Chapter One:

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Ellie glanced up from the letter in her hands to look at her coworker, Dean Thomas, suspension filling her features. Dean had a similar letter in his hands as well.
“She’s joking right?” Dean frowns and shakes his head.
“I doubt that she would do it on her own. It was probably the ministry’s idea. You know, to repopulate the witches an wizards that were lost in the war.” Dean glances back down at the letter, a subtle growl coming from his chest.
“Thee is no way that, they are letting out of work to go back to Hogwarts for some silly formal event!” Ellie shakes her head in disbelief. It wasn’t like her and Dean were the only ones with jobs that they had to deal with. She was sure that everyone else had a job as well by now.
McGonagall had lost her mind if she thought that there was a possibility that half the former students would turn up…But if this really was the Ministry’s idea then they even have a choice? Sighing Ellie stuffs the letter in her jeans pocket and grabs the files that lay on the receptionist desk waiting for her to look over.
“Head healer twelve o’clock.” Ellie’s eyebrows draw together as she turns and sure enough the older man was walking toward them with a polite smile on his face. But Ellie could see the tension in his eyes.
“Good you are both together. I have received a letter from Minerva and it seems that it is not optional, there is an event that you both have to attend tonight.” Annoyance fills Ellie’s face. Of course she would have sent a letter to him as well. Ellie shakes her head and sets the files back down. She had to bite her tongue to keep from snapping at the Head Healer. It wasn’t that it was his fault. But it was frustrating that he was treating them like children and Ellie was far from a child.
Before Ellie could lose her temper, Dean dropped his arm arm her shoulders dragging her away from the Head Healer.

“Lets not lose our jobs today yeah?” Ellie let out a small laugh and shook her head lightly. Vibration from her back pocket makes her stop mid-step. Ellie pulls her phone from her pocket noticing a text notification from  Pansy. Ellie grumbles unlocking her phone. Dean leans over to look at the message.

Pansy: Please tell me that you are coming tonight? Everyone misses you.
Guilt floods Ellie’s chest as she stares down at her screen. It wasn’t like she had stayed away on purpose. She had just decided to bury herself in her work and then she was to tired to do anything else once she was home.
Not that she particularly wanted to be around Astoria or Daphne. Dean places a comforting hand on her shoulder, nodding toward her phone. Ellie sighs heavily.
Ellie: IF I decide to come, you have to keep Malfoy, Astoria and Daphne AWAY from me.
Pressing send Ellie shoved her phone back in her pocket and looks up at Dean, who of course was frowning at her.
“What now?” Dean’s brown eyes searched her face for a long moment and then he shook his head again.
“I’ll see you there tonight and if you need me to, I will keep them away from you. Deal?” Ellie broke out into a smile and her nose scrunched a bit. If anything, Dean Thomas had become one of her friends over the last year and a half of working together and she was grateful for that.
“Deal.” Dean smiles and gives her a short nod before pulling her along so that they could get their things and leave. Ellie would have to buy a whole dress just for this stupid event that she didn’t even want to go to.
***** ****** *******
Ellie instantly regretted coming. Her heels made a sharp noise against the cobblestone floors as she made her way down the corridor. She half excepted to see her father around the next corner, but realistically she knew that, that was impossible.
She had taken the advice of the shop keeper where she had bought her dress, it was a simple a-line, strapless white gown, with a sweet heart neckline with a champagne overlay, with golden stars that danced across the tulle.

Ellie had swept her copper curls to the side of her head and pinned them there. Her make up had been done lightly. She had never been fond of make up. Not like other girls had been and she saw no need to hide the freckles that she did have anymore. it wasn't like there was anyone that she wanted to impress.
She knew that her tattoo was on full display as well. She knew that people were going to stare at it. But, she had gotten the coiling serpent, in a bed of lilies as a memorial for her father and she wasn't ashamed of it. Dean had been the only one to see it so far and that had been completely by accident when she removed the scrub top that a child had puked on.
Ellie's heart dropped in her stomach as she neared The Great hall. The soft music and voices invaded her ears. She was far enough away that, the few people that stood by the doors couldn't see her yet. She could just turn around and walk away. She didn't have to do this.
Ellie thought of her father in that moment. How disappointed that he would be, that she was acting scared of people that, didn't matter anymore. Inhaling a steady breath, Ellie moved forward and the closer that she got to the people by the door, the louder that her heart seemed to beat in her own ears.
Pansy stood there looking around hoping to spot Ellie, so that they could walk in together,But Enzo was the first to spot her and he smiled brightly at her before bending down wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her from the floor. A surprised laugh escaped Ellie's lips as she embraced Enzo slowly. He chuckles and sets her down to her feet again. His brown eyes scanning her face and then her dress.
"Hello Sunny! You look lovely." Ellie frowns at the nickname and prayed that she wouldn't hear anymore of the old nicknames that she had been called during school. It wasn't that she had a problem with them, but it was the fact that almost her whole friend group, had a different nickname for her each.
Pansy lightly shoves Enzo out of the way, wrapping Ellie in a bear hug. It had surprised Ellie. Pansy wasn't one to hug people. She liked her personal space and Ellie use to be the one to just randomly hug her so that she would get use to it. She pats Pansy's back gently and then steps back away from her.
Pansy gives her a sympathetic smile, taking her wrist she pulls her into the Great Hall. Enzo's eyes fixed on Ellie's tattoo as he let out a low whistle, causing Ellie to look over her shoulder at him.
"How long have you had that?" He says pointing to the tattoo. Ellie smirks and shrugs. She had, had it for a little over a year. But, she was glad that she could still surprise people.
"Merlin's beard that cant be OUR little badger can it?" Ellie groans softly and turns toward Theodore Nott's voice. He smiles down at her. Ellie rolls her eyes and shakes her head of Course he would be the one to yell that ridiculous nickname to the whole Great Hall.
"Say it a little louder Nott I dont think the ghosts heard you." Ellie snaps, making them laugh. Ellie glances around noticing Matt and Blaise. Tom stood a few feet away talking to Hermione Granger...which confused Ellie. Her eyes narrow as she stares at them. She wanted to ask what that was about. But part of her realized that it wasn't her place anymore.
Blaise wraps an arm around her shoulders giving her alittle squeeze. Ellie offers him a small smile and glances around the room. There were three people that she really wanted to avoid. Because frankly she had no one idea what she would do if they tried to speak to her.
She spotted Dean Thomas, speaking to Neville Longbottom and both young men turned toward and Dean grinned brightly, wagging his eyebrows at her playfully,Ellie gives him a playful glare befroe turning toward Pansy, whose eyebrow was currently raised her, curiousity written all over her face.
"Have you lot spoken to anyone outside the group yet or no?" She asks trying to pull the subject away from her and have an actual conversation instead of them staring at her, like she had come back from the dead.
"You're kidding right? No one will hardly talk to us, besides Granger of course. But, its pretty obvious that she fancies Tom." Pansy gives Matt a cheeky smile, Matt groans and throws his head back. Ellie giggles and quickly covers her mouth when they all look at her with a shocked expression.
"Eliza?" Ellie froze at the sound of Tom's deep voice that was now directly behind her. She wanted to run then. The last time time that she had spoken to Tom was at the battle and she wasnt the nicest to him, because he was the one who took her to her father's body.
She slowly turns toward him and bites down on the inside of her cheek. She could see the sadness in his blue eyes as he looked down at her. Before Ellie could think about what she was doing, she stepped up to Tom and wraps her arms around his torso, pressing the side of her face against his chest, Tom relaxed in to her embrace, placing a hand on the back of her head.
He hadnt realized how much, he had missed her warmth and her gentleness. She had always been a light in their darkness. She was always happy and smiling, But every time he had checked on her over the last two years, she would be frowning or forcing herself to smile and it made him sick. That she was hurting and she wouldnt open up to any of them instead she closed herself off to everything.
Ellie listened to Tom's steady heart beat, closing her eyes she too in his crisp, clean scent that use to annoy her. She knew that Tom hated most colognes so he didnt wear then, but he smelled slightly of smoke now. Strangely it mixed nicely with the other smell.
"Oi! Stop hogging all the love." Matt chimes in pulling Ellie from Tom's hold and crushing her between him and Theo. She snorts and stands there for a long moment missing their antics.
**** **** **** ****
Ellie giggled loudly as Theo threw Enzo over his shoulder running around in a circle with him. They still acted like children. But, for the first time in a while Ellie was enjoying it.
The music began to grow louder and Ellie watched with a soft smile as Tom made his way over to Hermione taking her to the middle of the dance floor and Matt snatched Pansy by the elbow, almost dragging her along. Theo dropped Enzo to his feet and held his hand out to Ellie. She smiles, playfully rolling her eyes she places her hand in his.
Theo spins her out on to the floor, pulling her back to him, he looks behind her, his eyebrows slowly creasing.
"Whats wrong?" Theo looks down at Ellie giving her an easy going smile.
"Nothing. So tell me How is it working as a healer?" Ellie tilts her head at Theo.
"Tiring but, good. I love helping people and making the potions." She smiled fondly at the memory of her and her father making potions together. She had loved to do that with him.
"Yeah you really did love your potions...forgive me." Both Ellie's eyebrows drew together as Theo spun her again but this time she landed against something solid. Strong hands caught her upper arms steadying her. The black suit caught her attention, but then came the flood of Spearmint and a spice smell. Her body stiffened as she slowly lifted her eyes to meet a pair of stormy Grey ones. She tried to pull away from him. he was the last person that she wanted to be around!
"Hang on, Bug." Her chest tightened at the sound of his voice. Draco Malfoy had changed. He was leaner, more muscular, his platinum hair wasnt gelled and that surprised Ellie the most. her eyes roam over his face quickly. Why did he look upset? What did he have to be upset about?
"Let me go Malfoy." Her voice shook and where his hands touched her bare arms, they felt as if they were on fire. She didnt like this.
"Bug, Please." Her breath hitches as he leans down closer to her. All Ellie felt was the years of hurt and anger finally catching up to her. In one swift motion she lifted her leg and brought her foot down on top of Draco's. Hissing softly, Draco released his hold on her. Ellie scoffs and moves passed him, her eyes travelled over to Theo who was giving her an apologetic look, but she just lifts her middle finger up to him and continues walking.
She had to get out of here. She wasnt going to be dragged into whatever the hell that Draco was trying to do. He had made it very clear in sixth year that he wanted nothing to do with her, he had even went as far as calling her a blood traitor. She kept to her promise. He wouldnt ever have to deal with her again. And she wasnt about to let that slip up here and now.
"Snape! Wait!" Dean's concern voice halted her steps and she swung around fast to look at him. Dean flinches and in this moment she reminded him of Snape when he would get angry.
"What do you want Thomas?" She snaps. Dean gives her a pointed look and glances over his shoulder to make sure that no one else had come out of The Great Hall.
"Are you alright?" Ellie shrugs dramatically.
"I didn't want to come in the first place and this is why." She exclaims a little to loudly. Dean takes a step toward her and Ellie just shakes her head at him. She didnt want comfort. She didnt want sympathy. She didnt want someone to pity her.
"Just dont. I just want to go home."
**** **** *** ****
Draco stood there staring at the great Hall doorway. His chest tight and his stomach twisted up in to a thousand knots. How was it possible that she could have gotten even more stunning? Why had he been stupid enough to listen to his father back then and push her away?
"Sorry Mate, I didnt think that she would react that way." Draco's eyes hardened as he turns toward Theo's voice. Draco sighs loudly and shakes his head.
"Its fine. I should have known that she would have reacted that way. She's been that way since we were toddlers." Theo chuckles lightly and throws his arm around Draco's shoulders.
"Yeah, But your both adults now and you have to know that she isnt the small little girl that she was..She isnt our Sunny anymore." Draco's eyebrows draw together as he glares at Theo.
"What are you on about?" Frankly he didnt like the way that Theo was eyeing her tonight. He was a player and he didnt want Ellie around Theo because of that.
"She may have been smiling and laughing, but half the time she was forcing herself to do that. We all kind of abandoned her man, even if we were only trying to give her, her space to grieve." Theo says dropping his arm and shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Yes and I abandoned her because I was told to...there is a difference." Draco says grinding his teeth together. Theo watches him for a moment, before his eyes widen and a smile slowly grows on his face.
"I KNEW IT! You cheeky liar! You did have feelings for her in school and you still do!" Panic flooded Draco's eyes as his head whips around making sure that no one was close enough that they could hear what Theo was saying.
"Shut it would you! It isnt like that!" Theo grins. Draco may not admit it, But Theo knew Draco better than that. He had feelings for Ellie and Theo knew it.

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