Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to @FarheenKhalid1
Thank you for reading my story!


My little Angel is a little defiant isn't he? I thought as my grey meet his blues. A smirk forms on my lips at the panicked look on his face. Somebody is calling for a spanking that I'm very much itching to give. We stare into each other's eyes for what seems like forever.

But before I could do anything about it one of my men appears in front of me. "They are ready for you Donna!" That's a name for a female mafia leader. I nod and glance at Angel one more time before following him into the private quarters of the club. Of all my clubs this is my favourite one , it was the first club I opened when I ventured into this business and now I own clubs and bars all across the country and it's where I hold some of my meetings. Mostly Mafia related .

And tonight my meeting is with that idiot Santiago Herrera , I'm already running low on patience and knowing that Angel is in this place is not helping the situation either.

I walk into the room to find him with three other men in black suits. They are standing behind him so I'm assuming his guards. He doesn't stand from his chair when I enter which is a sign of disrespect but I choose to ignore it  because I want to get this over and done with and back to my Angel, I need to get him out of this place. This man insufferable and the more time I spend with him the more likely it is I'm going to punch him in the gut.

" Mr Herrera , how may I be of assistance?" I start the conversation as I sit behind my office desk. Two of my men flagging me. I don't need numbers I could just as easily take this guy out, him and his bodyguards. But Kar warned not to start any trouble tonight so I'll behave.

" I think you know exactly what this is about.... You killed my son, my heir." Right of course he doesn't even care that his son is dead only that he'll have no heir to carry on his tuck shop.

"I didn't know he was your son." Of course I'm not going to apologise for what I did. His son was a scum bag who preyed on the innocent, it's an unwritten rule that we don't touch innocent people. He looks at me and sneers disgustingly.

"How are you going to take responsibility for this ?"

" First of all don't talk down to be like I'm one of your bimbos." I say menacingly and enjoy watching him squirm in his chair at the sound of my voice. Thing is, this isn't my first rodeo, a man coming here flexing his muscles with the intend of scaring me because I'm a woman. I crush them every time.

"Second, your son was a scum below the lowest scum   who was about to kidnap an innocent. You know as well as I do that innocent people shouldn't get dragged into our world." I said I'd behave and hold myself back from messing up his face I didn't say anything about holding back words.

" And thirdly , you know what I hate most? Weak men, men who prey on the defenceless and you Mr Santiago are weak, now get up and get out of my office while I'm still being civil." Now I'm bothering on angry and dangerous. They dared touch my kitten and think they will get away with it. I give him my most dangerous look and watch him squirm under my gaze. Satisfied by the way he responds to my glare I hold it even longer.He clears his throat seemingly uncomfortable, the air is now dark and omnibus. We stare at each other fighting for dominance until he finally gives in and stands up.

" This is far from over, you'll get what's coming to you ." He says before storming out of the room. Yeah he doesn't scare me not one bit he can only cause a little trouble nothing I can't handle. Now to handle a different kind of trouble.

I get up from my chair and out the door to find him. I've been think about our almost kiss and my lips have been itching to taste his ever since, I couldn't focus on anything else but those pink, delicious looking lips. But I'm not going to pass up the opportunity again. I walk inside the club and look around but I don't see him anywhere. Taking my phone out I call the control room " where is he?"

" In the bathroom Donna!" I drop and almost skip all the way to the bathroom. When I get there I see him coming out of the men's bathrooms. His eyes widen at the sight of me. Cute!

" is there something you'd like to say to me kitten?" He hesitates for a minute trying to find something to say and he settles for "Uhhh did you have a good day?" I bite the inside of my mouth to stop a smile forming and walk closer to him until our feet are almost touching. " I recall telling you to stop going to clubs at night kotyonek"

"You are not the boss of me" he says nervously and I raise a brow in amusement "well technically you are... I mean you are my boss... I mean you are not my boss outside work is what I mean." He cutely tries to explain.

With my hands in my pant pockets I get closer until our toes are touching and tower over him. I think it's time I show the little kotyonek who's in charge.

"Is that so?" I say


"I think it's time I show you who's boss little kitten." With that I finally claim his lips with my own. At first he's too stunned to respond but I'm here to take what's mine so I continue kissing him.

He quickly responds to the kiss, his soft lips on mine it's electric, I feel sparks flow all over my body as I continue to deepen the kiss. Finally I get to have a taste. The kiss is not gentle and slow, it rough and demanding and needy, I've been waiting three years for this so I'm going take as much of it as I can. I take my hands out of my pockets and place my right at the back of his head and the left one I let rest on his left cheek.

He lets out a sexy moan as I deepen the the kiss even more, needing to taste every bit of him, he taste delicious, like candie and caramel popcorn. I nip at his lips with my teeth and gain entrance to his mouth. The kiss goes on like that for a few more moments until we both need to come up for air.

I place my forehead on his and close my eyes savouring the moment. After I had calmed down I look him in the eyes and say, "I'm barely holding myself back from taking you over my knee and spanking those smart remarks out of you. Stop testing me and get out of this place."

He blushes and nods his head but I think that's because he is incapable of forming any words right now.

"Words kitten."

"I'll go." He responds

"I'll have one of my men take you home, now come on." I take his hand in mine and walk with him into the club. The people around us look at us with interest, probably wondering who this guy whose hand I'm holding is. I've never dated anyone in public before.  Some look on with interest while others look on with envy. I've many of them try to come on to me and failing terribly.

We walk to the exit and find a car already waiting, damn! my men are efficient. I guide Angel into the car and watch it leave for his apartment. I would have liked to go with him but I want to give him space to deal with why just happened.

I was about to go back into the club when my phone pings a message

"Ncaw, you look so in love, too bad it won't be for long."

I look at the text for what feels like eternity,my heart stops for a minute and my blood runs cold. It's the same number that Karina couldn't trace.

With my heart in my throat, I ignore the text and dial my driver's number. "Change of plans, take him to my house."  I need to keep him safe myself. Don't get me wrong I trust my men, I've had them watching over him for three years but I'll only get peace of mind if I have eyes on him 25/7, my own eyes. With a new resolve and a plan I get back into the club to collect my things and then head home.

End of another chap.  I hope you enjoy it😁
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