5.6: Any Rumor You Heard Is Probably True

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November 7th, 2013

"It's ridiculous that they're actually playing in this weather

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"It's ridiculous that they're actually playing in this weather." I yelled over the rain in order for Tracey, Daphne, and Astoria to hear me.

Today's match was supposed to be Gryffindor versus Slytherin but for whatever reason Hufflepuff will be playing instead. Honestly I had half a mind to go back to the castle and skip the game. I'd much rather be in the library anyway, but Pansy insisted we all go. She wanted to scope out the teams, whoever won would be playing Slytherin next week and she wanted to see who it would be first hand.

"I'm here!" Pansy announced crawling over people to get to us. Her short black hair sticking to her face.

"I cannot believe you convinced us to come out here!" Enzo complained as the boys followed her. Draco being on the very end, sitting the furthest from me. The two of us haven't spoken in days and it was definitely causing tension in the group but we were all trying to ignore it. But I wasn't ready to hear the truth, I wasn't ready to hear that maybe Xavier had been right, or worse...that he'd been lying to me.

"It's starting!" Daphne yelled as Mattheo moved over to stand next to her. The pair had finally started dating not that long ago and I couldn't be happier for them.

"It looks like blobs of ketchup and mustard floating around!" Theo laughed causing everyone around us to laugh too.


"Look! He's fallen from his broom!" A voice yelled from somewhere around us. I gasped looking up to see Harry rapidly falling through the air.

Looking around, I wondered if anyone was going to do anything before I groaned.

"Fuck it." I muttered raising my hand with my palms towards the sky.

"Stop!" I demanded and the rain stopped immediately, waving my hands in a circle the frozen rain drops began moving around Harry.

"Carry him." I commanded and the rain turned into a makeshift slide, carrying Harry's unconscious body to the ground.

Everything was quiet as I slowly dropped my arms to my sides, letting out a sigh of relief. I saw Pomfrey rush out with a medical mat flying behind her, once she hand Harry off the field I snapped my fingers and the storm continued.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?!" Theo yelled in shock and I turned to see everyone looking at me in shock.

"Um...magic?" I offered sheepishly.


A Few Days Later

A Few Days Later

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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