♱ ─ mindless

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chapter 8: As the night deepened, the anticipation for another Biter fight simmered in the air, tingling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Across the town square, the aroma of barbecue wafted, mingling with the chatter and laughter of the gathered crowd. Families and friends mingled, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of flickering flames, forging bonds amidst the shadows of uncertainty.

Amidst the revelry, the neighbour's golden retriever frolicked with boundless energy, darting through the throngs of people, its tail wagging furiously. Its joyful barks punctuated the air, a stark contrast to the tension brewing beneath the surface. 

Wren, caught amid the festivities, couldn't help but feel a pang of unease as the dog's playful antics intersected with the grim reality lurking just beyond the town's borders. "Shut up," Throwing the dog a hotdog. 

"Isn't that cannibalism," Emilia, one of Wren's other friends had asked sitting there. "If you logically think about it," She had that looked to her with the heat beaming down on them. Nothing but defeated. She squinted her eyes at the rays of the sun. 

Drinking the lemonade that was cold enough inside of her hand. "Why are we logically thinking about dogs?" said Wren. 

Melina had walked passed the two of the girls talking to one another. Only glancing to check in on her. "More Ice," Jaydn lugged it towards the drink station. 

Her gaze fixated on Mahonne, who stood amidst the crowd, observing everyone with a detached air. Abruptly, she pivoted, shoving someone before striding away, leaving an air of potential trouble in her wake. Melina said nothing to Jaydn, merely trailing after Mahonne, curious about her intentions.

Phillip remained elusive, likely holed up inside his house. Melina's footsteps echoed softly on the concrete as she shadowed Michonne deeper into unfamiliar territory, eventually leading them to an abandoned building harbouring Biters for illicit fights.

Approaching cautiously, Melina glimpsed the imprisoned Biters, their frenzied movements and guttural sounds reverberating against the confines of their cage. Concealed amidst the foliage, she observed, waiting to see how events would unfold.

With calculated force, Michonne unlatched the gate, its rusty hinges protesting as it swung open. The Biters wasted no time, lunging and clawing their way out, hungry for freedom. Melina, seizing her weapon from its holster, watched intently, her grip tightening.

As Michonne confronted the horde, her katana poised defensively, the scene erupted into chaos. With lethal precision, she dispatched the Biters, severing limbs and ending their undead existence with each swift stroke. The metallic clang of her blade echoed in the air as brains were splattered and bodies fell.

A lone Biter crept towards Michonne, mistakenly believing itself unnoticed. Reacting swiftly, Melina drew her gun, her aim steady as she fired, the report of the shot shattering the eerie silence. The Biter collapsed, a crimson spray erupting from its skull upon impact, its demise marking the abrupt end to the confrontation.

Standing there impressed by the things that Michonne had been able to do something like that. "Hand it over, I don't wanna hurt you,"" Speaking to her, hoping the woman would finally respond. 

"You don't have to." Shaking her head, and looking at Melina; her voice stayed low. 

Controlling her voice more as she tried to get through to the women. "Put it down," Knowing she wasn't going to budge and just want to get into her head. "Looks like we both have the upper hand, so-" Holding her gun out with both of her hands. 

With the continuing of her cold tone; Michonne sighed. "I'm not handing it over," 

"Neither am I," Both of them seemed to be on edge around each other. 

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