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Somehow the days passed by rather too quickly and it was now down to one day left of Summer. Caspar didn't want it to end. Starting school meant less sleep and more stress, two of the worst things in the world. The only bright side was that his little group decided to make a cookout. They asked Will for permission to use the school's grill and go outside near the empty field. Will, being the responsible RA that he is, planned to say no. He knew there would be a lot of consequences. In their school handbook, it clearly states that doing stuff unauthorized could cause him his job. Being an RA helped him pay off his college debt, and he couldn't lose it now. Of course, Arden, who is obviously his girlfriend but won't tell anyone, convinced him otherwise.

Currently, Caspar, Oli, Will, Arden, Joe Weller, Niomi, and Alfie were setting up their little spot that had most shade.

Once Joe Weller and Will grilled everything, they all sat down and ate. It wasn't long before they all began to talk about miscellaneous topics, but making sure to include Caspar, after all he was new. Caspar met Niomi and Arden for the very first time. They were both extremely nice and quirky which made them perfect for anyone who gets the chance to date them. Apparently Alfie had a girlfriend, too. However, she already graduated and was a full time nurse. Alfie didn't really like talking about her because he'd just go on how great she is for hours, and Oli said it's rather more annoying than cute.

"Do you guys know where Joe is?" Caspar decides to ask randomly.

Will snickers. "Why? Do you miss him? Is it because you liiiike him?" he teases, knowing it would annoy his roommate.

"I have told you a million times that I, Caspar Lee," he says, pointing to himself. "do not like him!"

"Like who?" A familiar voice says, making the secret agent jump. He knew who that voice belonged to though, so soon enough he relaxed. Joe took a step closer to the group. "Sorry I'm late...uh...did some stuff," he says nervously, and runs a hand through his hair.

"Where's Sawyer?" Oli questions him and Joe ignores him.

An awkward silence fell between everyone.

"I'll get out a plate for you." Will stands up, taking his friend with him over to the grill.

"He did it again." Alfie murmurs loud enough for the group to hear. "I dunno if I should be disappointed or angry."

Caspar, having a confused look on his face, scratches his head. "I'm lost?"

Oli lets out a drawled sigh. "I don't know if I should be the one telling you but okay, Joe most likely slept with someone else just a few moments ago."

"I thought that he finally settled down with Sawyer." Niomi comments, running a hand through her hair.

"We all did. Sawyer's kind of a dick but we figured Joe would calm his penis and focus on his heart." Joe Weller cackles, rolling his eyes.

"But what made Joe be like this in the first place?" Caspar asks, making everyone uncomfortable with the question.

"I think we'll let him explain that."

What the fuck did that mean?


The group decided to play some football, splitting up into teams, though Caspar and Joe declined the offer. Niomi and Arden went back inside to retrieve some nail polish.

Originally, Oli sat next to Caspar, but since he was now playing football, Joe took his spot. This was a problem.

"What a beautiful day, ain't it?"

Caspar doesn't respond, wanting Joe to get the hint. He was obviously bothered that he got ditched.

"Aw, come on, Casp. Talk to me. I miss your stupid jokes." he pauses. "Is this because we didn't hang out that one time? If it is, then I'm very sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"You'll get me two extra large pizzas?"


"And an extra one? Just in case I'm craving it in the middle of the night."

Joe laughs, squeezing Caspar's shoulder. "I'll buy you four pizzas."

"Okay, I'm not that fat." The agent jokes, a smile forming on his face. "Three pizzas will do. You're forgiven...I guess."

"Good. You had me worried for a bit. I like your company and that's a shocker. Normally I hate being this honest."

Caspar's cheeks slowly turn a light shade of pink. "Aw, stop it, you!" he looks over at their friends who are actually being productive and laughs. "Look at Oli run."

"What a dick." Joe agrees, laughing, and claps his hands together.

"I can't believe classes start tomorrow."

"What's your major?"

His major? Fuck, what was that again?

Caspar makes a face but replaces it with a small smile. " science."

"Really?" Joe's face lights up in excitement. "That's my major too!"

"That's insane. Crazy. Wow!"

"Maybe we'll have some classes together."

But we do. Every single class. Caspar thinks, reminding himself to kill Jim later.

The two of them were enjoying their silence when the agent's watch beeps. Excusing himself, he gets up. "I have to pee."

"I'll go with you, I have to piss anyway." Joe replies, about to get up.

"No! I uh...I!" Caspar frantically replies and manages to run off before his mission could start asking millions of questions.


Making his way inside the bathroom, he locks the door, just in case Joe followed him. Caspar proceeds into entering a random stall. He looks down at his watch.

3 missed calls.

Caspar presses a button, calling his boss. A few seconds later his little screen shows Jim, Josh, and a spy named Ricky Dillon.

"Hey Caspar!" Josh greets, waving his hand.

"Caspaaaaar." Ricky does a peace sign and holds it up to his right eye, his signature pose.

"What's up?" Caspar nods.

"We're playing pool," Josh tells his best friend. "but they suck!"

Ignoring Josh's rude comment about them, Jim finally speaks. "How's the mission?"

"'s fine."

"Let me guess, you haven't been with him."

"And I have a reasonable explanation! Joe's been hanging out with his boyfriend, or sex toy, I really don't understand him because—"

"What?" Jim slams his hands on his desk, incredibly mad. "I told you to keep an eye on him! This is your mission for a reason, Lee. I don't care if you end up being a third wheel on their date. Just do your job. If you disobey, you know what happens next."

Caspar nods, not bothering to argue back. He knew what an angry Jim could be capable of. This one time, Kian and Jc, these incredibly stupid agents, messed up on a mission and they were forbidden to step into the H.Q for a month. This not only meant they had no missions but also nowhere to sleep.

"Will do Chapman. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Yes actually! Are you alone?"

"One sec." Caspar replies, getting out of the stall and quickly checks the others. For some strange reason, he had a feeling someone was there with him. However, maybe he was just being paranoid. After he finishes, he goes back into the stall. "Yeah...all clear."

"Listen Lee, there's only one reason why I called you. The person who is after Joe is in your school."


A/N: YIKES I have become that person who does cliff hangers and I will let you know that there will be a lot of cliff hangers. SORRY IN ADVANCE.

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