Chapter 15

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She walks closer to me like a predator stalking It's prey, eyes darkening and a dangerous wave coming off of her .With every step she took forward, I took one back until I was backed up against the wall behind me. She placed her hands on either sides of my head and lowered her face to my left ear and said,

"I'll call you whatever I want and if I ever catch you looking at another woman like that again, I'll kill her! I don't care if it's my cousin,Got it, little kitten?" Her voice stern and very deadly and I knew I was in trouble. A shiver went through my body at how close she was. If I dared to move just a little bit to the left our lips would meet.

She moved her face from my side and it's now right in my face and the sweet scent of lavender attacks my nostrils. Dark grey orbs staring into mine as if daring me to make a slight movement. " I'm not a kitten" I protest. I glint of amusement is now evident on her face. It's like the more I protest is the more I fire her up.

" You are my little kitten whether you like it or not , mine!" She growls the last part in a low animalistic voice that sends heat all the way to my lower member and I feel it stir a little . She moves closer to my face, just a little bit more and we'd kis.... Ring ring  sounds the tone of my stupid phone ruining the mood and killing the atmosphere.

Talk about perfect timing (cue the sarcastic eye roll) As if the sound made her come to her senses she takes a few steps back and then turns to walk back to her desk.

I curse my phone and whoever was calling me to hell as I take a deep breath and take it out of my pocket. A smile comes to my face though when I see the caller ID showing the name of my favourite person in the whole world. I quick excuse myself and walk out of the office to take the call.


"Hey sweetheart, I'm just calling you to check on you. How are you holding up? I saw on the news what happened to your colleague, are you okay honey?"

There she goes always worrying too much about me and not enough about herself. My mom is my rock and my best friend, she's the only person who has been by my side my whole life and has never left me. She is a bit of a worry wart when it comes to me though,chock it up to being a single mother with an anxiety stricken kid.

My mom was only 22 years old when she had me due to a one night stand, I was totally unplanned so people would tell her to give me up for adoption and not ruin her future because of a kid and that she could have more kids later when she was successful and married but she decided to keep me and because of that her family disowned her.

she used to work as a waitress and didn't make enough to raise a kid on her own so growing we didn't have much but now I put her in retirement and provide her with everything that she needs. I owe her my life. She's my special person.

Growing up I spend most of my time with her because I used to be anxious around people yet I was always comfortable and relaxed around her. I guess that's why she worries a lot, that I don't go out so I never meet new people and I will grow old alone and lonely. I didn't mind that , I was actually comfortable with being alone, that is until I met Her .

Sighing deeply and getting out of my thought before I go any deeper I answered , "I'm fine mama."

"I know that sound, what's wrong baby, is anyone bothering you?"
This woman knows me too well and nothing gets past her. I'm currently seating at my desk and so I raise my head and look at the source of all my troubles, looking as beautiful as the day I first met her.

well of course and the fact that I was almost kidnapped but I can't tell her that. She'll have a heart attack.

"Look mom, I had to go I have a lot of work to do." I need to escape before I end up telling her everything. I could never hide anything from her.

"Okay honey I was also calling to tell you that I will be in the city next weekend, I'm visiting a friend but I'll drop by to see you." She sounds disappointed by my cutting her off but I have time to dwell on that as I'm both excited and scared about her visit. I haven't seen her in such a long time.

"Okay Mama, see you next weekend." I say and drop the phone. Long weekend that will be.

Looking at the dark screen that is my phone I am reminded of Jean and how I had promised to meet her. I immediately text her to meet at her favourite club. I don't like going to clubs, there's too many sweaty bodies and loud music but I feel like I owe her this much. After receiving an immediate answer from her about the time to meet I focus on work so that when I leave for the evening everything will be in order.

I don't see Lina for the rest of the day which I'm thankful for because I can't really face her right now after our almost kiss. After leaving work at 5pm I went to my apartment to freshen up and change my outfit into more comfortable clothes, a track pant and a hoodie, my comfort clothes. I'm here to comfort a friend not hook up so I don't need to dress up for anyone.

With the hood of my sweater on my head, covering my face I enter the club, I must admit I'm still anxious being here after what happened the last time I came to a club, but the first step to beating my anxiety is going ahead and doing what's making me anxious and when I achieve that I win over my anxiety . One other thing that my therapist used to say was to stop taking ownership of it by calling it "my anxiety"  but I don't seem to have that down yet.

I slowly walk up to the bar and order a glass of water and then catch an empty table in the corner of the room where there's less traffic of people. Jean is not here yet so I take out my phone and keep playing with it while waiting. As I'm scrolling through my phone I feel a shiver go through my body  and I raise up my head to look around. That's when I see it, beautiful dark grey orbs staring directly at me from across the room.

Ohh uh, the last time we met at a club I promised to stop clubbing.

Hey guys I'm thinking of changing the name of the book. What do you guys think about this tittle "The Mafia Queen's Obsession" I feel like it's more fitting for the idea I want to push for this book.

Anyway please comment and tell me what you think about the new name and also vote vote vote!

love ya!

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