Chapter 22

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*Dinah's POV*

I was sitting on the bed in the room that I was staying in, scrolling through Tumblr waiting for Ally to leave Normani's room before I went in there. Things have been complicated lately. I wasn't particularly sure if Normani and Ally was still a thing. Ally seemed to think they were still a thing, but I wasn't so sure about Normani. I never really had the chance to ask her about it, but maybe I should think about asking her. I felt like Normani and I had a connection when I was in the hospital and Aria's adoptive parents allowed her to spend time with us. Normani was patient with Aria and made the parenting thing seem easy, but problem was that we were both still in high school. I think that once Normani and I graduate high school, we could both take back custody of Aria and have our very own family. I know it's a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and before I could reply, the door opened revealing a limping Normani. She hobbled over to the bed and laid down on it.

"I thought you only had bruised ribs?" I asked.

"That's what I told Taylor to tell all of you, but I hurt my leg too. I did get hit by a fucking car" Normani said.

"Right, it's kind of hard to forget" I said.

Normani placed her hand on my knee. "Hey, it's okay. I'm still here" Normani said.

I tried to steady my breathing and stay focus on what I was doing on my laptop. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep me distracted. I knew now would be the perfect time to ask her.

"So, what did you and Ally talk about? Anything about your relationship?" I asked.

"She talked, I just listened really. I'm not sure what is of our relationship, but I feel like we're on a break or something. I just want to focus on Aria really" Normani said.

"So, you and Ally aren't together?" I asked.

Normani shrugged. "I have no clue it's not something we talk about really" Normani said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Okay, why am I getting this feeling like we're playing twenty-one questions? If you have something on your mind, just tell me" Normani said.

I sighed. "It's really stupid" I said.

"I'm sure it's not, don't sell yourself short" Normani said as she peered onto my laptop screen.

"I think we should give it another go for like Aria's sake" I said.

Normani didn't really react, but continued to stare at my laptop screen until she clicked something on the screen and a video popped up. I recognized the song immediately. It was the Bitch Better Have My Money music video. I sat through the video with Normani waiting for her response when the video was over, my heart was racing.

Normani stopped looking at the screen and her brown eyes looked into mine. "I think that—

Normani never had a chance to finish because the house alarm went off, blaring loudly. I looked around frantically and placed my laptop off of my lap.

"Why is it so loud?" Normani shouted, covering her ears.

"Shit," I said ignoring Normani and scrambling out of bed.

This could only mean one thing and I know it wasn't good.

*End of Dinah's POV*


I left the bathroom, so Maia could finally take a shower without any distractions. I was about to grab the package of cookies from the bed, but I stumbled over something on the floor. I looked down at the floor and saw Camila's stuffed animal. I picked up the stuffed animal in confusion and looked back at the snacks on the bed and saw that the package of cookies was empty. Then it all dawned on me. I ran out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bedroom that I left Camila. Like I suspected, it was empty including the bathroom. I was on the verge of freaking out when a loud noise erupted throughout the house and I covered my ears, holding the stuffed animal in my arm.

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