3.1: Summer Sun

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July 31st, 2012

"Don't drop the cake!" Draco hissed as we followed Nana up the cobblestone steps that lead to the Longbottom's front door

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"Don't drop the cake!" Draco hissed as we followed Nana up the cobblestone steps that lead to the Longbottom's front door. She was visiting Augusta and we begged her to let us come along so we could see Neville.

"I'm not gonna drop it." I sassed as I held the cake box firmly in my hands. Draco begged to bake a cake for Neville since his birthday was yesterday. He'd become obsessed with the idea of making sure everyone had cake on their birthday ever since he'd finally had his own.

"Sorry, sorry. I just don't want-"

"You don't need to explain yourself love. I understand, I'm not going to drop the cake." I whispered as Nana knocked on the door and he nodded his head.

"Good afternoon Ms. Vablatsky, Gran is in the sun room waiting for you. Oh hello Draco, Emerald, I wasn't expecting you two today." Neville greeted as he opened the door and let us in.

"We brought you cake!" Draco smiled gesturing to the box in my hands and I nodded as Nana walked further into the house. She left the three of us to talk so we followed Neville to the kitchen.

"Yeah, happy late birthday Nev." I offered handing the box over to him. He smiled as he took it and gently sat it on the counter.

"Thank you, you guys didn't have to do this-"

"But we wanted too." I said, quickly cutting him off.

"We didn't know what kind you liked but it's chocolate with vanilla frosting. We used food coloring to make it yellow." Draco explained happy he finally got to make a cake for someone else.

"That's actually my favorite so thanks!" Neville cheered. He then reached into a drawer for three forks and a knife before grabbing three plates from the cupboard.

We spent the rest of the day eating cake, playing board games, and catching up.


August 15th, 2012
(Middle Of The Night)

August 15th, 2012 (Middle Of The Night)

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"Dottie." Draco whispered as he shook me awake. I turned away from him but he poked my arm repeatedly.

"'M sleepin dray." I groaned with my face buried in the pillow but that didn't stop him. I let out a sigh before flopping back on my stomach and turning my head to face him.

"Yes?" I mumbled still fighting to stay asleep.

"I think Regulus is here." He whispered causing my eyes to snap open and look at him.

"What?" I asked confused. Regulus was still away on 'business', he wouldn't be here unless something was wrong.

"I got up to go to the bathroom and I think I heard him in the kitchen talking to Sandy." He urged and I slowly pulled myself out of bed, accepting the sweater he handed me. Greatful for it because as soon as I took the covers off I felt like I was freezing.

"Is this yours?" I asked looking down after I put it on and he shrugged.

"Probably. I don't mind if you wear it though." He whispered before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen.

"Reggie?" I gasped when I saw him leaning against the counter while talking to Nana.

"Hey kiddo, did I wake you? I know how much you need your sleep." He whispered before holding his arms out and I rushed forward to hug him. Nana must of told him about New York.

"Don't worry about that. What are you doing here?" I asked nervously as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Needed some supplies and I was in the area." He explained while glancing over my shoulder and smiling at Draco.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned while studying him and he sighed looking over at Nana. She quickly shook her head and Regulus nodded before looking back at me.

"Everything is fine. Why don't you two go back to bed and we can talk tomorrow?" He offered with a soft smile before kissing the top of my head and pulling away from the hug.

"You promise?"

"You have my word." He agreed before gesturing to my room. I groaned but grabbed Draco's hand and we left the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Draco whispered once we were out of ear shot.

"Can I tell you a secret? Something you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even Theo?" I muttered closing my bedroom door behind us as he nodded.

I proceeded to tell him everything I knew. About Regulus being Harry's father, about his secret missions, saving him from the cave. I told him about why Regulus says we can't trust Dumbledore. Everything I knew, Draco now knew as well.

"Wait, wait, wait! I thought James and Lily were Harry's parents?" Draco muttered confused as he attempted to take everything in.

"Rumor. Lily is his godmother. Reggie's older brother Sirius is his godfather but he's in Azkaban." I said while shaking my head at the untrue information.

"Wait, why is he in Azkaban?"

"Dumbledore let him go to jail for a crime he didn't commit. He's there for a life sentence but Reggie says as soon as he has enough evidence to prove it, he's gonna try to get him out." I offered as an explanation. I didn't know everything but I knew enough to know Sirius was innocent in whatever it was they believed he did.

"And Regulus is going on secret missions to stop You-Know-Who from coming back? He's doing it alone?" I nodded confirming his question.

"Has too. If anyone other than us found out he was still Alive it would only be a matter of time before Dumbledore got wind of his plans. Then who knows what could happen." I sighed. I didn't like the idea of Regulus being alone out there but it was what was best for all of us. If everything he says is true then Dumbledore would stop at nothing to protect his name.

Albus Dumbledore was a vain man to a fault. Unfortunately the only people who knew how big that fault was, were dead.

"Wait, but how did you save him from the cave?" Draco asked and I panicked.

"Um, accidental magic I think? That parts a little harder to explain." I lied but it seemed to be enough for Draco. Well technically is wasn't a lie. It was magic and it was an accident.

Just not in the way I was allowing Draco to believe.

"Wow..." He muttered taking it all in.

"Yeah." I agreed.

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