S02E08 - The Mysterious Boy! He's Just Jake!

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The audience marveled as Jake fell onto his back, and Shade sheathed his shadow bokken. This fight was over already. There was no coming back for Jake after that. Shade started walking towards the edge of the ring as Red started counting. Then as Red reached the count of three, Shade heard something come from behind. A giggle. He turned around to see Jake blow up into hysterics, laughing and kicking whilst clutching his stomach. Shade's eyes widened, as Jake immediately stood back up.

"Is that really all you've got?" Jake asked, picking his nose. "I expected more from you."

"You've got some nerve," Shade replied, unsheathing his bokken, a tense look in his eye. "How are you standing right now?!"

Jake shrugged. "I guess you aren't as powerful as you lead yourself to believe."

"How dare you mock me!"

Shade channeled his energy once again, raising his bokken over his shoulder. He flung it forward and another blast of darkness emerged from the bokken's blade, slicing through the air. This time Jake raised his guard, two arms to cover his face. He didn't even move as the shadow strike hit him, and once it struck, he lowered his guard, smiling. He raised a single finger and tilted it from left to right.

"Silly Shade," he said. "If the first one didn't hurt me, why would the second?"

What's this guy made of?! Shade thought to himself, starting to panic. He was his teams only hope at victory at this point, if his shadow strike wasn't enough, what would be? He stood there, frozen, trying to think of something but only pulled up short straws as his shadow strike was supposed to be his ace in the hole. Not to mention, his energy was depleting, and fast. He needed to rejuvenate somehow but it's not like he could turn to Kore and ask him for an invigoration gummy, that was against the rules. He needed to find somewhere dark he could rest for a few moments.

He turned his attention to Jake's shadow, perfect. He ran towards the shadow but just as he was about to drop in, Jake stopped him, placing a single hand on his chest and pushing him back with incredible force that sent him skidding across the ring. Jake then swooped in, knocking Shade over with a punch to the face. Shade quickly got up but as he did, he was struck with another punch, then a kick, then a third punch. Shade stumbled, then as Jake came in with another kick, he raised his bokken and blocked it, Jake's shin connecting with the blade.

"Nice reflexes," Jake commented. "Let's see if you can block this one though."

Jake leapt into the air, and struck Shade in the cheek with his other shin. Shade staggered, as Jake came in with full force, a flurry of lefts and rights that struck Shade all over. The final strike was a punch to the ribs that sent Shade keeling over. Jake grabbed Shade by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up, holding him in place as he stared into his eyes.

"I had high hopes for you, Shade," Jake shook his head. "I'm insulted that this was the best you could give me."

Shade smirked. "Actually... You're right where I want you..."


Shade reached out his hands, and shoved Jake to the side before dropping inside his shadow. It was dark in there, most people wouldn't be able to see a thing in this circumstance. But Shade was used to the darkness. He flourished in it. He sat in Jake's shadow with his arms and legs crossed, trying to replenish his energy. He could feel it seeping into his skin, coursing through his veins, rejuvenating his soul.

On the outside of the shadow, Jake was looking around, wondering where Shade ran off to. He scratched his head and peered down at his shadow before kneeling down and intently staring at it. He punched his shadow but nothing happened. He tried grasping at it like he saw Shade do earlier with Lardo's shadow but still, nothing, his fingers simply scraped across the surface of the ring.