."
Minato said as he started eating his pizza.
Sai merely stared at his slice of pizza.
"Go on and try it Sai, it's good."
Minato said as he tried his best to encourage the boy.
Sai turned his head to Naruto to see the younger child was enjoying his slice of pizza.
"I try."
Said the boy as he lifted the pizza to his mouth and he hesitantly took a bite out of the pizza.
Sai paused.
"Hey kid you okay?"
Minato asked as he got and to go check on Sai but he stopped when Sai took another bite and then another bite this was when Sai started quickly eating his pizza
"Wow, I guess you like it then."
Minato smiled as he sat back down in his seat.
Sai continued eating his pizza slice until there was nothing left, he never had anything like that before, it tasted amazing.
I guess you like it now you want another one?"
Minato asked, earning a vigorous nod from Sai.
"Moe pwease!"
Sai said as he held up his plate to Minato.
Minato smiled as he happily placed another onto Sai's plate.
"There you go Sai."
Sai took no time to dig into his pizza this time he was getting messy himself.
Minato couldn't help but to smile. This was the first he had seen Sai act like a normal two year old, a child free of any trauma and just having a mountain of energy and positivity.
{Ring ring}
Minato heard his phone ring, so he got up and wiped his hands free of grease.
"Be right back you two."
Minato grabbed his cellphone and pressed the talk button.
"Sensei it's me Kakashi."
Said the jonin from the phone.
Hey Kakashi what's up?"
Minato said, greeting his former student.
Sai perked up at the sound of his guardian's name.
Sai climbed down from his chair and went over Minato
"Whewe Mr.Kashi?"
Sai asked.
Minato looked down at Sai and was surprised at how messy the boy was.
"Sai how did you get so messy?"
"Ead pisa it good Mr.Mito."
Sai responded.
"Was that the kid?"
Kakashi asked.
"Yeah, we have pizza for lunch and wouldn't you know, he loves it."
"He likes pizza? I have to take note of that."
Kakashi said.
"Mr.Mito I wan talk wif Mr.Kashi!"
Sai said a little excitedly.
"Of course..uhh."
Minato held the phone to Sai's ear so that the boy's messy hands don't dirty the screen.
"What tis Mr.Mito?"
"A cell phone, you just need to talk into it."
"Otay...Mr.Kashi you hewe me?"
Sai asked.
Kakashi snickered at the boy's curiosity.
"Hey kid I can hear you."
Sai started smiling at the sound of Kakashi's voice.
"Hi Mr.Kashi whewe you go?"
Sai asked.
"Well I'm currently teaching some ninja kids the value of teamwork."
Kakashi said.
"Are you doing the bell test?"
Minato asked.
"Yes, learned from the best."
Kakashi said, making Minato smile.
"I'm so proud!"
"Mr.Mito I wan talk wif Mr.Kashi."
Sai whined as he reached his hands out to the phone.
"Right, my apologies Sai."
Minato held the phone to Sai's ear.
"So are you having fun at Naruto's place?"
"Yes I draw an ead pisa, an I like pisa....bud I wan ou an Ms.Anko hewe."
Sai said a little crestfallen.
"I know I'll be done soon and Anko back in the village after her mission."
Kakashi explained to the boy
Sai said
"You know I can have Anko join the call if so you talk to her Sai."
Kakashi asked the boy
"Yeah yeah! Wan to talk wi Ms.Anko!"
Sai said as he practically jumped for joy.
"Hold on let me call her."
Kakashi started dialing numbers on his phone and a short time later some noise was heard.
"Heya Kakashi and what's going on Fourth."
Anko greeted the two men.
"Ms.Anko Ms.Anko ou hewe me!"
Sai asked the kunoichi.
"Hey kiddo it's nice to hear your voice, what have you been up to?"
Anko asked the toddler.
"I at Naruto house Mr.Kashi say he hafta do ninja stuff wif bells."
Sai explained to Anko.
"Today is my first day as a sensei and I needed someone to babysit so my old sensei seemed like a good choice."
Kakashi explained to his co-guardian.
"I see and are you having fun?"
Sai nodded, this caused Minato to giggle a bit knowing they can't see the boy's actions.
"I draw an I ead pisa but Mr.Mito say me an Naruto need a bath."
"So you had pizza, well next time I'll go take you to this little dango shop. It's the greatest and especially the red bean paste soup."
Anko was practically drooling over her favorite snack.
"Keep eating those and you won't be distinguishable from someone in the Akamichi clan."
Kakashi teased the kunoichi.
"Those are fighting words Kakashi!"
Anko exclaimed.
"Heh heh."
Sai started giggling.
"Kakashi you hear that he's laughing.
Anko was surprised.
"I didn't think he'd be capable of something like that."
Kakashi said, surprised.
"Here comes my surprise attack!!"
A voice of a boy can be heard on the phone followed by the sound of what seems like a dog.
"It's not a surprise attack if you shout it."
Kakashi said
"Sorry everyone I have to get back to my students, Anko and I will see you later Sai."
Kakashi said as he hung up.
"Same here I gotta get going to, my target is on the move."
Anko said as she hung up her phone.
Sai groaned as he wiped a tear that was threatening to fall from his face.
"Hey Sai it's okay they said they were gonna come get you later right?"
Minato asked the boy.
Sai replied.
"Then there's no reason to be sad, they'll be here before you know it. Now how about we get you and Naruto in the bathtub so you'll be clean for when they get here."
Minato said as he picked up Naruto at arms length.
Sai grabbed two of Minato's fingers as he allowed the man to lead him to the bathroom.
Once everyone was in the bathroom Minato turned on the water and he waited until it filled to a decent height that was good enough for both boys to bathe comfortably.
"Alright perfect let's get you two clean."
Minato said as he stripped Naruto of his clothes and placed the boy in the tub when he turned around to help Sai get undressed but was surprised that the boy had removed his sweater and socks and he was struggling to open his diaper.
"I got ya Sai."
Minato said as he helped the boy out of his diaper and he placed him in the bath water with no complaint.
"it's weird not having to fight a child on making them take a bath... it's a nice change of pace."
Minato said to himself.
Sai started waving his hands in the water as if something about it confused him.
"What's wrong Sai?"
Minato asked the boy.
"Wawa nod hot? Mr.Kashi make wawa really hot for me at bath time"
Sai explained to Minato.
"That's alarming, the water can't be too hot for kids your age, you have sensitive skin."
Minato explained to Sai as he started bathing Naruto.
"I like tis bath time don hurt like Mr.Kashi and Ms.Anko bath time."
Sai said to Minato.
"Hmmm what else do Kakashi and Anko do that you don't like?"
Minato asked the boy, but Sai lowered his head and turned away.
"Tey nod in trouble, Mr.Kashi and Ms.Anko really wan them in trouble."
Sai muttered.
"No they're not in trouble....kinda, I just want to teach them how to take care of you better that's all, I promise."
Minato said to the boy.
".....Mr.Kashi change my daipy id huwt sometime...he say he do id so id don fall off."
"Hmm so he puts your diapers on you too tight."
Minato said to the boy and Sai nodded.
"An Ms.Anko don mak my light go on at night time "
Sai said to Minato.
"Light at night mean a night light?"
Minato asked the boy, earning a nod from him.
"No like the scary.
Sai muttered.
"I see...well I'll be sure to let Kakashi and Anko know whenever they come back."
Minato said as rinsed off Naruto and handed him a bath toy to keep him occupied.
"Now that Naruto has been bathed it's time to get you clean Sai."
Said the Hokage as he started bathing Sai.
Sometime later Minato had finished bathing both of the kids, he wrapped them both in large fluffy towels and proceeded to dry them both.
"Doesn't it feel good to be clean."
Minato said, not expecting an answer.
Naruto merely pouted, he was not a fan of bath time at all, especially when it cut into his play time.
"Now Naruto, no need to make that face. I saw you having fun with the bath toys."
Minato said as picked up Naruto and laid him on the changing table that he had in the bathroom and after he put Naruto in a diaper he then grabbed Sai and put him just his diaper also.
"Wad bout clothes Mr.Mito?"
Sai asked, oddly feeling naked without anything on.
"I think Kakashi had another set of clothes for you Sai."
Minato picked up Naruto and he grabbed Sai's hand.
"Come on you two let's get you dressed and ready for nap time."
Minato said as he went to the nursery where dressed Naruto in a orange footed and Sai in a pair of red gym shorts and a black shirt
"You two look adorable!"
Minato exclaimed.
Sai blushed as he looked away.
Naruto yawned.
"Sounds like someone is ready for a nap."
Minato said as he picked up Naruto, the blond toddler rested his head on his father's chest as he soon fell asleep.
"He was really tired."
Minato motioned for Sai to follow him out the room.
[Minato's Room.]
Minato got on his bed and he sat against the headboard.
"Now I'm starting to feel a bit tired."
Minato said as started yawning.
Sai climbed up on the bed.
"Id your naptime Mr.Mito?"
The boy asked.
"I guess it is Sai, even grown ups need sleep."
Said Minato.
Sai went inside his backpack and he grabbed a book and he handed it to Minato.
"Mr.Mito I read story to you so you can have a nap."
Said Sai.
"You know how to read?"
Minato asked inquisitively.
Sai shook his head.
"No but I can try Mr.Mito."
Said the boy as he opened the book and he began to look it over.
"Hey how about you come over here with us Sai, maybe Naruto would like to hear it while he sleeps."
Said Minato as he patted the empty space next to him.
Sai crawled over next to Minato and began trying to read, Minato could tell that Sai wasn't actually reading the book but more like he was describing what the characters were doing in the picture to the best of his ability.
After a few minutes Sai's speech was starting to slow down and eventually he fell silent as his words had turned into soft snores.
"Guess you were just as tuckered out as Naruto was."
Minato said as he closed his eyes and he was about to fall asleep himself until.
{Knock Knock}
"Sensei I'm back."
Kakashi said from outside.

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