Bell Test

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Kakashi stood at the docks while Hinata and Sasuke sat on the steps.
Sasuke sighed.
"So again who are we waiting on, this guy can't be that important if they're late."
Sasuke said.
"He's our t third teammate Sasuke, we have to wait."
Hinata explained to Sasuke.
"Indeed patience is key for a shinobi Sasuke, and we never leave teammates behind."
Kakashi explained to the boy.
A rustle was heard from a nearby tree.
Kakashi noticed who was in the tree.
A boy jumped from the tree and tried to land on Kakashi but as soon as he made contact with the jonin Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke which caused the boy to fall flat on his face.
"....Ouch that hurt."
The boy said as he rubbed his head.
"Glad for you to finally make it Konohamaru."
Kakashi said to the boy.
"Konohamaru...ain't that the name of the Third Hokage's grandson?"
Sasuke asked
"That's right I am the legendary, the handsomest, superstar ninja Konohamaru Sarutobi."
Konohamaru shouted as he pointed to the heavens.
"You're an brain dead idiot."
Sasuke said bluntly.
"What was that!".
Konohamaru shouted.
"Come on l let's not fight."
Hinata muttered.
Konohamaru turned to Hinata and the boy started to blush.
"Uhh hey you're pretty, what's a girl like you doing here."
Konohamaru started flirting with Hinata but Sasuke was was quick to butt in.
"Get away from her you brain dead loser!"
Sasuke shouted as he pushed away Konohamaru.
"You're the brain dead loser you idiot!".
Konohamaru shouted as he pushed back.
Kakashi sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"This is gonna be a long day."
The silver haired man walked up to the two kids and and swiftly smacked them across their heads.
"Ow sensei!"
Konohamaru rubbed his head.
Sasuke merely groaned as sat back down next to Hinata.
"Now that everyone has settled down I think a round of introductions are in order so I'll start."
Kakashi cleared his throat.
"My name is Kakashi Hatake, I am Jonin level leaf shinobi who enjoys a good book by the literary genius Jiraiya."
Kakashi looked to his students.
"Now your turn."
There was a bit of silence until Konohamaru stood up triumphantly.
"My Konohamaru Sarutobi I'm a genius and my dream is to become hokage like my grandpa was!!"
The boy shouted.
"See introductions this is good."
Kakashi said as he turned to Sasuke and Hinata
"Now you two introduce yourselves."
Sasuke sighed as he stood up.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha I'm a genin but I'll soon become a chunin with ease, and my goal is to become stronger to....keep someone out of trouble."
Sasuke said calmly as he sat back down.
Kakashi smiled a bit understanding Sasuke's reason.
Hinata and stood up.
"H hello my name is Hinata Hyugga, I am a genin and I..I want to become strong a and confident."
Hinata said as sat back down.
"Alright now with introductiona out the way don't you all feel you can trust each other."
Kakashi smiled.
Konohamaru got next to Hinata and he snuck his arm across Hinata.
"Hinata and I are two peas in a pod, can't have a pretty lady like here work with that shady Sake guy."
Konohamaru said purposely getting Sasuke's name wrong.
"You bastard."
Sasuke pushed Konohamaru away from Hinata.
"You okay Hinata, I'll keep you safe from this loser."
Said the young Uchiha.
"Hey what's the big idea huuh!?!."
Konohamaru said as he started butting heads with Sasuke.
Kakashi sighed.
"Guess we're the only sane ones here, Hinata."
"I just want us to get along."
Said the girl.
"Don't worry I have a exercise in mind for that."
Kakashi said as he separated the two boys.
"Alright if you guys are done we're going to start our first exercise."
Kakashi said to the two boys.
"Finally I can show you all what I can really do!"
Konohamaru shouted as he pointed his finger to the sky.
Sasuke merely scoffed as he looked away.
[Twenty Minutes Later]
[The Training Field]
"Alright students here we are now the reason we're here is to do an exercise I call the bell test."
Kakashi pulls out two silver bells.
"Your job is to grab these for me, if you do then you'll pass... however as you heard I do send students back to the academy for failing my test."
Kakashi explained to the Genin causing them all to collectively gulp.
"Well anyways you have four hours good luck."
Kakashi waved goodbye to his students as he quickly left the area.
"Wait what that's all either get a bell or fail.....and there's only two...okay Hinata you're with me."
Sasuke said to the female Hyugga.
"W wait were supposed to work toge..."
Before Hinata could finish Konohamar grabbed her hand.
"No way she needs to work with someone who actually can beat this easily."
Konohamaru boasted of pridefully.
"B but Konohamaru I think Kakashi sensei wants us to work toget..."
Before she could finish Sasuke walked up to Konohamaru.
"She doesn't want to team up with a creep like you!"
Sasuke said to the boy.
Hinata shouted
Konohamaru and Sasuke turned to Hinata and we're shocked to see the girl was tinted red but not because of her shyness but because of her anger.
"If you two won't get along t them I'll do this by myself."
Hinata said as she stormed off.
"Look at what you did! You made her mad!"
Sasuke shouted.
"Me!? You the one that started it!!"
Konohamaru said pointing to Sasuke.
While the boys continued to bicker Hinata started gathering things to help her complete the task.
The young girl sighed, why must they argue they should be working together.
{Rustle Rustle.}
"He he he."
Hinata turned around and she saw Kakashi in the trees reading a book as he giggled to himself.
"(This my chance.)"
Hinata thought to herself as figured out a plan.
Hinata activated her kekei genkai and she saw weak spot on the tree.
While she was executing her plan Sasuke and Konohamaru were still begrudgi
Konohamaru shouted.
"Whatever you say loser, I don't have time to argue with you really only Hinata and I need to pass, brain dead losers like you need to get out way."
Sasuke said as he turned around to start walking in the direction Hinata went but all of a sudden he walked into a newly formed mud wall.
"Oops did I do that I guess my jutsus slip sometimes."
Konohamaru said nonchalantly.
Sasuke growled as he was turned fully prepared to punch Konohamaru until banging sound was heard.
"What the?"
Sasuke and and Konohamaru looked off to the distance as a tree was beginning to fall Kakashi was seen jumping from this tree as Hinata had snuck jumped behind him and grabbed the one of the two bells.
"I I got one!"
Hinata tumbled onto the ground
Sasuke and Konohamaru rushed to help the girl up.
"Hinata you okay?!"
Sasuke asked as he dusted the girl off as she blushed.
"Y yes I I'm fine."
Hinata stammered.
"Well I have to Hinata that was actually a very skillful tactic, take advantage of your surroundings and that's on top catching your opponent off guard, I'm impressed."
Kakashi smiled at the girl giving her a thumbs up.
"Wow Hinata you're smart and strong that's so cool!"
Konohamaru shouted.
"Hm, that was pretty cool."
Sasuke said with a slight blush as he turned away.
"Now that only leaves you two."
Kakashi turned to Sasuke and Konohamaru.
"While you two bickering Hinata caught one of the two bell so that only leaves one and in order for you guys to not be sent back is to have each person holding at least a bell."
Kakashi quickly left the area leaving Konohamaru, Hinata and Sasuke in the clearing.
"All I have to do is grab his bell... this'll be easy...I think."
Konohamaru said a little worried.
"I I think you two s should work together."
Hinata explained to Konohamaru and Sasuke.
"With him!? No way he's weird and jerk."
Konohamaru pointed at Sasuke as he started walking to the left side of the forest.
"I rather be weird then a brain dead loser who can't do anything right!"
Sasuke shouted back as he started walking to the right side of the forest to began his plan for getting a bell.
Hinata sighed.......
"Your teammates are a handful."
Kakashi landed next to Hinata.
"Kakashi Sensei! I thought you left."
Hinata said surprised.
"I'm merely a clone, I just wanted to pick your brain for a bit without the other two bickering."
Kakashi explained to Hinata.
While that conversation was happening Sasuke was in the midst of setting trap along the more well travled spots in the training field.
"And now we wait."
Sasuke jumped into a climbed a tree and waited.
A few moments later Sasuke heared rustling and the sound of his trap going off
"Got him."
Sasuke pulled out his kunai and jumped from the tree and ran to his trap to only see it didn't capture it's intended target.
"Hey what's the big idea!!"
Konohamaru shouted.
"Grrr you stupid idiot! You ruined my trap!"
Sasuke shouted.
"You should have warned me if you were gonna be setting up traps!"
Kakashi was observing the boy from distance.
"This is gonna be a long training session."
The Jonin sighed

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