Chapter Three

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Ellie tilts her head at her summer dress. The soft pale yellow cotton was comfortable enough. And the straps tied so that she could ajust them so they didn’t dig into her shoulders.
Ellie had made sure that she paired it with her white converses, because she could not stand heels. Ellie quickly tied her hair back with a white ribbon and grabbed her wand from her dresser. She apperated outside of Malfoy Manor. She was excited to see Narcissa, she had missed the last two tea times with her.
The door flung open and Narcissa stepped out on to the porch, smiling softly at Ellie. Ellie rushed up the steps hugging Narcissa.
“Hello, Dear. Come inside.” Ellie laughs at her overly polite manners. She was never going to get over that. As they made there way inside, Ellie noticed that the hideous dark walls had been replaced with a soft pale green and gold. She found herself smiling. The manor was lighter now. Not some dark, and gloomy prison. Narcissa guided her into the Sun room.
Ellie smiles brightly, this use to be her favorite room when she was little. All glass sides and a glass roof so that the sun shine seeped through the whole room.
“So how are things at the Hospital?” Ellie bites down on her lower lip debating on telling her about Astoria showing up to her work. But she knew that it would do nothing but add stress to Narcissa and she didn’t want that.
“Ive been checking up on a lot of paper work as of late. I put it off until the last minute if I can help it.” Narcissa laughs and shakes her head.
“Yes I remember your father complaining about that when you would do it in school. Ellie glances down at her cup. Mostly she had done it just to get on her father’s nerves, but it had become a habit over time.
“And how is everything her Cissa?” The woman gives her a curious look but sighs loudly.
“Astoria drops by every other day, pleading with me to, talk sense into Draco about starting up the engagement again….You know I had hoped that you two would have found your way to each other.” Ellie’s face turns red as she looks up at Narcissa in shock.Ellie didn’t know what to say to that. It had completely caught her off guard.
“Why would you say something like that Draco and I never saw each other that way.” Ellie says a little to quickly. Narcissa laughs and gives Ellie a look like she doesn’t believe her.
“You two were adorable together as children and as you grew you brought out different sides of each other. I was so sure- Severus was too.” Ellie didn’t think that her face could get any redder than it was now.
“Aunt Cissa! Please!” Ellie covers her face with her hands, Narcissa just  smiles down into her cup. Laughter draws their attention as the Sun room doors open.
Ellie’s face flushes again at the site of Draco and Tom. Draco froze in his tracks as he glanced between his mother and Ellie in confusion.
“Mum, I thought- Oh you didn’t!” He groans pinching the bridge of his nose. Confusion was settling over Ellie as she tried to figure out was going on.
“Is it so wrong that I wanted my son and my two godchildren here for one afternoon?” Ellie’s mouth falls open. Narcissa had set her up. Ellie sets her cup down on the table and stands up dusting off her dress.
“I’ll go Aunt Cissy. That way you can spend time with Draco and Tom.” Narcissa opens her mouth to say something, but Ellie had done moved passed her and side stepped Tom when he tried to reach out and grab her.
Her heart hammered inside her rib cage as her finger tips brushes Draco’s.  She made her way toward the front door, when a warm hand wrapped around her wrist pulling her back. She stumbled backwards and an arm wrapped around her torso, catching her before she fell.
“Bug, stay…please.” Draco’s low voice sent a chill across Ellie’s skin. Damn it! She was still weak to his softer side. She didn’t like that he had that effect on her.
“Let go.” Draco released her in a flash. Holding his hands up in surrender as she turned around to look at him. His stormy irises holding her in place. She lets out a clipped sigh and tried to ignore the fact that the tips of her ears were burning.
“Fine! Draco’s body relaxed at her answer and Ellie ignored it. Moving passed him she made her way back to the Sun room and sat down on the sofa close to Tom. Tom arches an eyebrow at her but doesn’t say anything.
“I’m glad that you decided to stay dear.” Ellie forces a smile. She wasn’t going to admit that she couldn’t take seeing a hurt expression on Draco’s face if she would have said no and left anyway. Ellie glanced at Draco as he sat down on the arm of the sofa. He was keeping his distance from her.
“Draco dear how is it working with Harry?” Draco rolls his eyes at his mother’s attempt at small talk.
“Still the same as it was last month. I will never understand why they paired us up together.” Ellie stiffles a giggle. She knew how much Draco disliked Harry. And the fact that the Auror department had paired them up together was hilarious. Draco looks down at Ellie and arches an eyebrow at her.
“I don’t think that you have room to talk, Do you not work with Dean Thomas?” Ellie smiles smugily.
“I do. I enjoy his company as long as he isnt talking about one of his many dates.” Draco huffs a laugh. Ellie’s smile falters slightly and she turns toward Tom.
“So you and Granger huh?” Tom gives her a ‘Really’ look. Knowing that she was only trying to make sure that she didn’t have to talk to Draco to much. Tom knew Ellie well enough to know that she was soft hearted and would forgive Draco if she got to comfortable with him again. Tom smirks.
“I see what you’re doing little badger. It wont work.” Ellie narrows her eyes at Tom as he smiles at her. She was not happy that he wouldn’t play along.
“Ellie you never did tell me how your date with George went when you last wrote me.” Ellie surpresses a groan as she turns her attention back to Narcissa. But she could feel Draco’s eyes burning a hole in the side of her face.
“It didn’t actually. It would seem that there is something going on between him and Fred’s old girlfriend, And I dislike that kind of drama. So I took myself out of the situation.” Narcissa frowns and her eyes cut over toward Draco.
“Idiot.” Ellie slowly turns and looks at Draco. He had obviously said it under his breath but had he meant for her to hear it?
Alarms sounded, making Ellie jump and pull her phone out of her pocket, the blood drained from her face.
“Eliza whats the matter?” Ellie stands up quickly and sends a reply quickly.
“Two children came in to the hospital with Dragon poxs. I have to go.” Draco’s stomache dropped. Kids and Dragons pox? He inhales a deep breath as he watches Ellie rush out of the Sun room.
“Go. I know that you want to make sure that she is alright.” Draco gives his mother a small smile before getting up and following behind Ellie.

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