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It wasn't until the next day Caspar came up with a great idea. Finally, some good news. He made sure to lock himself in his dorm to prevent any outside noises or rather from anyone to listen in. He takes out his phone and dials a number.

"--no Kian, you jackass! It's Caspar. Hey, boo!"

"JC, hey man." Caspar smiles.

"Putting you on speaker, the whole gang is here." A shuffle is heard on the other line.

"Yo, Caspar!" Kian Lawley shouts, "Sup dude?! Heard you got out...what a bummer."

"Eh, its fine. Anyway, do you think you can give me some stuff?"

"Duh." Trevor Moran says. "You know we'll always have your back even if you're not in the agency anymore. Whatcha need?"

"Just a few things..."

After Caspar hangs up with the crew, he lets out a sigh of relief. He was thankful that the guys would come through. They were in charge of outfits, handing out devices, fixing any gadgets and just overall, a cool group to hang with. He then sends a group message to Josh, Phil and Tyler to meet up with him in front of the school within the next hour.

Class can wait. Joe is more important.


"Hey, you made it." Caspar jogs over to his trio, realizing that Josh must've felt left out since he was the only stranger there. "Josh, that's Tyler and Phil." he introduces, pointing to each individual.

Josh nods, waving at them both. Then, he looks at his best friend. "So, what's your big plan?"

"You three should head back to Jim's HQ and figure out what Marcus is up to. If anyone asks, just say you're training them, Josh. Marcus doesn't know how they look like, it'll work."

"What will you do?" Tyler asks, pushing his glasses up to his nose.

"I'm going to try and get Sawyer's other phone. I know he must of left it in his dorm."

"Be careful." Phil smiles sadly. "Where do we meet afterwards?"

"Starbucks." Caspar suggests, earning a glare from Josh. "What?"

"You're making me go back to that place. Not cool, man."

"No one cares what you think." The ex-agent teases, watching them away walk away with Josh muttering some incoherence. Typical.


Caspar reaches his rival's dorm and tries to open the door but it was locked. He reaches down into his pocket, taking out a paper clip. He quickly undoes it and picks the lock. Entering the room slowly, he looks around to see if Sawyer or Dan was there. If he was, he could easily hide behind a trash can that stood outside their room. Thankfully, there was no sign of Sawyer.

"Alright, if I were a phone...where would I be? Ugh, Caspar you sound like Josh!" Caspar walks over to the less messier side of the room, taking a guess that it was Sawyer's. No offense to Dan, though. He knew that Sawyer was not the type of guy who had Anime posters on the wall. He searches his desk, finding the phone underneath some used shirt, bingo. Shoving the phone into his pocket, the ex-agent hears the doorknob moving. Caspar runs over to Sawyer's bed, sliding underneath it, the only place that was clean. Surprisingly, for a tall guy like him, he fit and that's when he knew that he had such great luck.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what's my part." Dan says, slamming the door. "Look, it wasn't my fault that some kid bumped into me and I dropped the file! We're getting it back aren't we? Exactly, so relax, you twit. I'm showering in a few." Dan gets closer to the bed, leaving Caspar to fear for his life.

He stays as quiet as he can be. Although he really needs to take a piss. God dammit, why didn't he go earlier?

"Mate, I'll call you back." A click is heard. "I'm only giving you five seconds before I skin you alive." Dan orders in a calm voice.

The ex-agent crawls out of the not-so-hiding-spot anymore and chuckles nervously. "Dan, hi."

Dan gives him a cold stare. "What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"Well you see..."

"Actually," Dan interrupts, "I don't care. Now leave before I murder you."

"I thought you were going to skin me alive." Caspar punches his shoulder playfully, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Don't you ever," The British boy grabs him by the shirt, "fucking touch me again. You got that?"

"Y-yes," mumbles Caspar as Dan slowly lets him go a few moments later. Then, the ex-agent fixes his shirt, letting out a small sigh.

"Seriously, Caspar. Tell me why you're here."

"I wanted to see Joe? and I thought he was with Sawyer?"

Dan rolls his eyes. "Are you asking me or are you telling me? I don't see why you try with Joe. He's with Sawyer."

Caspar shuffles his feet a little, "I really like Joe and I refuse to give up on someone unlike you."

"What did you say?!" he puts up a fist.

"Yeah, you heard me. You gave up on Phil. Your relationship." Caspar shakes his head, crossing his arms.

Instead of colliding his fist with Caspar's face, Dan slowly drops his hand and his facial expression softens. " is he?"

"I won't tell you anything unless you tell me what's going on. Deal or no?"

"Why should I believe you?" Dan scoffs. "I'm not an idiot."

"Do this for Phil."

"...fine. I'll tell you everything."


After what took about ten minutes later, Caspar had gotten out all the information that Dan held. Just as he was about to step out, Dan tells him he has to make a call and goes outside. The South African takes out his pen, rolling it on the ground to stop the door from closing. He got closer to the door, eavesdropping on the spy.

"Yup, I fooled the twat. I got him right where I want him. The best thing is that I didn't even have to go to him. He came to me. I gotta go, I just realized I left my manga in the library." he puts his phone away and runs down the hallway.

Caspar picks up his pen and smirks. "Aw, how cute. They don't call me the best agent for nothing. I will always be one step ahead of you Howell, always."


why is dan so cute when he's mad??? and why is caspar such a good agent??...i mean ex agent :/

anyway, YES i included o2l bc i miss them and they were originally going to be the sidemen but then i was like nah don't

i hope this made u laugh bc it made me laugh so much idk i'm in such a good mood right now

OK i hope you have/had a great day today ily and thank you for sticking w my book <3

also pls tell me what you thought!

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