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As Paige leaves the room, Athena watches her go with a mix of emotions. She feels happy that she has a way to communicate with Paige outside of basketball, but also scared about what might happen if they start texting each other. She knows that their relationship is complicated and could cause problems for both teams, but at the same time she can't help feeling drawn to Paige in ways she never expected. As Athena sits in the hospital bed, she takes out her phone and starts typing a message to Paige. She wants to say so much, but doesn't know where to start. "Hey," she finally writes after several minutes of deliberation. "I just wanted to thank you for coming by today. "I know that we are supposed to be rivals, but I can't help feeling like there is something more between us. Maybe it's just the painkillers talking, but I feel drawn to you in a way that I don't understand." Athena hits send and waits nervously for Paige's response. Paige's response comes back quickly, and Athena reads it with bated breath.  "I feel the same way," Paige writes. "Ever since we met on the court, I've been thinking about you non-stop. I know that our teams are enemies right now, but maybe after the season is over..." Athena smiles as she reads Paige's message. She can't believe that the other girl feels the same way about her. "After the season is over, maybe we could go on a date," she types back quickly. "Just you and me, without all of this pressure from basketball."

Athena's head injury is gone

One week later, Athena is finally released from the hospital. She feels like a new person as she walks out of the building and breathes in the fresh air.  As she looks around, she spots Paige waiting for her outside. The other girl waves at her with a bright smile on her face. Athena walks over to Paige and gives her a big hug. She can't believe that they are finally together, without the stress of basketball or rivalries getting in their way. "I missed you," she says softly, pulling away from the embrace. "Me too," Paige replies with a grin. "I was starting to think that I would never see you again." Athena smiles and takes Paige's hand. She feels a warmth spread through her body as she holds the other girl's hand, knowing that this is where she belongs."So," Paige says, breaking the silence. "What do you want to do now?" "Well, I was thinking we could go on a date," Athena replies. "You know, like normal people do." Paige laughs and squeezes Athena's hand. "That sounds perfect," she says with a smile. The two girls spend the rest of the day exploring their city and getting to know each other better. They go to a local café for lunch, where they talk about everything from favorite movies to deepest fears. As they walk back home together later that night, Athena can't help but feel like she has finally found her soulmate. She knows that there will be challenges ahead, but as long as Paige is by her side, she feels like anything is possible. Athena leans her head on Paige's shoulder as they walk, feeling content and happy. She never thought that she would find someone like Paige, but now she can't imagine life without her. As they reach their homes, they pause in front of the doors and look at each other for a moment. Without saying anything, both girls lean forward to kiss each other goodnight. As their lips touch, Athena feels a jolt of electricity run through her body. She wraps her arms around Paige and pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. They break apart after a few seconds, both girls panting slightly from the intensity of the moment."I'll see you tomorrow," Athena whispers as she turns to walk inside. Athena watches Paige disappear into her house, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She knows that this is just the beginning of their journey together. As she walks inside her own home, she can't help but think about all the possibilities that lie ahead for them. Maybe they will go to college together or travel around the world before settling down in one place. Whatever happens, Athena knows that as long as Paige is by her side, everything will be okay.
A/n: be prepared for the next chapter because it's going to be spicy. Lesbians move in a quick way so don't hate

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